SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Good morning everyone :love:

Are we having fun yet? You can be sure I am. :laughtwo: Rolled out of bed and went right to the business at hand.


Harvest is a special flavor of joy, don't you agree? :battingeyelashes: I'll be back with a harvest report later. I am soooo hungry! :laughtwo:

Continue with your joyful day. I'll catch up in a bit. :ciao:
Hey sue good morning hope ur having a great start of the day. I was just wondering how do u wash a whole plant like that or do you not??
HARVEST: Devil's Carnival 1.2 (Day 110, flip + 45)


Well. She made it to day 45 of bloom, but she's filled with nanners. :laughtwo:






She'll hang for about four days in these dry conditions, and then I'll carefully trim and grab all those pollen packs. Somewhere along the line I'll use them to get another girl seeded, and hopefully that'll begin to stabilize the chemovar and they'll stop throwing out nanners. I may find seeds in this girl's buds, but they might not be mature enough to be viable.

I'm not worried about this tendency to self-pollinate. I can grow them isolated in their own tents, which should limit damage to other bloomers.





A little flash action. :laughtwo:


This is the lowest-lying bud on the plant. Not the smallest, just the one furthest from the light. I'd say the Timber Grow Lights Citizen COBs did a bang-up job. :blunt:


I hit it with the flash to show you how frosty it is. :yahoo:


She was unweighed before hanging. You know, it just occured to me, after three years of growing, that the easiest way to get a harvest weight is to weigh the entire thing, pot and all, cut, and weigh the pot to see what's left after the plant's removed. Hahaha! Three years that took. Lol!

I'm pretty sure she's in excess of two ounces, maybe close to three. By next week we'll know. :cheesygrinsmiley:


The aftermath:

After a couple test fits I determined Chem Dawg was the better candidate for the tent. Malawi is too horizontally spread out, and I don't want to have her jammed up against the tent sides.

She looks like she'll be happy here. :cheesygrinsmiley:


My expansive Malawi got the tiny closet, which she'll share with the DC clone in the solo cup that I haven't figured out what I'm doing with yet. :laughtwo: I've another DC clone ready to be potted, so I'll drop it in here too. Sooner or later I'll come up with a plan. It's almost like one is writing itself. Lol!


While I was in the area I took the time to rearrange the veg shelf. I'll be upcanning Carnival 4.6 into her finish pot soon and that meant everyone had to make room for the big pot.




I'll miss this one. There was an uncustomary little twinge of regret when I chopped. :laughtwo: I'm beginning to really enjoy growing this pheno. I'm excited to see how the next specimen turns out in soil.
Hey sue good morning hope ur having a great start of the day. I was just wondering how do u wash a whole plant like that or do you not??

Morning Jones :hug:

Because she has nanners that I want to harvest as well I didn't wash the buds.

I'm trying this little humidifier out in my work area today.
With so many plants in an apartment I imagine Sue’s house always smells like her favorite essential oil.

Hahaha! Right you are Doob. :laughtwo: Came home after my walk and shopping, opened the door, stepped in next to the harvested DC and smiled in happy contentment.

It's so funny that I don't notice it after a couple minutes, until I come back in from outdoors again. It just smells like home. :battingeyelashes:
I'm with you, Sue....no filters in my house and at this point, 4 years in, am oblivious to any smell of the 72 plants growing downstairs....It just smells like home
I'm with you, Sue....no filters in my house and at this point, 4 years in, am oblivious to any smell of the 72 plants growing downstairs....It just smells like home

OH Shawnee....the mere thought of having 72 plants growing at one time gives me goosebumps. :laughtwo:

I chose Carnival for my evening smoke, and that meant I ended up doing all those little chores I'd been putting off like cleaning roots out of perlite, scrubbing pots, and amending soil. You know, all the chores we love, which is why they build up in the corners of the room. :cheesygrinsmiley:


It always tickles me to find myself at 11 PM, kneeling next to a bin, up to my elbows in soil as I churn it up the old-fashioned way. Lol! I've been waiting for my order of amendment to come in so I could finish that bin. Feels good to get it out of the way. A 30-day cook and she'll be ready to go.

Shawnee.. I'm curious, how do you mix your soil? One of these days I'll get real smart and buy a short spade. Hmmm.... I'll add that to my list for the order later this month.

It's been a long day. Think I'll check a couple special threads and call it a night.

Goodnight moon. :love:
Evening Ms Sue :)

Lol so your going to let the Malawi “share” a space you say huh? :rofl: keep Penny and I posted on how that works out ok :rofl: she’s like the Giant Sequoia and is gonna take over like a boss!!! With the National Forest it’s only proper you have this fine specimen to marvel.........if you do carve a tunnel thru the trunk of her please take some pics ok? :)
Evening Ms Sue :)

Lol so your going to let the Malawi “share” a space you say huh? :rofl: keep Penny and I posted on how that works out ok :rofl: she’s like the Giant Sequoia and is gonna take over like a boss!!! With the National Forest it’s only proper you have this fine specimen to marvel.........if you do carve a tunnel thru the trunk of her please take some pics ok? :)

:laughtwo: The little clones are there temporarily. Lol! She's already looking like she's measuring the space. Haha! Thank goodness I have verticle space to work with.
Drive-by. Be careful of hermied pollen. It isn't a trait you really want in a garden.. That Red Desiel makes a workable plant. You can let her get as big as you want and shouldn't stretch alot. Hell, yours are clones and Jgrow can tell ya how much she does. Mine didn't. But it was a different plant. Looking foreward to seeing it flower for ya. GL and Keepem Green
Drive-by. Be careful of hermied pollen. It isn't a trait you really want in a garden.. That Red Desiel makes a workable plant. You can let her get as big as you want and shouldn't stretch alot. Hell, yours are clones and Jgrow can tell ya how much she does. Mine didn't. But it was a different plant. Looking foreward to seeing it flower for ya. GL and Keepem Green

Mornin' Woody. :hug: Yeah.... I hear ya on the pollen. The only use for it will be to attempt to stabilize the line and get it to stop going hermie. I'll be sure to isolate the plants from the rest of the girls until then.

Thankfully, I've evolved this multiple tent arrangement, allowing me to keep them from each other. That should increase my chances of keeping the lines from interbreeding.

Be careful driving. :ciao:

Good morning everyone :love:

Last couple nights I've almost gone to bed around midnight, but instead pushed past and kept going, to find myself reaching for the Chem Dawg at 2 AM. Tonight I think I'll try just going to bed at midnight, and see how that goes. :laughtwo:

We have nearly spring-like weather here today. I take it everyone else is getting the same seasonal dance? By Sunday it'll be back in the 20s. Enjoy the brief reprieve from freezing. I know I will. I finally got a walk in yesterday, after almost a week off. I'll be back out there again today, even if it has to be in the rain. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Before I run off for steamy-hit hydro therapy let me drop a little canna joy on you. I'll continue flushing until I see amber trichome, but this girl looks like she's ready to come down to me. As of today she's 68 days under flowering lights. Tell me she doesn't look like I should be scheduling.

When I open the tent she looks like she's lunging to come out and play. :laughtwo:



The main cola is almost completely turned. I'll definitely get the loupe out and go exploring today when I flush her again.



Looks like a weekend harvest to me. I wanted to keep her going until she started to fade the leaves, but she shows no signs of going there. Like I said, first time I see amber I'll chop the next morning.

Alright guys, I'll catch up later. Back to your joyful day. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
"And the beat goes on....."

:laughtwo: That's what was running through my head as I worked on this little project.




Now Malawi has the closet all to herself.

Mornin' Woody. :hug: Yeah.... I hear ya on the pollen. The only use for it will be to attempt to stabilize the line and get it to stop going hermie. I'll be sure to isolate the plants from the rest of the girls until then.

Thankfully, I've evolved this multiple tent arrangement, allowing me to keep them from each other. That should increase my chances of keeping the lines from interbreeding.

Be careful driving. :ciao:

Good morning everyone :love:

Last couple nights I've almost gone to bed around midnight, but instead pushed past and kept going, to find myself reaching for the Chem Dawg at 2 AM. Tonight I think I'll try just going to bed at midnight, and see how that goes. :laughtwo:

We have nearly spring-like weather here today. I take it everyone else is getting the same seasonal dance? By Sunday it'll be back in the 20s. Enjoy the brief reprieve from freezing. I know I will. I finally got a walk in yesterday, after almost a week off. I'll be back out there again today, even if it has to be in the rain. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Before I run off for steamy-hit hydro therapy let me drop a little canna joy on you. I'll continue flushing until I see amber trichome, but this girl looks like she's ready to come down to me. As of today she's 68 days under flowering lights. Tell me she doesn't look like I should be scheduling.

When I open the tent she looks like she's lunging to come out and play. :laughtwo:



The main cola is almost completely turned. I'll definitely get the loupe out and go exploring today when I flush her again.



Looks like a weekend harvest to me. I wanted to keep her going until she started to fade the leaves, but she shows no signs of going there. Like I said, first time I see amber I'll chop the next morning.

Alright guys, I'll catch up later. Back to your joyful day. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Omg man sue that is a great lookn plant im drooling over here haha. It's got me all kinds of giddy over here im like come on fed ex hurry up with my light :rofl:. I can't make up my mind if I wana use the new light my closet to finish out flowering the 2 girls i got in there right now. Or rearrange the veg tent and put my t8s up some where else. That would free up my mars hydro tent for my new light and what ever girls i put under there with the dwc bucket. But then I would need to make a stand or sumthn to hold up my t8s lol. I really wana get alil stand like u have with the little metal on i believe u had it as ur veg shelf if im remembering right atleast i think it was u in one of ur journals i seen it lol if im wrong jus let me know haha. But yea amazing garden skillz u have say I must haha. I'm watching stars and and Yoda popped up lol. Anyway hope ur day is going great supersue and keep up the great work :Namaste:.
I've tried to answer that post twice, to swipe it away both times. :laughtwo: I'm coasting on the high side of Happy this morning. Just downed my second brownie and the first one kicked in hard. Lol! I'll get back to you later Jones. :cheesygrinsmiley:
LadyG... look away from the bright pink light. :hug:

Ladies and gentlemen, we have amber! :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:

She comes down tomorrow. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I can't wait for the next one. :laughtwo: Ooo.... I'll need to upcan her tomorrow when the tent's scrubbed out.
Omg man sue that is a great lookn plant im drooling over here haha. It's got me all kinds of giddy over here im like come on fed ex hurry up with my light :rofl:. I can't make up my mind if I wana use the new light my closet to finish out flowering the 2 girls i got in there right now. Or rearrange the veg tent and put my t8s up some where else. That would free up my mars hydro tent for my new light and what ever girls i put under there with the dwc bucket. But then I would need to make a stand or sumthn to hold up my t8s lol. I really wana get alil stand like u have with the little metal on i believe u had it as ur veg shelf if im remembering right atleast i think it was u in one of ur journals i seen it lol if im wrong jus let me know haha. But yea amazing garden skillz u have say I must haha. I'm watching stars and and Yoda popped up lol. Anyway hope ur day is going great supersue and keep up the great work :Namaste:.

I do hope your light gets there soon Jones, I know that anxious, excited feeling all too well. :laughtwo: I'm pretty sure the sponsors are hoping you'll show a complete cycle, from clone or seedling to harvest.

Awww... I just realized I'll harvest her tomorrow and that'll be the finish of my first sponsored grow. Geez....I didn't expect it to hit me like that. :straightface: Ok....not like I don't have enough going on, eh? :laughtwo: A nutrient sponsor would be right up my alley. Maybe I'll look into that. :hmmmm:
I do hope your light gets there soon Jones, I know that anxious, excited feeling all too well. :laughtwo: I'm pretty sure the sponsors are hoping you'll show a complete cycle, from clone or seedling to harvest.

Awww... I just realized I'll harvest her tomorrow and that'll be the finish of my first sponsored grow. Geez....I didn't expect it to hit me like that. :straightface: Ok....not like I don't have enough going on, eh? :laughtwo: A nutrient sponsor would be right up my alley. Maybe I'll look into that. :hmmmm:
Yea i plan on doing some of the autos i won in the vaults Christmas promo. Once they show up to showcase the light from start of germing to seedling stage all the way threw to harvest. But I wana use it to finish 1 r 2 that I got flowering right now under my old mars reflector 96 so they end up alil better quality. So I figured like a total of 2 to 4 plants under the new growant light but im thinking it will prolly do more like 2. How many plants can u fit under ur 240 model?
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