Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic

A Tour around UB 801 KC










Hi Srla Jaga :ciao:

I washed out my fishtank filter today, squeezed it out in a bucket of coldish water.

I used the water in 3 X 6.5 liter watering cans

with a quarter dose of cheap 15-10-30(+ macronutrients) powder nutes in each.

In the last watering can I also added a dollop of algamix and a drop(s) of superthrive.

With the last one, I went over each pot again.

It's a form of soil-aquaponics experiment.


I like the sound of that Srila Ricorico, is it all your own idea? Cause I was thinking of maybe using some spirulina I used it in my first 2 indoor grow,s an the girls seemed to love it, but after the last one an this grow I have been to scared to try it, its in powder form so I dont really know how much to see its got almost everything a Person would need and some say in almost exactly the amounts of each item (Nute)
Any idea how much I would use on a plant ???
Good weed to ya the Mrs is a calling for me :love:

Temps are 80F

This poor thing is one of Mr. Squirryls Juanita la Lagrimosa.


I found it yesterday morning on the greenhouse floor under a pile of soil,

next to one that got cut up and didn't make it.

It had grown out to the light from under the mess and survived!


Pointless seedling has been unleashed :)



Cannatonic is just waiting for her HPS...


And scrogina...


...is happy :)



Please excuse the crispy leaf-end :bigblush:
I think they have taken to the aquasoilponics well :thumb:
UB801 is looking great. Scrogina is showing some skin and cannatonic cant be far behind. Tell Pointless seedling I said :ciao:

I am enthralled by De Entre Los Muertos. Mr Squirrly should be proud.
UB801 is looking great. Scrogina is showing some skin and cannatonic cant be far behind. Tell Pointless seedling I said :ciao:

I am enthralled by De Entre Los Muertos. Mr Squirrly should be proud.

Hi Spimp :ciao:

That's the name for vertigo in spain! Vey apt :partyboy:

I don't know if it's a he or a she, yet, but I am impressed at its will to live.

It was flattened when I found it and it's all straightened up today.

The other seedlings are outside (in a container on the ground) until further notice.

Greenhouse dieseltonic mom is flowering now :) I'll take pics of her tomorrow.

Cannatonic has started to flower as well, but only just.

Scrogina is loving the cooler temps and the LED megaduper-array :)
Im also interested in the plans for the Game of Clones. Are you gonna veg in the 'drobe or go straight 12-12 in UB801? I aks because I dont think you are harvesting anything soon enough to clear space, but Im sure you have a master plan already laid out. Mind letting me in on it? :)
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