Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

We're slated for a few inches Friday. That's getting old about now. We'll just have to have warm thoughts for a while longer! Happy St Paddys Day!
Happy St.Paddys Stone. :love:
Irishing up my coffee as we speak.
I haven't had any alcohol in over a month and I've only had two cups of coffee in the last 1.5 months.

We had a belated birthday party for my oldest yesterday. It was just the immediate family but it was nice.
He chopped down the Green Crack ,hung it and got the tent in a good temp and rh range.

He wants to grow his own so badly. I had to remind him that his dad is less than discreet. It's best that he waits for legality. He knows that even then that he should keep it as quiet as possible.

I pointed out that if your friends know you are growing that they will be hounding you non-stop for free product. That gets old fast.
Oh my o_O I couldn't take that length of time between cups of coffee! You're a trooper V! Your boy sounds like a gem! You gave him the best advice, I hope he heard you.
I skipped the whiskey. I'll get to that later.

I did drink three very strong cups of coffee by 9am. Right after that I fell asleep until 2:30 pm......WTF!?!?

Didn't work....
Happy belated birthing day VG! And you gave your oldest a few great gifts. :love:
Thanks Sheddie. It was fun to have all of the kids together. It doesn't happen very often.
Highya VG,

I didn't think anyone was further from spring than we were, but our snow is gone, now. We're predicted to have less than a 1/10th. Very unusual year for us! Wish yours was better. Last year, March was the worst winter month of all! 2020, yuk! How are your chickie's doing?!? Happy Smokin'
Highya VG,

I didn't think anyone was further from spring than we were, but our snow is gone, now. We're predicted to have less than a 1/10th. Very unusual year for us! Wish yours was better. Last year, March was the worst winter month of all! 2020, yuk! How are your chickie's doing?!? Happy Smokin'
Highya Bode,
We had a lot of snow this year. That's pretty typical for us. Hope we have a decent spring when it finally decides to show up.
Plants are all doing pretty good. The ugliest are the GDPs. They are looking a bit better daily. Charlotte may be a tiny bit over fertilized. She's pretty dark but looks good otherwise.

New babies are doing well and the veg/mom plants look great. All lights are off right now. I'll post some pics soon.
I have a few pics of the GDP.
I topped them, cleaned them up and started training the female.
What she looked like before...

I think I'll keep this weird center shoot.
And the male. I just topped him to keep his height down. I took a bunch of clones from each plant. If some of them take I'll chop the big male down.

I also have a pic of Charlotte.
She just plugging along under the Mars Hydro in the closet.
She does look a bit dark to me but doesn't have any blemishes that I saw.

And the WSE chickies.
They are looking great under the Atreum fixture. This is also where the GDP is hanging out until my Green Crack is done drying. After that I will put the female into the 2x2 under the Nextlight Core. I should get some stellar buddage from her.
I'm gonna try to fill that tent like I did with the Kalashnikov.

That's the quick-n-dirty.
Hope y'all are doing well.
I'm having a pretty good morning so far.
I forgot the moms in the veg area.

I've been working on getting this GG4 nice and bushy for flower. I've been trimming her for about four months now to get her this full.
This is one of the original clones that I got from Buttercup last summer.
The one that was yellow and dying, buried in dirt.

Highya VG,

I'll join in on your birthday celebration!! Happy Birthday!! Loved the pics. Every lady is so green and lush. You have stepped up your game a lot!! Great job, ladyfair. Happy Smokin'
...glow, laying out in the warmth of the sun (-ish)!
I think I'll keep this weird center shoot.
Yes, do.
If some of them take I'll chop the big male down.
He deserves it! It's a women's locker room damn it.
She does look a bit dark to me but doesn't have any blemishes that I saw.
Could be the variety, but still looking pretty.
And the WSE chickies.
I've been trimming her for about four months now to get her this full.
This is one of the original clones that I got from Buttercup last summer.
The one that was yellow and dying, buried in dirt.
Dedication, devotion, turning all the night time into the day. :love:
:party:Happy Birthday V!:party:
I was confused for a second there. Then I realized. My son's bday was great. I got him a two shirts. One with a possum eating ramen and the other was an octopus playing the drums.

It wouldn't be unreasonable to think that an octopus would be a very deft drummer.
I also gave him the Lord Vapor that I won. He said it works with the carts that he has. A buddy is gonna send him some more.
He really liked it.
Highya VG,

I'll join in on your birthday celebration!! Happy Birthday!! Loved the pics. Every lady is so green and lush. You have stepped up your game a lot!! Great job, ladyfair. Happy Smokin'
Not my b-day Bode but my oldest sons.
I'm a Cancer. Ruled by the moon!

Stepping up my game has actually been me doing less. Just using products that compliment my style of ultra lazy growing!! It's magic!!!
Dedication, devotion, turning all the night time into the day. :love:
I have a soft spot for Mark. :love:
Did you know that he did the entire soundtrack for The Princess Bride?
Now I must go and the Knopfler.
Happy birthday VG! :ciao: :passitleft:
Of course your gardens are looking lovely. I'm a Scorpio ruled by my passions for sure lol!
Have a great day. Smile and stay stoneder!
Happy birthday VG! :ciao: :passitleft:
Of course your gardens are looking lovely. I'm a Scorpio ruled by my passions for sure lol!
Have a great day. Smile and stay stoneder!
Good to see you once again, Fred.

It isn't my b-day but it was my oldest son's.
In a crazy Cancer so I was born end of June.

I know all about you passionate me on that one.
He has some serious impulse control.
I'm a Gemini. Ruled by this other person living in my head!
My sister is a Gemini and I think you just cracked the code for me. You made sense out of the nonsensical.
Argh. I forgot to post about my delivery.
It's not a big and exciting one but one that has needed to happen for some time.
Ascorbic acid for dechlorinator. I'll use it for both fish and plants.
I'll be supplementing myself as well. I know I'm low.

View media item 1819734And a rechargeable plasma lighter. No more huffing butane for this girl.
It works with my chillum!
View media item 1819733
Plasma and ascorbic acid...sounds like a CraZy science experiment!
I throw away a lot of Bics annually. I need to try to stop that.

I just realized that I'm not sure if I can weigh this out. I think I need such a miniscule amount that I may need tiny spoons or a more sensitive scale.
250 mg per five gallons is what I'm seeing for a dosage.
Good to see you once again, Fred.

It isn't my b-day but it was my oldest son's.
In a crazy Cancer so I was born end of June.

I know all about you passionate me on that one.
He has some serious impulse control.

My sister is a Gemini and I think you just cracked the code for me. You made sense out of the nonsensical.
I decided to rejoin the pages reeeeealy
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