The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

just for you hun
Blue fire 23 days

Jackalope 23 days

ThunderPaws 23 days

Hope that will last ya till ya get yours back

What a sweetheart. :circle-of-love:

Thank you Bear. May your Thunderpaws turn out to be female. Both of mine were males. A couple of the most beautiful plants I grew that cycle, so beautiful that it broke everyone's hearts when they expressed their maleness.
Congratulations Sue. MOTY is an amazing achievement. or is it just a stepping stone? Anyway....time for the Party.




Girl, I don't know how you are going to fit as this swag into your apartment. You will have to hire a bigger truck when you decide to move!!!!! :circle-of-love::peace:

:laughtwo: Thank you guys. :battingeyelashes: :love: I'm still stunned. I never dreamed it was possible and I'm incredibly humbled. I've begun thinking about how this changes the game with lighting. I can't worry about where I'll find the money for that last good light panel I kept trying to purchase now, can I? LOL! Suddenly I have an unbelievable capacity to surround my plants with light.

The new panels will all show up just about the time I'll be ready to move seedlings into the tents. Time to learn to clone. Haha!
Did you guys see that SGROG I won? I need to have someone advise me on which plant I should grow in that. Having another tent on hand means I can devote an entire tent to a monster with this piece of equipment. I can let one plant take up all the space and have clones safely sitting on the floor with diffused lighting. Oooo....... Getting excited now.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new light panels, and it thrills me to see how many members participated in the voting. I love an engaged constituency. That's always good news for the community. :love:
Did you guys see that SGROG I won? I need to have someone advise me on which plant I should grow in that. Having another tent on hand means I can devote an entire tent to a monster with this piece of equipment. I can let one plant take up all the space and have clones safely sitting on the floor with diffused lighting. Oooo....... Getting excited now.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new light panels, and it thrills me to see how many members participated in the voting. I love an engaged constituency. That's always good news for the community. :love:

Maybe one of you autos would do well in a tent by itself with the SCROG. MONSTER AUTO SCROG!!! :circle-of-love::peace:
congrats sue on MOTY you deserve it in my eyes. You have taught me alot in the short time i have been here
Ok Susan, I feel it's only appropriate that I come visit my favorite person and express how incredibly proud of you I am. I can't believe how nicely everything as tied together and how well 2015 has come to a close.
Today, brings me goosebumps of joy and excitement for what this title is going to bring for you...And this magazine! We came to 420 Magazine relatively close to each other so, it's tough for me to recollect what this place looked like before you got here but I do know the impact you've had on this place and on my life and it's a bright story! One I think about often.

Imagine this, you started out here in September 2014 with a closet stocked with CFLs and a couple auto flowering plants. I believe Budda and The Bomb, if I can remember correctly. And look how far you've come! I used to frequent the FAQ section (before I realized how little I actually knew) and the amount of times I remember members pointing other members to your journal to give example of precisely what kind of miracles someone could do with a little love and some CFLs. Is it fair to say, you've changed a few opinions about growing with CFLs?? I know I've changed my opinions on them to the point that they've become an integral part of my operation.

Now, that's just one of the few impacts you've had on people that haven't gotten to know you as well as I have. I've, sorry, we've watched you grow and blossom into a beautiful woman and gardener. You've overcome some of life's hardest and most challenging events and rather than giving up and covering your head with a blanket, you've taught some of us how to appreciate life and to live a joyous and caring existence. At least that's what you've done for me and my family. I look up to you as a mother, one I hold more feelings for than my biological mother and I can't tell you how much your friendship and love have made me and my life brighter. My son knows who Susan is, I hope that tells you just how much we love you.

Your efforts and determination don't go unnoticed and that contest should show you that we all notice and are extremely excited to see what kind of limits you can push with all this kick ass gear!! Not to mention I can't wait to see my girl strutting around in those sweaters!! I know that 2016 will bring many of the same wonderful things we enjoy so much. You know, excitement, laughter, the continuous updates, the knowledge, education of others and shouldn't I forget the "boring conversation" :rofl: ;)

Lots of love dear! Can't wait to see what 2016 brings for you and this magazine. :hug: :love: :hug:


Pigeons..... :love: :hug: :love: MUAH!!!!

My own son tossed me aside. I think I've kind of let my affection for you and your family fill some of that void. I've watched you as well. We started out so innocently here and look at you now. The positive impact you've had on so many lives is a thrilling thing to witness. Knowing you has brought me into contact with members I now count as my own friends and I get tremendous satisfaction watching you take life under your control and leading the way along your joyful path. You make me proud to call you "Friend".

We have many years ahead. :circle-of-love:
Man, Pigeons, you're a hard act to follow :)

Sue, you've been an inspiration to me every day since I joined this wonderful community. You made me realize that it was safe to be openly female here, that kindness and generosity were the norm, rather than the exception. You have been generous with your praise, advice and feedback to this novice grower and I appreciate it more than I can say.

You are one of the people most at the heart of this site, along with your fellow nominees Pigeons and oldergrower and LA and everyone else, but you have a very special place in all our hearts.

Bless you, dear -- now you really have to get home, eh?

congrats sue on MOTY you deserve it in my eyes. You have taught me alot in the short time i have been here

Thank you so much Bear. :hug: :love:

Fantastic job Sue! You add a great deal to :420: and deserve it!

Bob ;)

Thank you Dr. Bob. I certainly try hard. My love for this community just increased again. I wasn't aware that was even possible. :laughtwo: :circle-of-love:
Man, Pigeons, you're a hard act to follow :)

Sue, you've been an inspiration to me every day since I joined this wonderful community. You made me realize that it was safe to be openly female here, that kindness and generosity were the norm, rather than the exception. You have been generous with your praise, advice and feedback to this novice grower and I appreciate it more than I can say.

You are one of the people most at the heart of this site, along with your fellow nominees Pigeons and oldergrower and LA and everyone else, but you have a very special place in all our hearts.

Bless you, dear -- now you really have to get home, eh?


That was very touching glimmer. Thank you. You all inspire me every day I'm here.

I fly out of Phoenix at 6 AM Wednesday. Seeds go into water that evening and into the cups Thursday morning. :slide: :yahoo: This is, of course, contingent on my not needing to jumpstart life in my soil bins. No one's opened the bins since I left. If that's the case I may hold off to plant on the 8th, when the new moon makes its entrance.

I'm sooooo ready to have plants growing again. I have two tents to get up and another to be shipped. I'm hoping to make a batch of oil for myself within days of my returning home. I have so much to learn before the seedlings are ready for transplant. This grow will be my first one without death lingering on the fringes. It should be an interesting and entertaining adventure for all of us.

Remember when the guys figured out you were a woman? :laughtwo: The transformation you made when that was common knowledge, when you figured out you didn't have to mask your gender here, was one of those transitional moments that sticks out in my memory. I'm thrilled to know you girl.
That was very touching glimmer. Thank you. You all inspire me every day I'm here.

I fly out of Phoenix at 6 AM Wednesday. Seeds go into water that evening and into the cups Thursday morning. :slide: :yahoo: This is, of course, contingent on my not needing to jumpstart life in my soil bins. No one's opened the bins since I left. If that's the case I may hold off to plant on the 8th, when the new moon makes its entrance.

I'm sooooo ready to have plants growing again. I have two tents to get up and another to be shipped. I'm hoping to make a batch of oil for myself within days of my returning home. I have so much to learn before the seedlings are ready for transplant. This grow will be my first one without death lingering on the fringes. It should be an interesting and entertaining adventure for all of us.

Remember when the guys figured out you were a woman? :laughtwo: The transformation you made when that was common knowledge, when you figured out you didn't have to mask your gender here, was one of those transitional moments that sticks out in my memory. I'm thrilled to know you girl.

This grow should be about celebrating LIFE. Life of the baby plants, life for you and your daughter, life for this great community!!!! :circle-of-love::peace:
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