The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

OK so I made some capsules they are 3 mg. each and I take 3 a day noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm would you say I need to ingest more or is this amount sufficient?

3 mg of what? Those would be extra large doses of Concentrated Cannabis Oil (CCO)

Although I have no experience, I imagine if you took 3mg of CCO orally expecting to have some good health maintenance it might be a bit like finding yourself on an olympic bobsled run when you were thinking it was a playground slide.
Big Buda,

There is something you are not understanding. I am not sure what though.

When they say concentrate in the context of oil, it is generally around 70% or more THC and CBD combined. Three Mg. is a large seringe full. That is nine mg per day or about one third of an ounce of concentrate or a little over an ounce of good buds.

Caution, I know someone who ate about two grams of hash. He was beyond sick.

OK so I made some capsules they are 3 mg. each and I take 3 a day noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm would you say I need to ingest more or is this amount sufficient?

Big Buda,

There is something you are not understanding. I am not sure what though.

When they say concentrate in the context of oil, it is generally around 70% or more THC and CBD combined. Three Mg. is a large seringe full. That is nine mg per day or about one third of an ounce of concentrate or a little over an ounce of good buds.

Caution, I know someone who ate about two grams of hash. He was beyond sick.


Big Budha was saying three 3mg pills three times daily.

If that were CCO that would be the equivalent of 4 oz of bud per day.

Since Big Budha is still typing, I imagine BB is talking about "hemp oil" (frequently containing no THC or CBD) or someone did not decarboxylate to "activate" the THC.
OK so I made some capsules they are 3 mg. each and I take 3 a day noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm would you say I need to ingest more or is this amount sufficient?

This is a question more appropriate for the learned and experienced minds on the dosing thread. You know how to find that thread, right?

Are you treating something in particular and is this CCO you're making these capsules with? You've piqued my interest now. How long have you been taking these capsules and how are you responding to them? If this is CCO, are you doing anything to increase the bioavailibility of those capsules?

The goal for disease treatment other than advanced stage cancers is a gram a day. You're nowhere near that with these capsules. I don't think anyone's determined the appropriate levels for a healthy individual. We're breaking new ground here. I can tell you that ingesting CCO, under the best conditions and using every tool available to create Competitive Inhibition you're still only going to get a maximum of around 50% bioavaibility through the gut, and that's a rare case. This is not to suggest that's not an acceptable delivery system. It's my own delivery system of choice.

I have to admit, I ingest two grams of bud a day with my regular brownie dose (each brownie holds approximately a gram per) and I wasn't paying attention to the value of increasing bioavailibity until I left my stash home and came on vacation. What I've discovered during this dry period was how much good those cannabinoids were doing for me other than the incredible buzz that accompanied them. When I get home you can be sure I'll be using some of the tricks to make those brownies better meds.

My best advice is to take that question to the tacking thread where they can better advise you. Then we can all benefit from hearing the answer and it's also preserved there for future members reading through that dedicated thread. :battingeyelashes:
Now I think we are both mixing Gr. and Mg. and RSO and CCO and hemp oil and maybe infused oil. [;>)

Earth to Big Budha,
inquiring minds want to know what did you put in the capsules and was it good.

I never know

Yeah I converted mg into ml in my brain because 3 mg of oil is a small amount to visualize.

3 mg of kief might fill a capsule, but not 3 mg of oil. :)

My wife saw a recipe for kief and VG for smoking as vape juice, so yesterday we got out the scale which measures in 1/100ths of a gram. She started spooning on in the amounts she would use to cover a bowl with kief. When she got to a conical pile over an inch across and the scale read 0.49 grams, she was "No. No. Hell no. I'm not giving up all my kief for 5 tanks of vape juice."

I was just grateful I didn't sneeze. :)
Like Woody in Annie Hall! :rofl:

Now that is a scene I want to see with Radogast and Gandalf. Gandalf gets out his special jar of Elven kief said to take you to the stars and make even Orc food look yummy.

The rest writes itself. The look on Ian McKellen face would be worth paying the actors to get together just to film that scene.

Sorry for the totally vape driven hijack.
miss ya sue can't wait for you to get home and fire up again :love: :adore:
Good Morning everyone. :love:

I'm going to be up to my eyeballs today in a study of the blood/brain barrier in my attempt to better understand the effects we espouse with the tacking protocol, but I wanted to stop here first to check in and spread a little joy of my own before going into study mode.

Bear, you have no idea how ready I am to be home. As much as I need to be back on my meds, I need even more to be back to the business of growing. There's so much I hope to learn from this grow and I desperately need to open a tent and be greeted by sweet cannabis plants making their way to maturity and harvest. My system cries out for the challenges and rewards of setting up a smoothly operating perpetual garden. I'm so addicted to the process of growing and preparing my own meds, and that empty space of longing inside me won't be satisfied until my first seedlings break through the soil surface.

Three days and counting guys. :yahoo: :slide: I'm getting excited. I won't allow myself to pack until Tuesday afternoon, because then I'll just be jumping out of my skin to get going. We leave for the airport about 4AM on Wednesday, about the time I've been falling asleep recently. :laughtwo: So close now I can smell it. LOL!

Before I head off to my own personal study hall I'd like to encourage you to view the world around you through the rosy-colored glasses of loving. My favorite saying in the world:

If there's anything better than being loved, it is loving.

See if you can express that all day long through your own actions. I'm pretty good at this one, and I'm going to put even more effort into it today. Shower the people you love with love. Hmmmm.... Think I'll leave a link to that song on my Spot.

Shower The People You Love With Love

Change of plans. We need to clear out a storage unit, so it's off to do some serious manual labor before I get to studying.

Have a wonderful day everyone. :ciao:
Three days? So excited! :cheer:

Thanks for the links to the song -- I didn't know that one, strangely enough. It's beautiful and just what I needed to hear today.


I'm so glad glimmer. I sing this one all the time. :love:
Just poppin in to say hello Sue! I truely admire the time and effort you put into the research of CCO. Through all of these posts and a few other threads im really interested in the cco for vape pen use. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Safe travels Queen Sue! See you soon. :circle-of-love:
Hey they Sue. I was thinking. Be a little careful when you get home. Your 1g per brownies will knock you on you rear end considering your abstinence. You might what to build your way up again. :circle-of-love::peace:

I'm planning on cutting the doses in half. I've actually been considering breaking the doses up into smaller bits and spread it over the day, like we do with tacking, to see if I can get less of a euphoric effect. Couple that approach with some steps to increase bioavailability and suddenly I'm using my brownies as medicine and my vaporizers for recreational buzz.

It's going to be interesting.

I'll be honest though, my first dose is going to be a full brownie. It's been a long dry spell. :laughtwo:
Just poppin in to say hello Sue! I truely admire the time and effort you put into the research of CCO. Through all of these posts and a few other threads im really interested in the cco for vape pen use. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Safe travels Queen Sue! See you soon. :circle-of-love:

She sure is a gem, eh?

Just poppin in to say hello Sue! I truely admire the time and effort you put into the research of CCO. Through all of these posts and a few other threads im really interested in the cco for vape pen use. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Safe travels Queen Sue! See you soon. :circle-of-love:

Thank you. :battingeyelashes: It's become a driving passion of mine, so I'm pleased that we could inspire you to explore the many possibilities STIHL. Keep us updated on how it goes for you, and don't forget to swing by the thread on making CCO. We want you to get the best bang for your buck.

She sure is a gem, eh?


You're making me blush, dear friend. :laughtwo: :love: :hug: :love: MUAH!!!!
I'm planning on cutting the doses in half. I've actually been considering breaking the doses up into smaller bits and spread it over the day, like we do with tacking, to see if I can get less of a euphoric effect. Couple that approach with some steps to increase bioavailability and suddenly I'm using my brownies as medicine and my vaporizers for recreational buzz.

It's going to be interesting.

I'll be honest though, my first dose is going to be a full brownie. It's been a long dry spell. :laughtwo:

I eat 1-2 brownies at a time have lost track of the thc lvl with my new recipe for oil
just for you hun
Blue fire 23 days

Jackalope 23 days

ThunderPaws 23 days

Hope that will last ya till ya get yours back
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