Taking My Chances With The Devil: Dark Devil Auto & Devil's Crack Auto

Well, if you pollinate just the buds on one branch the rest of the plant will grow seedless buds. And seriously, would you rather have 50-100+ seeds and all but one branch holding seedless buds? Or a plant with 1,200+ seeds, 90% of which you'll never use and buds leftover that have been picked at, pulled, pried, and torn at to get the seeds out?
I showed you that photo the other day. 70+ seeds from a single bud. It's not like you're going to grow nothing but Punta Rojo the rest of your life....LOL Thirty seeds would last you many years in conjunction with all the other strains you'll grow.
Tomorrow is Wednesday? It's pizza and wings night. I had to drop a NL X DDA seed the other day.
When I trimmed my GG#4 plant last week it had a lot of popcorn buds that were really sticky but real fluffy. I decided to just put them in with the trim. Well this morning I was checking the trim to see if it was dried out yet (I dry and cure my trim) and it was. I saw all those GG#4 buds in there and had to grab one to try. All I can say is I have some killer trim....lol Very harsh but quite potent stuff.
I have come to the conclusion that the yellowing on SSDC is a result of a rough root system. A bummer to say the least. I know I can nurse her to the finish, though my yield will likely be quite small.

I reuse my aquarium gravel and the coco I have been using is recycled. My guess is that since I didn't start an h2o2 supplement until a little ways into the grow, my roots suffered some rot :rolleyes:. All of the other plants are doing great...

Slacking on putting together my veg box, I have all of the parts. Just need to cut 2 holes and put it together. Quite a feat, I know....
I didn't soak my seeds last night... the 28th is tomorrow not today. Brain is a little scrambled from a big shift in my world. My autistic daughter is about to complete a 12 week intense behavioral therapy session and is now at her age level for speech and cognitive abilities so she finally gets to start school... New people for me to yell at.

Looking beyond that and back on topic.. I think I am going to pull that red point male out, send him to the next world... I hate to do it but, i am thinking I have enough seeds for now. If the female starts to get the smell I am searching for I can just try my hand at cloning without a clone bucket... I miss that overpriced tool, about 95% of my cuttings would root in less than 10 days. Rambling again.

Also, cutting the vinegar out and using full strength nutes with h2o2 seems to really agree with all of the girls. I should probably check the ph this weekend, lol. My math says I should be right at 6.0, see what story the strips tell tomorrow.

SSDC is getting very smelly. The bud sites are this awesome almost seafoam green color, hard to describe. Will try to snap some pics when I feed in a bit.

Everything else is moving right along. Pretty sure I am going to have some damn fine smoke rolling in once my harvest dates start popping up. See how perpetual I can keep things without chopping anything early. Seems my autos both generally go about 100 days from my research. My Red Point is looking at 12-15 weeks from seed, and who knows about that damn alien rift, probably 10?-11?weeks from seed.
Sounds like you've got it figured out.
I happen to agree with your wife on this one. You've got a male and female of the same strain. Unless you've got a ton of those seeds why wouldn't you want to take this opportunity to A) practice pollinating a single branch.........B) make more Red Point seeds? And if the strain has attributes you really love then storing some pollen would seem to make sense.
Oddly, she changed her mind.... And in our situation it makes sense. It is a pretty small grow area. We will be planting more red points after DDA#1 and SSDC are harvested.

Also, during inspection today I found what I didn't want but expected... alien rift showed intersex. Current tent is now, oldest to youngest; DDA#1, SSDC, Red Point cross, and DDA#2. More seeds will be soaking as soon as the nightmares that they call children go to bed.....
Yeah, they can be a handful.

Here are the girls

And the misfits waiting on their walk to the dumpster

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