The VipersNest Continuous

makes perfect sence. Chlorine..Duhh...why didnt I think of that. That being said: Do you think its cause H&G isnt catered to "hard water". As opposed to G.H, which has been adjusted on certain nute formulas to accomidate the "hard water"?
makes perfect sence. Chlorine..Duhh...why didnt I think of that. That being said: Do you think its cause H&G isnt catered to "hard water". As opposed to G.H, which has been adjusted on certain nute formulas to accomidate the "hard water"?

after speaking to them they said that because the water quality is so terrible due do the water table that EVERY home has R/O installed. I know thats the issue...we are getting a lockout because of our hard water. so Ill finish out the grow with GH and likely buy an RO then and use the nutes I paid for.
after speaking to them they said that because the water quality is so terrible due do the water table that every home has r/o installed. I know thats the issue...we are getting a lockout because of our hard water. So ill finish out the grow with gh and likely buy an ro then and use the nutes i paid for.

words of a wise man!!
Its a moot point right now. Southern actually looked mine up for me and its not pretty. The plants grew fine for 3 cycles in GH and havent in 2 for H&G so I already flushed it and put the GH in. I dont think H&G is bad...its my water no doubt, Ill finish this grow out and decide what to do then.

use an R/O filter to rule out the unknowns
a good friend gave me these today...shes a sweetheart!!

I thought r/o means run off water? like the stuff that seeps out the bottom of your containers if you grow in soil. McBudz uses that term all the time, and apparently I've been misunderstanding it very time! hahaha... I wonder what ELSE I'm getting wrong...
RO = Reverse Osmosis bro. lol. the best type of water filtration available. It will remove all of the trace elements that are beneficial too, like magnesium, iron, etc, so If you use it, you will have to start supplementing those.
I literally just saw a commercial for a water filter that give tyou 0 ppm and comes w/ a tds meter to back up their claims. I'll try to fing the name of it and post the site. Crazy sh*t. i think that lil thing from the looks of it would definetly benifit the smaller growwers. Just added info since we're on the subject of r/o..LOll..Stoner rants..
thx for the info. I better hold off on taking good stuff out of my water 'til I know more. It's suprising the whopping mistakes I make...and I've done 2 grows already and have been learning for over a year. But I make the biggest, stupidest mistakes imagineable. I can't even tell you guys or you'd kick me off 420 for being too stupid.
And hey those stoner rants help us learn so thx for that also.
I literally just saw a commercial for a water filter that give tyou 0 ppm and comes w/ a tds meter to back up their claims. I'll try to fing the name of it and post the site. Crazy sh*t. i think that lil thing from the looks of it would definetly benifit the smaller growwers. Just added info since we're on the subject of r/o..LOll..Stoner rants..

let me know on that bro..mucho gracias..
On our "nute" issue.....24 hrs have passed since I changed the nutes and lo and behold the plants are standing up now and theres real fresh growth...bout 1"
I will have to use RO with H& doubt. Ill need to find a system that has enuf capacity becase w will be gearing up for aprox 200 gallons of water per week.
let me know on that bro..mucho gracias..
On our "nute" issue.....24 hrs have passed since I changed the nutes and lo and behold the plants are standing up now and theres real fresh growth...bout 1"
I will have to use RO with H& doubt. Ill need to find a system that has enuf capacity becase w will be gearing up for aprox 200 gallons of water per week.

I've been lurking about and am interested in this discussion about H&G, well water, chlorine, etc.

I ran this by someone I know and he said:

"I've had that happen before too. If you stop using bacterial/mychoryzal products and just get a chlorine filter the problem will be solved." The guy who said this has been a pro-grower for 15 years and he doesn't use those products in hydro. (bacterial)

Think about it. Your well water always served you well. It's not bad fact, you've grown some stupendous plants with it. However, with your clogging issues and the change in nutes, something is obviously not right. It might just be the bacterial product.

Try ditching the root accelerator/bacterial product from H&G and see what happens. You're going to have to buy one hell of an RO unit to fill a 200 gallon res.
thx for the info. I better hold off on taking good stuff out of my water 'til I know more. . . .

but, the reason to use it is that it removes all of the crap too, and when you add back the things it needs, you can do it in proper proportions for your plants.

let me know on that bro..mucho gracias..
On our "nute" issue.....24 hrs have passed since I changed the nutes and lo and behold the plants are standing up now and theres real fresh growth...bout 1"
I will have to use RO with H& doubt. Ill need to find a system that has enuf capacity becase w will be gearing up for aprox 200 gallons of water per week.
I think i know the one butch saw, its just a pitcher for your fridge right butch?

you'll def need something bigger, lmao. 200 gals is a tall order pit!!! the way RO works is that you have an in line, and two out lines. one out line (post filter) flushes the dirty water down the drain and the other carries the filtered water to where ever you want. so for ex. if your water goes into the RO unit at 200 ppm, the water coming out of the dirty line will be 300 ppm and the other might be 20 ppm or so. the other thing to note is that the proportion of water (depends on RO unit) will be like 5:1 dirty:clean, so that means it will cost you 6 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of clean water. 200 gallons of RO water means you will flush 1000 gallons a week down the drain. rough.

i have seen RO units that will do 175-200 gal/day, but in an ebb n flo, you wont have a long time to refill it between waterings so you'll have to prepare a drum of water first to do a quick change.

also, like doc said, there are other types of filters you can use other than RO, not quite as effective, but can get a bunch of the bad stuff, and works a lot faster.
but, the reason to use it is that it removes all of the crap too, and when you add back the things it needs, you can do it in proper proportions for your plants.

I think i know the one butch saw, its just a pitcher for your fridge right butch?

you'll def need something bigger, lmao....

You got it Wheel. And yeah thats one hell of a rez. Definetly commercial.. But they are out there. In the meat industry when we have to use ice, our h20 has to be bacteria free.not one thing! And the ones we had to use were set up to have enough pressure we could wash a room down using a hose. And this is R/O water. You can find em, just gotta search.:ganjamon:
Pit do you happen to know the depth of the well? A shallow well will be affected, many times in adverse ways when you are going through a lot of wet periods back to back. In the area that I live you find places where well water will ignite with flame if a lighter is lit close to the faucet. We have all seen the great grows you do with this water, hell it may have some magic stuff in it that no one else has. It may just get screwed up at times of the year when the climate is different.
To clarify my last post, I poke holes in the ground with hope of making a dollar so I know some things about the sub-terra. Think about this, you have a well that is 20 feet deep and the surface is covered with citrus plants. You don't give a crap about the lemons, how many lemons can someone eat, so you are letting them fall to the ground and rot. All that lemon juice goes into the ground moving the ph to sour. This may have some beneficial affect in that some studies have shown that the skin of certain citrus plants is toxic to certain bugs. With my example of firewater in the previous post natural gas was suspended in the water causing flame at the faucet.
hey Pit...A ways back, I researched the RO thing because of my poor well water quality. The Merlin Pro was the heavy hitter bar none. IMO, the cadillac and highly respected in the horticulture world. Highest output pressure unit I could find. The others would take 15 minutes to fill a gallon bucket LOL. I didnt purchase but when and if, it would be the one. Would be curious to know if there's a better unit available as my well water still sucks...:peace:MF

Merlin Garden Pro RO system

A reverse osmosis system that gives continuous water flow without a pump or storage tank? The Merlin Garden Pro high-flow reverse osmosis system does just that!

This ingenious RO unit operates on water line pressure, which eliminates the need for an electrical pump in most applications. And it reduces impurities in 30 gallons per hour - that's 750 gallons of water per day!

Hydro-Logic's Merlin Garden Pro Reverse Osmosis system has a 4-stage design that uses a carbon pre-filter, two RO membrane elements, and a carbon post-filter to produce the highest quality hydroponics gardening water. It's compact design sits nicely under your sink, or by your reservoir.

Merlin Garden Pro reduces 95%+ of water impurities, including calcium, chlorine, magnesium, iron and other contaminants.

The Merlin Garden Pro RO system is engineered to have less than half the number of connection points so there's less chance of leaks. Quick-latch snaps into place and locks down all four tubing connectors in one easy step. And it never runs dry!

It carries the Water Quality Association Gold Seal and is NSF/ANSI 58 Certified. Comes with complete product literature and training support and carries a 3-year residential warranty.

Dimensions: 17" High x 10" Wide x 20" Long
Weight: 29 lbs.
Pit, I am having the same problem using H&G in RI where I have both sterling well water,and municipal water that is some of the best in the Country.
I have lived up and down the East Coast from Maine to Miami and do not make this claim lightly. I was having fast growth and good color until I added the Roots Excelurator into a newly filled res.
After reading your journal I too changed nutes to old school Green Air out of Oregon and like magic the test plants are bouncing back. I am leaning towards what DocBud said in his post as the money pit of a grow never stops and buying a Merlin Pro sounds terrrific but I can only imagine the costs, and that would be like property taxes another constant. I will drain the res and let water go without Roots Excelurator or any other Myco/bacteria and let u know. THANKS for the heads up I thought I was all screwed up and was not thinking about the chlorine. One grower I know has told me he puts an airstone in the res of plain water overnight before adding Nutes and Humboldt Roots (which IMO is similar) because of some reaction to the Chlorine, Fluoride, or whatever he only lives 20mi away (different water supply that is real bad). Another guy uses distilled water. Anyway sorry for the babble.
all excellent info guys.....I dont want to have to go with an high capacity RO system just to run a specific brand of nutes. I am considering it but its not likely. I have grown some nice plants with my water now and I see no real reason to change my program again. I think that I will decide after this cycle is finishing before I make that change...I may just tweak the original nute mix somewhat that has served us so well.
A big thank you to all you guys that have researched and given me your input....
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