Tony Sussan's Sealed Sea Of Green!

Oh its on now my new friend:)
hey tony how muh ruffly was your co2 regulator thinking of buying myself an xmas present?

Well i got a co2 reg from BOC gas here in AUS and then found a selonoid and put it together myself. I prob spent tops $300 on that part. The expensive bit for me was the set point controller. Set your target ppm and it does the rest for you. I actually think that my co2 might have been part of the issue with the stretch on my clones. Good light and food and ideal environment and they just went bat shit crazy!
If you interested i will find the place i got the solonoid from and give you the number to get the right one for what we need.
Nice plants Tony, I cant believe i've never looked at your journal before. I'm mighty impressed with the LED's, I was never a believer of LED's being very useful but seems that you've got it figured out bud :bravo:

What's the wattage on those LED panels? i've considered maybe trying one out but jezuz the price on those things:lot-o-toke:

Well the 2 identical panels state 225 watts each and the big red one which is only 1 watt led's is 189watts. I am planning on having more of the 3 watt panels as i get some more funds. Then i can have a perpetual running say 15 plants turning over every 3 weeks or so. Each group of plants with there own light.

Cheers for stopping in mate! Appreciate all the good vibes! :peace:
I actually mix, adjust and feed all within the space of like 10min. Does not seem to be an issue for me?

You got healthy plants so no problem m8.
I just had some issues with my tap water, nutes an ph adjusting one day to ph 5,7 next day it had climbed and needed a re-adjusting before getting stable.
I just didn't know before some lockout occurred.
listen mate, back off the co2 in flower. it will definately decrease strength and quality of bud. I used it for long time in large industrial grows (just so u understand i not saying this cos i read it in a book or something) and the bottom line is it messes up the bud. It does give faster more vigorous growth in veg and even into first couple weeks flower but in my opinion it fucks up the bud. I think its because the plant is putting its energy into growth and other biological areas but im not a scientist so cant say for sure. All i can say is i have done like for like grows on decent scale and 1: yield was almost identical regardless and 2: co2 quality weed was atleast imo 1/3 weaker than none co2 weed. I guess co2 is cool in veg to get that initial accelerated growth but imo not in flower. Ive grown thousands of plants over many many grows ( growing constantly 10yrs+ and worked commercial industry in holland) just so u know where im coming from.
listen mate, back off the co2 in flower. it will definately decrease strength and quality of bud. I used it for long time in large industrial grows (just so u understand i not saying this cos i read it in a book or something) and the bottom line is it messes up the bud. It does give faster more vigorous growth in veg and even into first couple weeks flower but in my opinion it fucks up the bud. I think its because the plant is putting its energy into growth and other biological areas but im not a scientist so cant say for sure. All i can say is i have done like for like grows on decent scale and 1: yield was almost identical regardless and 2: co2 quality weed was atleast imo 1/3 weaker than none co2 weed. I guess co2 is cool in veg to get that initial accelerated growth but imo not in flower. Ive grown thousands of plants over many many grows ( growing constantly 10yrs+ and worked commercial industry in holland) just so u know where im coming from.

Yep i think you have just confirmed what i have been suspecting. In my last grow room i ran co2 but plants were bigger so cared less about stretch etc. This grow has really made me sit and try and analyise what is actually going on. I did actually drop my co2 level to 600ppm about a week ago and may drop it to 500ppm when i get home tonight. I reckon that like you said the yield is the same but maybe its far more spread out over the plant in a co2 rich flower room? Maybe?
listen mate, back off the co2 in flower. it will definately decrease strength and quality of bud. I used it for long time in large industrial grows (just so u understand i not saying this cos i read it in a book or something) and the bottom line is it messes up the bud. It does give faster more vigorous growth in veg and even into first couple weeks flower but in my opinion it fucks up the bud. I think its because the plant is putting its energy into growth and other biological areas but im not a scientist so cant say for sure. All i can say is i have done like for like grows on decent scale and 1: yield was almost identical regardless and 2: co2 quality weed was atleast imo 1/3 weaker than none co2 weed. I guess co2 is cool in veg to get that initial accelerated growth but imo not in flower. Ive grown thousands of plants over many many grows ( growing constantly 10yrs+ and worked commercial industry in holland) just so u know where im coming from.

Do you maybe have a suggested target ppm for flower room mate? See if i on the right track!
i dont mate. Im all for co2 in veg but as for numbers on co2 in flower i just dont know. I know its messed my quality up i past when compared to none co2 grows. I just think if ur room is well ventialed and extracted properly then co2 levels will be fine and plants will be healthy. Im sorry i cant be more specific than that, again ive learnt through trial and error and i dont want to guess at a ppm range. I find that although my veg doesnt grow as fast without co2 i still get on average 55oz per 1200w light and its better quality. I guess it makes me sound stupid when i can say dont use but i cant give u an answer to levels it should be lol
You don't sound stupid at all C, what your saying makes complete sense. I do know plants can withstand higher temps with co2, and that is the only reason I can see to use it.
gotta disagree with you there Northener,Ive grown both the strains im growing now without co2 and so far in veg the growth rate is pretty much double my last grow and I have no issues with temps.unless you mean just in flower, I know from my personal experience that i get much bigger yields with co2 so now im really curious lol. I think im going to keep the ppm's at 1000 this round and compare the 2 once this round has cured for a few weeks.I think you are probably right C but I wont know for sure until I try it for myself.
I can honesty say I have never ran co2 or a sealed room so I can't say for sure. I have seen massive indoor grows that have ran co2 and buds, which were huge, did not even compare in potency to my own home grown. It is a useful tool to be sure but IMO way over rated.
Well i kinda am looking at all the points here and i think i am going to put my co2 lvl back to 1000ppm. If nothing else it will give me a bassline to yield in this room. From that point on Jon705 and myself between us should be able to say with some authority if it affects yield and or potency.
Good discussion too guys! Things are coming to life in here!
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