Trala's Tent: The Wedding Album

It's always a testament to humanity when times are tough and people pull together. There are always the rotten eggs, but I feel they are the minority.
We are all rotten, and all good eggs. Its just up to those that can choose to be a good one.
Awesome, may I sit next to you? Is that seat taken? :)
Sure, but I have a couple rules, well more guidelines. If you wear open toe shoes, you gotta have nice feet (man or woman equally). No ugly toes near me thanks.

I wont steal your valuables but I might mumble to myself, yell randomly, and swear a bit. Look actually often. Maybe all the time. And thats sober. If you want a calm stable seating buddy, you're out of luck.

I might occasionally get you to point out when I havent used your or you're in the right way. Trala is a stickler. Calls me names when I get it wrong. Its caused friction. If you dont like heated name calling or conflict this might not be a good seat for you. You might have to pick a side.

Im polite, but inappropriate, you can say whatever you want to me and Im almost impossible to offend, but I have the right to say whatever I want. This might include very shocking stories, revealing facts, and wildly personal shortcomings. But if you look and see me smile its probably a joke. But not always.

My hygiene is clean but my mind dirty. If it has a double meaning youll know which one im thinking, but Im nice enough to not point it out while we are still strangers. I rarely apologise but when I do, I do it with sincerity.

If I offer you something and you decline I won't ever offer it again. If you ask for it later Ill pretend I have no idea what you are talking about.

If we're good after all that please take a seat, we will get along. If not have a lovely time and meet some others in the room, if you're nice Im sure someone will let you be their friend. I wont hold it against you and respect your decision that people like me arent your cup of tea, and your morals and upbringing might be above mine, and thats ok too.
Your little ladies are looking very nice Tra!

mmmm . . . Wedding Cake!
Thanks Scoobs :)
Ya know...I could have sworn you and I shared a couple responses to each other about trusting ourselves as gardeners. You were giving me that urge to trust my experience with the waterings. You were right BTW! So in my opinion, the health of your plants would likely respond with a surge of hormones and growth to replace those fallen leaves. Probably won't skip a beat. Nothing to worry about in my book! I have never counted the quantity of my defol. I suppose for some, it would be to keep track of the overall foliage count? Is this part of the process that @Carcass details? There is definitely worth to finding the right balance of stress and growth. I pushed my luck a few time in the past couple months. I'm curious if maybe a few of my defol cycles were too much?!
It’s really great learning a new grow style :) sure it's a lady?! :laugh: :rofl: Just have been wrong on that front before!
I’ve never forgiven you have having a penis, Rea.

I've seen some hectic photos on Facebook. I follow The Weedy Gardener and he is Lismore I believe. The KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces here too have been hit badly with billions in flood damage. I hope your home keeps safe and dry?
Lismore, Ballina and Corakai got hit really hard.
Thank you :)

Baked, I am a woman but not sure about the lady part either :hippy:

Americans don't have an accent, the rest of the world does...
L O L L I N G !
We are all rotten, and all good eggs. Its just up to those that can choose to be a good one.

Sure, but I have a couple rules, well more guidelines. If you wear open toe shoes, you gotta have nice feet (man or woman equally). No ugly toes near me thanks.

I wont steal your valuables but I might mumble to myself, yell randomly, and swear a bit. Look actually often. Maybe all the time. And thats sober. If you want a calm stable seating buddy, you're out of luck.

I might occasionally get you to point out when I havent used your or you're in the right way. Trala is a stickler. Calls me names when I get it wrong. Its caused friction. If you dont like heated name calling or conflict this might not be a good seat for you. You might have to pick a side.

Im polite, but inappropriate, you can say whatever you want to me and Im almost impossible to offend, but I have the right to say whatever I want. This might include very shocking stories, revealing facts, and wildly personal shortcomings. But if you look and see me smile its probably a joke. But not always.

My hygiene is clean but my mind dirty. If it has a double meaning youll know which one im thinking, but Im nice enough to not point it out while we are still strangers. I rarely apologise but when I do, I do it with sincerity.

If I offer you something and you decline I won't ever offer it again. If you ask for it later Ill pretend I have no idea what you are talking about.

If we're good after all that please take a seat, we will get along. If not have a lovely time and meet some others in the room, if you're nice Im sure someone will let you be their friend. I wont hold it against you and respect your decision that people like me arent your cup of tea, and your morals and upbringing might be above mine, and thats ok too.
Omg Deeve, it was a yes no question! Let me answer @Carmen Ray, sit where you like babe. And Oiii DV8, stop ogling at everyone’s feet, mate. It’s fucking weird.

And Carmen if he offers you a pickled egg, say no. You will never regret it.

:) :) :)
Well I'm in boots because it is getting pretty chillos here, otherwise I'd be barefoot :hippy:
Tra, I wanted to let you know that my Caramel King popped and is in a peat pellet for the next few days. I hope West Coast OG is going to catch up pronto. She has cracked but that little tap root still needs to show before I transfer her seed to peat puck where I hope to get some growth on before they go into dixies. When the action starts, I hope you'll come and give me some tips and encouragement please. May I tag you when there's some green going on? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Trala, auto or photo? Looks like a topping or two is in order if a photo unless you are growing with no training. I wouldn’t touch a healthy fan leaf early…those feed the branches they are directly under. Solar panels and free organic mobile nutes. Cheers
Sorry I missed this.

If photo means the 12:12 light to make them flower, then that’s what my Wedding Cake.

Thanks for your advice. I actually don’t mind giving my plants a bit of a prune. But thank you for your thoughts :)
Trala….some wire and patience. Not the prettiest, but I can pack my 3’x3’ cabinet and my cured buds are always up to my very High standards :bongrip: Cheers
Absolutely beautiful :)

I grow indoor and out, so a scrog net would never suit my style.

With this particular plant I’m wanting to learn how to grow a carcass like canopy.

So far it’s not going great lollllll
Well I'm in boots because it is getting pretty chillos here, otherwise I'd be barefoot :hippy:
Tra, I wanted to let you know that my Caramel King popped and is in a peat pellet for the next few days. I hope West Coast OG is going to catch up pronto. She has cracked but that little tap root still needs to show before I transfer her seed to peat puck where I hope to get some growth on before they go into dixies. When the action starts, I hope you'll come and give me some tips and encouragement please. May I tag you when there's some green going on? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh fantastic!

I’d really love to join in on the fun. Please tag me :)

Make sure you tag Carcass too, and if you’re gonna be barefoot, throw our resident foot fetisher Deeve an add too. If he gets too cheeky we can give him a thong to chew (if thong doesn’t mean the same thing there, as it does here this could get real awkward real quick…lolllllllinggg)
Tra is a champion for the sisterhood, she'll gladly take you in and have you stick around.
Champion of penis too apparently!
Americans don't have an accent, the rest of the world does...
Darn tootin' we ain't got no accents around these parts.
There are always the rotten eggs, but I feel they are the minority.
Unfortunately for us, we allow the rotten pieces of shit to control the world and make decisions for our societies. So fuck them quite honestly.
I’ve never forgiven you have having a penis, Rea.

Uuuummmm...where did I admit to having a penis?! Those kind of assumptions aren't allowed nowadays Tra. Shame on you!

Speaking of a squishy thingy... I did use one of those dangly things really well last night though!!! I even have a witness to testify that as an accurate statement.
Champion of penis too apparently!
You know it!

L O L L I N G !

Uuuummmm...where did I admit to having a penis?! Those kind of assumptions aren't allowed nowadays Tra. Shame on you!

Speaking of a squishy thingy... I did use one of those dangly things really well last night though!!! I even have a witness to testify that as an accurate statement.
OMG That was so funny! I had you all lined up to be my BFF too. Never even crossed my mind you might be sporting the danglies!

Where I’m meant to be.

Where I’m at.

These are taken under the light


This is her actual colour. I’m really happy with it.


I am beyond disappointed in my first real carcass canopy attempt. As you can clearly see Cleo’s structure is all wrong. While her colour is good, and her growth is good, her shape is faaaked mate. Lol

I will perceiver, I don’t think that’s the word I want lol. I will keep trying.

@Carcass hopefully I catch you in the morning. I totes think Cleo needs a bigger bed. Do you think she is uppot ready?
Persevere Tra. Per severe. I feel like enough mistakes have been made already.

I tried spelling Guinea pig the other day. It was atrocious. Ginny, Geunae Geneau Genuine geanny give up and Google
Omg that’s it! Persevere!

And LOLLLINGGGGG! I tried so hard with the directions too! So mad.

Why were you wanting to spell Guinea pig? Oiiii and speaking of Guinea pigs..

Why did the deviant wrap his Guinea pig in duct tape?
So it didn’t explode when he fucked it.
I wrote you were going Guinea pig on the nutes, back a bit on your Tent journal.

Which is a strange saying.

Why is the Guinea pig going first?

Also why is it Happy as Larry? (Neighbours favourite saying)
Does anyone know how happy Larry is?
The only Larry I ever met was depressed, paid too much rent and hated his job. We had lunch together a lot over 3 years, he was not happy. I never brought it up.

I used to sing Cheap Wine by Chisel wrong.

I was all ' Cheap Wine and a 3 legged goat'
Which was lucky i found out. A mate one day was like, Bro, its 3 day growth.
Me: Oh. For real.
About 2 weeks later I was out and the house band played. They were doing that as a cover, and offered me the microphone. I did the line twice. The correct way, then the goat way.

I was reminded of this on your par for the course response. Slipped it in now.
Hey Tra, I think Cleo is looking like an emerald jewel :green_heart:She is beautiful and I think you're doing a fine job of training. Much mirth about the pretty Geddes baby LMAO!
Also DV's lyrics interpretation.... cheap wine and 3 legged goats :rofl: You guys rock.
Do you think she is uppot ready?
I think she is...time to let her stretch her legs a little.
Damn nice looking plant she's turning in to... :thumb:
Hello Trala! :ciao:

I had to play catch-up this morning. What a blast! You're such a rabble-rouser. :)

Cleo is gorgeous to these old eyes. I know she's not as compact as you would like but, hey. Believe me, some plants absolutely refuse to be compacted no matter who's doing the training.

Not to intrude on the teachings of Sensei Carcass, but if you want to bring her down a little, you might reconsider your choice to leave node 1 in place. If you remove it before you up-pot you can bury her deeper into the soil and effectively bring the top of the plant closer to the soil level. Just a thought. Sensei Carcass, please weigh in!

Oh, and this caused me to holler-laugh...

Bruv cringy is my middle name. I’ve accepted it, OMG legit nearly typed excepted. Ironic grammar error would have prolly been lost on you. I know your ✖️you’re ✔️ one who struggles when it comes to basic language. Not that I’m judging you dumb fuck .
Classic! :rofl:
Not to intrude on the teachings of Sensei Carcass, but if you want to bring her down a little, you might reconsider your choice to leave node 1 in place.
That's a good idea, GDB! but...node1 is doing real well, shaving it off now will take away a third of the branches, unfortunately...
And I agree 100%- Cleo is a gorgeous plant!
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