The Mega Crop Thread

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I just did that on my last water, which was on Monday.
I think I will set some water out tonight so it is room temp and gased off by tomorrow. I am thinking I will fill a container and dunk the whole pot in and let it soak.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a lot more to Mega Crop than you guys have been hoping for. The feeding schedule that everyone is using is just to get the rough Nitrogen intake mapped out and then you can follow the schedule throughout the rest of the grow. By then you are freed up where you dont have to worry about NPK issues for the rest of the grow and you need to DIAL IN any additions without changing the NPK for the BEST Results :reading420magazine: This would be the PK BOOST part. At least that is how I read their site.

Copied this frome their MC's web site:

How to Dial In Feeding For Optimal Results
The Feeding Calculator is used as a general starting point for finding the right amount of nutrients to use. Depending on your setup, you may benefit from using more, or less than the suggestion. After running MEGA CROP for a few weeks you can begin to “dial-in” your feeding program, ie: modify it to achieve maximum harvest/results and have the healthiest plants!

Step 1 – Dialing In Nitrogen levels through MEGA CROP dosage by monitor your plants coloring:
  • Pay close attention to the green coloring of your plants leaves. Nitrogen levels in MEGA CROP are strongly related to how green your plants leaves will appear
  • If your plant leaves are light green or yellow, then increase your dosage of MEGA CROP to boost Nitrogen levels and increase green color
  • If your plant leaves are too dark green and/or have burned tips, then scale back your MEGA CROP dosage to reduce the nitrogen.
  • Your goal is to have the plants coloring to be a strong healthy green without burning, and you control this by increasing or decreasing the MEGA CROP dosage. If you are a new grower and not sure what color your plants should be at, browse the internet for pictures of healthy plants of your same type. You should make dosage changes for the first time in small amounts, for example changes of 10-20% increase or decrease only, and then waiting 2-3 weeks to monitor plant response after each change. Since the plant has to take time to uptake nutrients and process them, it may take 2-3 weeks to notice the results of the changes you made.
Step 2 – Dialing in your PK boost levels during bloom for maximum yields and resins:
  • Once your have achieved proper base nutrient dosage through regulating Nitrogen, then during flowering/blooming phase you can optionally add in PK booster to increase harvest.
  • PK Boosters like Bud Explosion have high amounts of P and K, and 0 (N)itrogen, so you can add them in during flowering without risking changing your plants Nitrogen levels
  • This may take some time, but you can continually increase PK boosters over several harvests to monitor for increase weight and quality. As long as you do not notice plant damage from increasing the dosage, you can experiment by increasing the dosage, and monitoring the final end results/yields.
  • Eventually you will find the dose that maximizes your results/yields, where adding more will not give additional benefit (saturation point).
hey @Ima Paradox

the newer versions of MC contain higher concentrations of P and K negating the need for their bud explosion or other brands of PK booster. if you run them you run the risk of burning your plants up.

if you do run them, then use the elemental calculator to help in adjusting your feed schedule. it is not as simple as just adding a booster on top of the regular MC feed schedule.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a lot more to Mega Crop than you guys have been hoping for.
This has been my feeling for a while; folks claim its ease of use and I can get my plants to end of life with good buds but with sick yellow and burnt leaves but I think if I could get them to the end nice and green and healthy I would have better yields and quality. I am really looking forward to what the rep thinks because now we have flushing and calmag and nitrogen(N) - phosphorus(P) as suspects.

Sorry if I sound like a critic because I just want to get to the bottom of this and appreciate how cheap MegaCrop is and that their rep is here helping us. I am hoping we can figure this out to get the most out of it.
Here's what happens when you use Bud Explosion with the newer versions of Mega Crop-
@InTheShed said I didn't need it,but did I listen? Oh, hell no...
This was a nice healthy looking green plant before the PK booster:
gettin ugly.JPG
@Homer Simpson

just blew up a white cookie completely on the stuff. absolutely same issue description you gave for the NL. pretty sure i was putting it into an excess PK situation i misread as both PK and N deficiency among other things. pushed it into total lockout.

if i had backed off it may have worked out better. the plant had been marginal at best for other reasons as well. it was also my pissiest plant of the strains i've had recently. it was off the menu after this run for a bit no matter.

upshot is like most nutes, you need to read and adjust for different plants and strains.
@Homer Simpson

just blew up a white cookie completely on the stuff. absolutely same issue description you gave for the NL. pretty sure i was putting it into an excess PK situation i misread as both PK and N deficiency among other things. pushed it into total lockout.

if i had backed off it may have worked out better. the plant had been marginal at best for other reasons as well. it was also my pissiest plant of the strains i've had recently. it was off the menu after this run for a bit no matter.

upshot is like most nutes, you need to read and adjust for different plants and strains.

People say it is a hardy plant and it may be for the training it will endure and the fact it gets to the end but as far as looking green and healthy all through its life I find it one persnickety little plant. I wish the weeds in my lawn were so delicate.
Myself have used MC through the last 4 grows and always got yellow leaves in roughly the 3rd or 4th week of flowering using tap water and MC only... the last 2 grows I did the same but added Calmag, less yellow leaves. Last grow I used bud Explosion and burnt everything lol

This grow, MC 1g per gallon and Calmag 1g per gallon also, will do this through the whole grow and see how far I can get without yellow leaves during early/mid flowering.

Keep in mind that all plants I grew, had been diff strains, also autos and photos.

Best recommendations I can give is the basic 1g per gal of MC and same with Calmag, keep your eye out for the start of diffencies and up the dose by 1g per gal. Also love the idea of totally flushing your medum every 2nd week or so with plan water to "reset" any nutrients build up.
Myself have used MC through the last 4 grows and always got yellow leaves in roughly the 3rd or 4th week of flowering using tap water and MC only... the last 2 grows I did the same but added Calmag, less yellow leaves. Last grow I used bud Explosion and burnt everything lol

This grow, MC 1g per gallon and Calmag 1g per gallon also, will do this through the whole grow and see how far I can get without yellow leaves during early/mid flowering.

Keep in mind that all plants I grew, had been diff strains, also autos and photos.

Best recommendations I can give is the basic 1g per gal of MC and same with Calmag, keep your eye out for the start of diffencies and up the dose by 1g per gal. Also love the idea of totally flushing your medum every 2nd week or so with plan water to "reset" any nutrients build up.
Thanks a lot, Cadboy; interesting to hear someone having the same issue, I am not crazy!! ;) I look forward to your results and will probably try the calmag but want to hear from the rep first and might try just flushing first. But there seems to be a growing chorus calmag is the issue.
hey @Ima Paradox

the newer versions of MC contain higher concentrations of P and K negating the need for their bud explosion or other brands of PK booster. if you run them you run the risk of burning your plants up.

if you do run them, then use the elemental calculator to help in adjusting your feed schedule. it is not as simple as just adding a booster on top of the regular MC feed schedule.
This has been my feeling for a while; folks claim its ease of use and I can get my plants to end of life with good buds but with sick yellow and burnt leaves but I think if I could get them to the end nice and green and healthy I would have better yields and quality. I am really looking forward to what the rep thinks because now we have flushing and calmag and nitrogen(N) - phosphorus(P) as suspects.

Sorry if I sound like a critic because I just want to get to the bottom of this and appreciate how cheap MegaCrop is and that their rep is here helping us. I am hoping we can figure this out to get the most out of it.
All I can say is that a rep for Greenleaf on another site was very unprofessional and did not field criticism very well. I dont know if this is the same rep.
All I can say is that a rep for Greenleaf on another site was very unprofessional and did not field criticism very well. I dont know if this is the same rep.
All I can say is that a rep for Greenleaf on another site was very unprofessional and did not field criticism very well. I dont know if this is the same rep.

The input here has been good from the factory rep so far. It's really to their benefit to keep it that way for the early adopters of every iteration of their product.
The input here has been good from the factory rep so far.

it's nice they took an interest. neither count nor feel snubbed by the amount of their participation personally.

It's really to their benefit to keep it that way for the early adopters of every iteration of their product.

you would think. it actually cuts both ways.
forums in particular are a minefield.
I'm having a deficiency in Promix HP. Starting to supplement with cal mag.

I flushed also but think I read somewhere that flushing was not needed with MC?

it's amino-chelates blah science blah technical blah.
it's not salt based. so the thinking is it shouldn't build up the same way.

in reality i personally flush when encountering a problem to reset everything, as i'm in a form of hydro.
i do it to wash out the root zone, and as much bad stuff down there as possible.

if it's something you would normally do in a problem situation, it would cause no harm at the worst, to continue the practice. just make sure to reset the nutes and feed within 24 hrs after.
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