With my old nutrients I used to. I stopped doing that with the mega crop. Not sure why. Partly because Farside was adamant about feeding them every feeding. And then I started having issues, so decided to just do what he was doing.
I did try flushing a bunch with the problem ones. Didn’t seem to help but it’s usually good practice. I do always make a lot of runoff.

Dissecting the mega crop numbers, to me it looks like it’s quite low on calcium and magnesium so I’m gonna go back to using calmag and pay more attention. Basically I’ve just been neglecting them more than usual all summer which is part of the reason I haven’t been posting much. Winter gives me more time to focus on them.
In the past I was always using sunshine mix which is buffered already, and I am 99.99% sure that promix is as well. The plants do seem to be more spotty since I got the promix though
Guess I should get off my ass and read the ingredients.....
I should be. It’s everywhere. I dug up a bunch from the end of my driveway but it’s still piled up against the side of the greenhouse. I’d have to dry it, sift it, read up and figure out the proper lime ratio and whatever else, and soon thereafter order in more perlite, which is sort of expensive to ship here. So- just another small can of worms I haven’t taken the can opener to yet, I guess. But prices keep going up so no doubt it would be a smart way to go.
Perlite is indeed a tricky one. Down here in the lower 48, it's stupid expensive for small quantities with one exception. Home Depot sells 2 cubic foot bags for less than $20. Farside researched the correct ratio, but since the perlite was so cheap, I've just been mixing a whole 2 feet to a whole 3 foot bale of peat, wet it up with 6 cups of garden lime/dolomite mixed in and let it steep for 3 or more days, but if you can't get the perlite, I think that might be a deal breaker.
What up Weasel!

I watched a youtube video with the boogie brew fella recently. The video was mainly talking about some grower using a hella living soil system thats making huge buds. Ingredients for this mix included hydrocorn, not hydrocoton. Hydrocorn is smaller with more irregular shapes for microbe living. I've not been able to find any close, but I did quit looking. If I can find some I will definitely add to my soil, doesn't float to the top like freaking perlite. Not that I would nix perlite, I just want something to stay lower in the pot. Paying for shipping on products like these can be very annoying!
i dunna have time for more now,, too much trimming and trimming to do

but one of the two main colas from my outdoor lemon skunk ,,


i am completely overwhelmed by the amount of work this single plant was, is, and will be

who knew????.. well, everyone but me

i am half way thru this one,, and winter is in sight, literally, just up the hills,, and three more outdoor plants to harvest still,, ha

what a trip
God speed on your harvest @nivek

oh so many thanks friend,, funny timing,, cuz i just finished the last of the two outdoor /in the ground plants i had,, over two weeks of near constant trimming and hanging and drying and clipping and jarring and cobbing and drinking beer and vaping and oh my freakin goodness :thedoubletake:

but i am simply thrilled to death with the growth and ripeness of it 'all'. a perfect fall season for cannabis

i still have a secret outdoor/in the ground plant,, an idicative of indica looking thing with the fattest of leaves and a diesel smell,, very afghani crossed,, a seed i planted and rediscovered,, a baby,, but oh so interesting

weaseley,, an update on my ferts,,

i have increased my dosage of fert,, above the recommended levels, for about four weeks now, for everything,, and as i mentioned i do use a bit of cal/mag in a supplimental/mental feeding between m.c. feedings

and my plants,, with the increased dosage of m.c. look fantastic. bulking up and finishing strong for the first time ever

they kinda look a bit like your plants now,,

just gotta finish one fully now,, but i am headed right

cheers friend,,

guess the ground does not shake when one is in a boat,, eh?
sheesh,, was text there once

a new pic,, a bit o purple,, and many many more trikes,, tho they be hidin

taken at dusk on full auto,,


haha,, i am sure glad that when i pick up them big fat leaves, i see some trichomes under there,, cuz i sure don't see much there,, ha

it is a wee plant,, but as stated,, the smell and dankness of the thing is so far the other way of darn near everything i grow

this will be in the personal reserve indeed,, and since i will be running out of quart jars soon,, this will only require a pint jar,, :thumb:

cheers friends,, i can only wish for y'all that this years outdoor growing experience has been a schooling in oh so many ways as it has and continues to be for me

Perlite... if you can't get the perlite, I think that might be a deal breaker.

I did get a few bags a couple years back, through a landscaper dude who was driving south to pick up supplies. It may be possible to get more, but not before spring. And less people are driving south these days because of you know what. I do still have a bit around though. Might be fun to mix up a small test batch of faux mix

go hillbilly and shred some white Styrofoam...

Oh crap. That’s such a horrific idea! Yet sort of alluring... The stuff washes up in large quantities on the beaches here, everything from crumbs to car-sized blocks. Does that mean it’s a renewable resource? It’s full of carcinogens. If only it wasn’t so toxic, I’d guzzle some beer and get the chainsaw out. Yarrr!


Not that I would nix perlite, I just want something to stay lower in the pot. Paying for shipping on products like these can be very annoying!

Hey Gaffle. Nice of you to swing by. Welcome.


I just update this so called journal once in a while when I feel like I have time to focus on it properly. Which lately isn’t very often. I do suffer my share of guilt about it.

The rest of my time on 420, when I should be updating my journal, instead I wander around the FAQs and stuff. But that’s more like a crack addiction type habit - doesn’t need an attention span.

I checked out hydrocorn. A bit like hydroton- which I have a little bit of. Expanded clay pellets. I know a couple potters- I wonder if they could make that stuff in a kiln?

I’ve gotten less enamored of perlite lately. It breaks down, and turns into a sort of sludge fairly quickly. Styrofoam they say takes 400 years to break down....

i have increased my dosage of fert,, above the recommended levels, for about four weeks now, for everything,, and as i mentioned i do use a bit of cal/mag in a supplimental/mental feeding between m.c. feedings

How much mega crop are you feeding them? I was up to 7 gr/gallon for a while but the plants got too dark green and it still didn’t solve the blotches and splotches I was getting in flowering. Now I’m back down to 6gr for the flowering ones, but with some calmag added, and so far they seem much better. I’m crediting the calmag. Only been two weeks of calmag though so I shouldn’t speak too soon.

When I switched from Sunshine mix to Promix, all my plants of all ages started showing spots. Even the very youngest cuttings in veg were showing spots all over, like spider mite damage. Kind of weird that every plant would show deficiencies like that- really odd. Looks a lot like some sort of pest but I couldn’t find anything -the leaves look pristine otherwise. Since the calmag the spots don’t seem to have progressed at all. This pic is from two weeks ago.

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