Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Now that I have my mars tent, I should invite @SmokeSara too! I want the sponsors too see, that when they support us, we support them. Thanks guys!

I also want to hear more about the t-shirt contest mars hydro is having.
Taking a break from closet cleaning. I am almost done. Geez, I'm some kind of crazy pack rat.

I went to fleet farm. Their website said they had soil. When I got there ,there was none to be found. I thought I'd ask anyway. The lady came back with 4 ocean forest and a couple of happy frog. NOW they are out of Fox farms. I also picked up a trellis net. Not sure if I will use it this time. It is a seasonal product ,so I picked up one for under $4.

My poor crappy back hates me so much right now. It has to get done though and the boyfriend is helping too. I am making sure to take smoke breaks and I'm listening to Southern Culture on the Skids. They always make me smile, especially the songs "My house has wheels" , ",Great Atomic Power" and " Put your teeth up on the windowsill". Good times-great oldies!:yahoo:

Time to get back to work. I will post pics later. Have a great day/night.
Good day all!

I watered the ladies last night. Plain h2o.

Temp- 68-80
Rh- 50-82%

I have been having temp/rh fluctuations since I put them in the tent. My ventilation kit should be here tomorrow. I should be able to control things better then, including the smell. Dang! These ladies aren't even in flower yet and they stink to high heaven.

I tried my novice hand at cloning. Lol....we shall see what becomes of that.

i need a different fan solution also...and another light.
VG it looks very nice in there. You did a great job. Plants are looking marvelous! Biggest thing going forward watch your water pH and your home free.

I suggest some flower fuel for your flowering stage. 1-32-34 it will give them a good boost when it counts.
@Electric Shaman ...Run off was at 6.4 again. I am repotting them Monday or Tuesday so my buffers should be replenished.
When does the bloom booster need to be started? Right at the beginning of flowering?

Thanks for stopping back.:)
Yeap, it will give the plants a boost to put out big buds. A small container lasts. It's a powder and only takes a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water.
I've been looking in. Just getting ready to move at the end of the month. Makes for a tired Shaman.
My ventilation package came yesterday. I gave the fan blades a spin and noticed that it was wobbling a bit. Will have the bf give it a look before I send it back. Maybe the parts were not lined up correctly. It took almost 2 weeks to get here. I really don't want to put off flipping these plants any longer. Ugh! Let's hope for the best with that one.

i am also supposed to finally transplant these babies and pick my final plants to put into flower. I also need to find something to contain the drainage from watering.
My "pots" are 12x8.5 for the bottom 13.5 tall.I just figured out that they are 5.96 gallons. Way bigger than I thought. I will probably roll them down a bit. I want to use about 3-4 gallons.

i was looking around in my shed, brainstorming. I have a bunch of white wire metal panels from a storage cube system. I can use these to set pots on, above some sort of container for the run off. This idea needs inspiration and further thought.
The dollar store has stainless steel cooking racks that work good to lift then up. Academy Sports online has 16" supper platters for 2.50. A great cheap combination.
Hello all!

I am here to invite you to my tiny, corner closet of the world.
I am a sufferer of chronic pain ,like many here. I refuse to take opiates, so here I am.

I started this journey on March 21st,2018. My boyfriend tossed some bagseed at me and told me that if I could grow it, he would split the bill for the grow tent.

Challenge accepted! Nevermind that I have never, ever once ,in 28 years of tokin', in all of the bags I have bought and the countless beaners I have tossed have I planted a cannibas seed. Sounds fun.

After sprouting my awesome bagseed , I had a few set backs. Nothing big that I couldn't figure out. Jiffy peat pots are my bane.

these were sprouted under a 45 watt 6500k-7000k ( I forget) white led panel.

After their second true set appeared, they went into the closet with the Growant GR240. They were allowed to grow until transplant.
They were then transferred into 1 gallon pots and have just been "veggin' out" for a bit.

They are now 8 weeks old and finally just starting to show preflowers.

If you see something amiss, please let me know. It wou
Indica`s tend to be short bushy plants ,so i`d advise topping them. Hope that helps
Hey guys. Thanks for stopping by. We started the fan yesterday and it had very little vibration. We are going to run it until this grow is done. It has a 2 yr warranty so if it gets worse as will address the problem when my tent is empty.

the size of the grow bags was larger than previously thought. If I use them, I will only be able to keep 3 plants. So now I have to decide if I am going to move forward with these or go and get some 3 gallon nursery pots and keep a few more. These little plants are pretty bushy ,so maybe 3 is all I should keep anyway. I don't want to be overcrowded. Hopefully I will have time to take pictures. Then you guys can give feedback. Have a great day!
It looks like I can maybe keep 4 if I find a different fan.

Have you ever been so distracted by your own mind that you brushed your teeth with dish soap? Hmmm...gonna be one of those days.
It looks like I can maybe keep 4 if I find a different fan.

Have you ever been so distracted by your own mind that you brushed your teeth with dish soap? Hmmm...gonna be one of those days.

I'd go with 3 big ones and address it on the next grow unless it's a warranty issue. Get a good one across the finish line and make adjustments. It's not about plants it's about space and filling it up. I could grow two huge plants well trained or or 30 clones in 1 gal pots and get the same amount of product at the end. Ya gotta do whats right for your space.

I'd go with 3 big ones and address it on the next grow unless it's a warranty issue. Get a good one across the finish line and make adjustments. It's not about plants it's about space and filling it up. I could grow two huge plants well trained or or 30 clones in 1 gal pots and get the same amount of product at the end. Ya gotta do whats right for your space.

Yup, that's what I decided on too. I feel kinda bad about killing the rest.
Don't really have to kill them. If ya want to make some fem seeds all you need is some colloidal silver, a cheap spray bottle, and a couple of cfl lights. Seeds are expensive at 8-10 bucks a piece. If ya know what strain you have and want to grow it again. It might be another option.

I always try to make a batch of seed from every strain. A good catalog of seeds will serve ya down the road. It's a good skill to have if your going to grow inexpensively. I can steer you to a good read if your interested. Might as well practice on bagseed rather than seed bank seeds.

I thought I might try to clone them. I do have another 20 seeds also. I am totally down for a good read. Thank you once again Shaman.
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