The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

I can't see anymore. Time to call it and climb into bed. :battingeyelashes:

Goodnight all. :love:
Oh! I sent you a pm and was just wandering off when I saw your fancy new title! I hadn't checked in to see the MOTY results and thought LA had got it. Wow! Congratulations sister!! ❤️
As I just mentioned in second pm, I think the idea of dissecting you to see what makes you tick is a good idea. Sound good to you? If that fails, perhaps sell you off in capsule form? SweetSue Invigorating Caplets. Almost sounds like a Chinese medicine already. Hmmmm...

Yep! This is going to be fun. :laughtwo:

Seen a few of those (or similar) Scrog setups. They work great. Don't spend too much, you can easily DIY it.
Absolutely. :passitleft:

Tomorrow I'm gonna list what I have available and see what ideas we can come up with to get the best utilization of the panels and grow spaces. Adding in that third tent changed everything. I suppose I could leave that one in the box, but with so much light available, why would I want to do that? And then there's this little delight:


Yep! This is going to be fun. :laughtwo:

You might want to save this one for your first clone off a mature plant.
I imagine SCROG is one of the easiest and most effective ways to train a girl after she has alternating nodes.
Oh! I sent you a pm and was just wandering off when I saw your fancy new title! I hadn't checked in to see the MOTY results and thought LA had got it. Wow! Congratulations sister!! ❤️
As I just mentioned in second pm, I think the idea of dissecting you to see what makes you tick is a good idea. Sound good to you? If that fails, perhaps sell you off in capsule form? SweetSue Invigorating Caplets. Almost sounds like a Chinese medicine already. Hmmmm...

I'll see what I can do Weaselcracker. LOL! :love:

Oh Damn.... change that "M" to "Y"!
Moe bettah baby!

Thanks Tead. It caught me completely by surprise too. There I was, merrily working through my Sunday, already conceding the win to LA when suddenly the tide turned and caught us all off guard. You have no idea how harrowing the last two hours were. I had to try really hard to stay distracted as the last moments ticked away. I shook for a whole twenty minutes when the contest closed.

I'm still in shock, but I'm also laughing almost non-stop. What an unexpected blessing of abundance. :circle-of-love:

So the scrog is part of the prize package, one I plan to showcase. It's all a matter of timing.

You might want to save this one for your first clone off a mature plant.
I imagine SCROG is one of the easiest and most effective ways to train a girl after she has alternating nodes.

Thanks for this heads up Rad. TOAST plans to teach me how to clone as successfully as he does, so that time's not that far off.

This is my last day in Phoenix. :party: :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo: :party:

I fly out at 6:35 tomorrow morning. By this time tomorrow I'll be boarding a plane in Dallas for the last leg of my journey home. I have to admit, letting her take care of all my physical needs and giving me all this down time has helped to get me through the final stages of the worst of the grief. Obviously one never fully recovers from losing someone that completes you, but I'm much stronger emotionally than the basket case I was when I arrived. Having this garden waiting to get started will keep me distracted enough that I'll be able to wait a little more patiently for my next partner to come strolling through. Winning the title of MOTY makes that waiting period much easier to manage. :laughtwo:

Wow! I keep thinking my grows will be a simple matter of plant, water, harvest. Hahaha! Something tells me I'm meant to be more active than that. I might be better off accepting that my life isn't meant to be quiet or mundane. This is going to be such fun, working to create a sense of peacefulness out of the chaos.

The chaos is illusionary. One of the defining factors of my own home has always been the sense of peace that envelops you when you walk through the front door. I'm picking up some sweetgrass to take home with me so I can burn it and purify the apartment, to cleanse the atmosphere of the fog of grief that decended when Dale died. It's time to get back to brightness and joy in all things. It was getting rough there when I left.

I can't wait to get back to my own bed. I can't wait to get back to my stash. That stuff's been curing for almost eight weeks now. :woohoo: That Dark Devil Autos going to kick!!! :slide: :laughtwo:

Ok, I need to get up and at 'em. Time to encourage you all to join me and get out there to spread that joy around. Let's light up the universe with love today people. :circle-of-love:
Absolutely. :passitleft:

Tomorrow I'm gonna list what I have available and see what ideas we can come up with to get the best utilization of the panels and grow spaces. Adding in that third tent changed everything. I suppose I could leave that one in the box, but with so much light available, why would I want to do that? And then there's this little delight:


Yep! This is going to be fun. :laughtwo:

My first thought was PJs got a party going on in his ScroG.

peejays perpetual porta-scrog party

gonna have to take a pic of all the booty you won
I think the idea of dissecting you to see what makes you tick is a good idea. Sound good to you? If that fails, perhaps sell you off in capsule form? SweetSue Invigorating Caplets. Almost sounds like a Chinese medicine already. Hmmmm...

I'd suggest a cloning program, but I fear we are forever in a single-SweetSue world. Some things just can't be replicated.
Do you really think the world could handle two of me, or multiples of me? :laughtwo: You guys experience me in the contained world of digital space. My friend tells me that in person I'm like a whirlwind of loving, that can sometimes be overwhelming. Makes finding an appropriate partner a challenge. I've done it once. I know the next one is out there, but he's going to be extra special too. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Hey There SweetSue!!! I fall off the map for a month, and everything's changed. I see that I arrived only 36 pages into your new journal, and you are now member of the year!!!! Excuse my language but holy shit Sue!!! That's friggen awesome!!! Congratulations, no one is more deserving of the award, and I'm positive that your new goodies will be put to use in the right manner. I'm not sure, but I think I'm on my fifth straight week of work without any days off. My daughter told my wife that she remembers when daddy used to be home. It's killing me. Anyways, just wanted to stop by to congratulate you on the win. Take care Sue, and have a safe trip home, smoke a fatty, and start that grow were're all waiting for.:circle-of-love:
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