SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Thank you Ditch. :hug::hug::hug: I like the wildness of Malawi. I can identify. :laughtwo:

I'm playing around with the idea of gummies and at the same time I'm looking for ways to cut back on processed sugar. Today I went to visit Corrine, over at Wake and Bake. She had a couple recipes that I remembered seeing recently, so I went looking. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Paleo Canna Gummies


While I was there I snagged her recipe for Paleo pot brownies too.


Corrine is my go-to for canna recipes. I'll toss these around a few times and see what sticks.
Did you notice her little note that in N. Korea cannabis consumption is encouraged? As it should be in the rest of the world.

Hey.... You think if we tell Trump that N. Korea is more advanced than us he'll take cannabis off the schedule? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good morning Sue :)
I see your Malawi is topped and going to be a huge bush.....lol the one we topped looks about identical to yours and is reaching for every single light in the room almost :rofl:

She’s very beautiful Sue and this should be pretty fun to watch, we will get some pics up later today of the gals and we can compare (3rd week of flower today) laffs together, Penny’s girl is looking very nice as well
Oh Dave, thank you for sharing. :hug: The L.S.D. Is looking like she's gonna go all colorful too. Winter temps? My Devil's Carnival is displaying inn a way neither predecessor did. Kinda exciting. Hehe! I may be able to get another on into bloom while we still have cooler nights. Living alone, and sleeping alone I haven't been able to drop the temperature in the apartment like I did when Dale warmed the other side of the bed, so the apartment never falls below 73. The bedroom gets cooler at night simply because it's freezing outside and the brick can only keep so much of it out there. Lol!

What light are you growing under Dave? That cola strength suggests something much more powerful than I'm playing with. :laughtwo: I've been considering side lighting options for the flowering tents, but the plants are fulling the space, leaving no room for more lights.

My temps are 78-80 lights on and low to mid 60s at night. They seem to by thriving. :circle-of-love::peace:
Hey Sue, my Malawi seems very sensitive to nitrogen. I’m pretty much using Calmag and Big Bud right now and she seems to love the combo.

I use the RX Grow Solutions line PW, and it's a simple mix and pour system. None of my plants show any deficiency at all. I remember this was my big hesitation in going with bottled nutrients, I'd watched so many struggle with getting the blend right. This nutrient line rivals the kit for simplicity and from my perspective grows a superior plant, in many respects. With soil you get different terpene expressions, potentiated by the presence of a living soul community. The kit fills that niche beautifully in my garden. Lord help us if I develop deficiencies. :laughtwo:

Now I'm off to check out your Malawis before I slip into a Callanetics session.
Good morning everyone :love:

On my way home from the post office and I stopped at the local Dollar Tree to see what I could find that might be handy for the garden. Had to share this laugh that's also a decent FYI. The Dollar Tree sells pregnancy kits, but right next to them we find something more interesting. :laughtwo:



So.... need to pass that test and want a good idea of your chances? This kit is a buck. Nothing serious lost. It's still an abomination that this practice persists. There's a major industry built up around keeping us illegal.

Whoops! This started out as a laugh. :laughtwo: I'll deliberately choose to wander back to joyful, better-feeling thoughts of the freedoms we'll all be able to enjoy in the coming years. That feels like a more satisfying place to put my thoughts. Back on go the rosey-colored glasses. :battingeyelashes:

The choice of how you feel at any time is yours and yours alone. Be deliberately joyful and watch life transform into an easier flow without you're trying to make it happen.

See you soon. :ciao:

Oh.... I almost forgot to leave some Carnival love. I had her out to flush and couldn't resist. . :cheesygrinsmiley:










Next one i send into flower will be under both GR240s in a 2x2. :yahoo: Gives me goosebumps just planning it. :laughtwo:
Lol. There has got to be a joke there. A drug test, an ovulation predictor and a pregnancy test walk into a bar.
The drug test looks at the pregnancy tests and says "Maybe we should have looked at the predictor first". Lol???

Hmmm. Needs work.

Cheers friend.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It stopped me in my tracks. :laughtwo: I couldn't walk past without taking a picture. Lol!

Hey, I think this one's done. What do you think?





The lower buds are still pushing out hairs, but minimally now.




For every new hair popping there's a nanner somewhere else also popping out. She's telling me she's ready.







I'm thinking tomorrow'd be as good a day as any. I'm moving the Malawi in behind her, so I'll be scrubbing the tent down tomorrow, after the harvest. I'll hang this girl to dry and harvest all those nanners.

I'm playing that dangerous game of "How can I improve the buddage of my grow?" :laughtwo: We all know the answer to that one don't we? Lol!


The call of the cannabis cultivator,

More Light!

I was planning the rotations through the tents as harvests approach. It never really works out the way you plan, but it helps to have a general idea of what's ahead, so the spaces stay filled with good candidates. It's also tricky for me to decide what to start and when to do so without this fluid overview.

During this planning stage I struck up a conversation with George, the owner of GROWant, and he recommend I try doubling up the lights in bloom.

Well.... I hadn't even considered this possibility, thinking it might be too much for a small tent, but damn! Consider what it might have done for my Carnival in bloom right now. :battingeyelashes: Consider what that might do for this Carnival, potted up into 7 gallons of soil. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I see two new lights in my future and a plan that has me doubling up the units for the flowering stage. :slide:
Looking pretty awesome round here Sue!!! Oooooo, can’t wait until your Malawi gets its own tent lol......did you get a tent that can extend another foot or two :rofl: Ms J and I laff every time we look at these two Malawi gals, the one we didn’t top is starting to put out some nice Buds for this early.........11 months 17 days to go for the Malawi 500 :rofl: Xmas harvest for the 3 of us :rofl:

Have a wonderful evening Ms Sue

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Looking amazing as usual sweetsue! Could u handle the extra heat from the light? I remember u saying the quantum boards don't give off much heat

The GROWants give off so little lit it's almost unbelievable. Having two of them together will get a little heat into the tent ps at flower, when you want a little more heat.

Howdy Sue! That's going to be an awesome harvest on that girl. Very nicely done...as always. :Namaste:

Howdy GT. Getting ready to start the next adventure? That harvest will be one of the easiest. I'll chop and hang, period. I don't want to disturb the nanners until I trim, which won't be until she's completely dry. I may not even cut the branches off. In the dry humidity of my forced air-heated apartment the more I leave attached the slower it'll dry.

Beautiful ladies and beautiful mantle. Reminds me of something my wife would do. We dig your style Sue. Very happy evening to you!

We were born under similar cosmic alignments Moonshine. I'd bet we'd get along fine. Happy evening to you too. :hug:

Looking pretty awesome round here Sue!!! Oooooo, can't wait until your Malawi gets its own tent lol......did you get a tent that can extend another foot or two :rofl: Ms J and I laff every time we look at these two Malawi gals, the one we didn't top is starting to put out some nice Buds for this early.........11 months 17 days to go for the Malawi 500 :rofl: Xmas harvest for the 3 of us :rofl:

Have a wonderful evening Ms Sue

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

I may leave her in the closet instead. I'll set her in the tent and see what she thinks, but in the closet she becomes a piece of living sculpture under 200 watts of COBs. That GROWant GR240 is kicking butt though, and I think Malawi would be the one most likely to benefit from being under it.

My first Malawi I reigned in with the bamboo sticks. I can't do that with this one. I'm letting her do whatever she wants from here on out, another good reason to keep her locked in a tent, huh? :laughtwo:
Good morning everyone :love:

Are we having fun yet? You can be sure I am. :laughtwo: Rolled out of bed and went right to the business at hand.


Harvest is a special flavor of joy, don't you agree? :battingeyelashes: I'll be back with a harvest report later. I am soooo hungry! :laughtwo:

Continue with your joyful day. I'll catch up in a bit. :ciao:
Before I forget... I have the option to share my classes at Green Flower Media with anyone interested. I thought it was just one class, but it appears I can gift them as much as needed. If you visit their site and see a streaming class that you'd like to have for your own, please send me a pm and I can have it forwarded to you.

I don't know how long they'll be offering this unexpected benefit. I suspect it's in response to the actions of our beloved AG. Let's get this information spread far and wide. If you know of anyone else that would benefit from having access to a class I'll need a name and an email address.

You all know where to find me. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Good morning everyone :love:

On my way home from the post office and I stopped at the local Dollar Tree to see what I could find that might be handy for the garden. Had to share this laugh that's also a decent FYI. The Dollar Tree sells pregnancy kits, but right next to them we find something more interesting. :laughtwo:



So.... need to pass that test and want a good idea of your chances? This kit is a buck. Nothing serious lost. It's still an abomination that this practice persists. There's a major industry built up around keeping us illegal.

Whoops! This started out as a laugh. :laughtwo: I'll deliberately choose to wander back to joyful, better-feeling thoughts of the freedoms we'll all be able to enjoy in the coming years. That feels like a more satisfying place to put my thoughts. Back on go the rosey-colored glasses. :battingeyelashes:

The choice of how you feel at any time is yours and yours alone. Be deliberately joyful and watch life transform into an easier flow without you're trying to make it happen.

See you soon. :ciao:

Oh.... I almost forgot to leave some Carnival love. I had her out to flush and couldn't resist. . :cheesygrinsmiley:










Next one i send into flower will be under both GR240s in a 2x2. :yahoo: Gives me goosebumps just planning it. :laughtwo:

I have always wondered who would go into the dollar store and look at the "impulse" buys near the register and said "Oh shit!!! I almost forgot my pregnancy test!!! Good thing they are right here!!! :) :circle-of-love::peace:
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