Trala’s Tent

Happy Sunday!

Omg what a day! But it’s done now.

Sunday Summary

Short story: zero fuck ups.

Cooked ✔️ I’ll trim her after work tomoz. And Mr Oh! There’s our heart lol!

MiMi Bee aka Mimosa EVO
Ordinary Clone
Age: 129 Days
Flip Age: 78 Days
Days in Flower: 43


Omg this beauty! Hands down my best veg to flower plant to date. If I break her I’ll fucking cry.

Snow Bee aka Bubba Kush
Seed from The PNW Seed Fairy
Age: 98 Days
Flip Age: 72 Days
Days in Flower: 15


She’s 5 days over the harvest prediction window, but two more weeks of sho. Her buds are mint.

Eva Bee aka Wedding Cake Auto
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 75 Days
Days in Flower: 49


I’m so much happier with her shape. She’s Flippity Doo Dah tonight.

Isabella Bee aka Amnesia Lemon
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Herbies Seeds
Age: 41 days


She’s a bit too light on the green for me. She’ll get some Tega Brop tomoz. Still no flowers.

P!nk Bee aka TropicanNa Banana
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 39 days
Flip Age 32 days


The Twins: no real growth. I topped them both. Tiny top it was. Just to keep them as similar as possible.

Bubba Bee aka Bubba Kush
Regular Clone
Age: 17 days


Kushi Bee aka Bubba Kush
Regular Clone
Age: 17 days


I’m super happy with her growth

Autumn Bee aka Wookiee F2
Seed from The PNW Seed Fairy
Age: 13 days


Baby pic. She’s travelling well. Just your usual seedling.

Ester Bee aka Biscotti Mintz
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 7 Days


Have the best day or night, and thanks for growing with me! Xo
A right beautiful display! Lovely greens…
If God was good he’d wake me with covid tomoz lol

Literally woken Covid +. Automatic 8 days off, full pay.

We had a covid breach on our ward, the week before last, I gave direct care to our patient zero lol for 4 shifts and was the only person who nursed him not to get it…. Till today.

Literally woken Covid +. Automatic 8 days off, full pay.

We had a covid breach on our ward, the week before last, I gave direct care to our patient zero lol for 4 shifts and was the only person who nursed him not to get it…. Till today.

Be well. Have you tested + before? Full pay is nice.
Bit of a snuffy nose and foggy brain.
Lets hope that's as bad as it gets- take care, T!
Are you taking any meds for the covid?
Lets hope that's as bad as it gets- take care, T!
Are you taking any meds for the covid?
Good morning C Star ⭐

Yeah nah. Not at this point. You only need meds if you have complications. Tbh the people I see who end up with complications usually have numerous co morbidities. Hopefully my bodies immune system will know what to do. I don’t know one nurse who has needed anti virals.

Hope it is mild and you get to enjoy the time off.
Thanks Scoobstar!
Enjoy those 8 days off Tra, fingers crossed that it's mild so you can have some productive 'you time' in the break.
So far so good.

Mild head cold really.

Omg I was so productive today!

Thank the lord, and praise be him, and also our saviour Jesus Christ for bestowed gifts and bountiful Covid.

I will pray for all those souls you have affected with your super spreader status, and the medical staff left to treat them.
Omg I literally looked after a 100 year old patient yesterday. He is gonna super regret that hug he requested… LOL!

Sorry you're sick but nice to have paid time off. Hopefully your symptoms are mild. I've had covid 3 times now, it wasn't that bad
Hello there :)

I’m all good. I have a super high pain tolerance and don’t like to complain, and by super high pain tolerance I mean embarrassingly low, and by don’t like to complain, I mean I piss and moan like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.

But so far, I’m golden. Just feels like hay fever.
Omg I’m going to assault your eyeballs with a wall of words…

Short Story: I’ve got my grow groove back. Mim is proper good.

Long Story: I’ve really struggled this last year to 18 months with my growing, and my yields confirm this. An old growmie used to tell me when to flip, when to cut throats, how much to defol, how close the light should be, and I just did it with great results. I just didn’t retain what I was doing. Lol. On my own I decided starting seeds under a house bulb looked cute so it must be great, and vegging plants for 475 days must be right coz the plants looked green and happy. Add lights too far away and trying to work a new nute out myself and I ended up with disaster. No nits, but lowest yields ever on the most unremarkable plants ever.

I put a lot of work into my grows. And I don’t do all this work for shithouse looking plants. I want to represent the lady grower. I want exceptional. I want plants that make people smile. That make me smile. And I want good bud. And I think I’ve finally found my groove. Getting my hands on Tega Brop *taps nose* is a game changer. It’s a nute I understand, as you can see from Mimi. She flowered at an awful time. Strayan summer. 35+degree days, high humidity, mite exposure and she was able to sail through retaining her beauty. Well I think she did. Her bud is my best yet. Heavy nugs that are sticky as fuck. So hopefully going forward there won’t be as many cringe grows. Look there probably will, but I’m going to try really hard to make my bees big smile.

Mimi big smiled, and I love her for it. Oh and @Billpopy79 if you ever look through the window, there is a PM waiting for you. It involves grated cheese and a pedicure. I died. Lolling!

So I reckon I’ll get 3 ounces. I say that coz I don’t want to be disappointed. I want 4, and if I get 4 I’ll be so happy.

MiMi Bee aka Mimosa EVO
Ordinary Clone
Age: 130 Days
Flip Age: 78 Days
Days in Flower: 44


Spring cleaned and revamped the Bloom Room.


I revamped the Veg tent too. My auto got an uppot. I’m experimenting stress and the auto. So I’m all about the auto stress. I made sure her leaves were touching the dirt, and I pretended I was going to drop her in the pool. Lolling!


Hope you all have a great Monday :)
Great write up Tra.

Your harvest pics are always a treat, I swear it looks like a big haul every time arranged in your basket.

Still like the warts and all journalling and grows you do. Wish you all the best with bigger and better though.

Best thing we can do is honestly evaluate, and follow along with the results in changing the approach. Theres nothing cringe about that. So far almost all your plants have made it to harvest well attended, not to mention how many different strains youve attempted.

Any how, now youve drawn a line in the sand, if I dont see the most beautiful plants with delicious looking buds Im going to be pissed off and tell you not to overwater and give them more cal mag.
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