To me it seems like the magic of life is in the struggle. That’s just what life forms do- struggle. So in a sense struggle is our happiness. We are designed to seek happiness. We aren’t designed to be happy. Catch 22. Sruggle is uncomfortable. So the usual plan is to try and trade the struggle for comfort and security, then buy back the magic with money. Hard to have both the magic and the security though, it’s generally one or the other.
A miserable bunch of sods.. I'm sure we found happiness and then let it go to grow up, lol.... Trying for something unachievable, sounds like us... One I heard that I like, why would God makes us Smart enough to seek the answer of life but not smart enough to answer it, that's just cruel :rofl::rofl:
It’s sadistic. Kind of like sport fishing. Rich guys pay to reel animals around all day with hooks in their mouths just for fun. All-knowing being sits on cloud with drink and a cigar and watches the humans freaking out down below...
To me it seems like the magic of life is in the struggle. That’s just what life forms do- struggle. So in a sense struggle is our happiness. We are designed to seek happiness. We aren’t designed to be happy. Catch 22. Sruggle is uncomfortable. So the usual plan is to try and trade the struggle for comfort and security, then buy back the magic with money. Hard to have both the magic and the security though, it’s generally one or the other.

Your perspective is skewered. You've fallen prey to the belief that there's some cosmic limit on resources, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Holding that belief draws the experiences that demonstrate the "truth" of the belief, but it's really all caused by the actions you took based on that erroneous belief.

Contrast is the most important part of manifestation. If you don't know clearly what you don't want you can't know clearly what you do want. When you can honestly answer the question "What do I truly desire?" and find a way to hold faithful to that vibration in the face of all this "reality" something marvelous happens.

You vibrate that feeling, the universe picks it up and immediately begins bringing you what you desire, one inspired action step at a time. One day you realize that without a lot of effort your desire became your reality.

You get the results faster if you stop telling stories steeped in lack and wander through the playground confident in the inevitability of your desire being manifest. So confident in the ability of the cosmos to make your dreams come true that when inspiration hits you're somewhat surprised, because you'd forgotten about it.

Without contrast there's no chance for creation of something more desirable. Contrast is the most important part, and the journey from expressed desire to manifestation is where all the fun is. It's the manipulation of the energy, the finding new ways to release inner resistance that's the real fun.
Also where the greed and self indulgence lye or is that lie :rofl: beliefs hold one back. Nothing to seek when you think you know the answers...says me who knows the answers :rofl: i hope fundamentalism isn't the key... That'll stuff me up...
Your perspective is skewered. You've fallen prey to the belief that there's some cosmic limit on resources, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Holding that belief draws the experiences that demonstrate the "truth" of the belief, but it's really all caused by the actions you took based on that erroneous belief.

Contrast is the most important part of manifestation. If you don't know clearly what you don't want you can't know clearly what you do want. When you can honestly answer the question "What do I truly desire?" and find a way to hold faithful to that vibration in the face of all this "reality" something marvelous happens.

You vibrate that feeling, the universe picks it up and immediately begins bringing you what you desire, one inspired action step at a time. One day you realize that without a lot of effort your desire became your reality.

You get the results faster if you stop telling stories steeped in lack and wander through the playground confident in the inevitability of your desire being manifest. So confident in the ability of the cosmos to make your dreams come true that when inspiration hits you're somewhat surprised, because you'd forgotten about it.

Without contrast there's no chance for creation of something more desirable. Contrast is the most important part, and the journey from expressed desire to manifestation is where all the fun is. It's the manipulation of the energy, the finding new ways to release inner resistance that's the real fun.

Hmmmm... I may well be skewered prey, Sue, but I’m pretty sure you must be skewered too because I think you completely misunderstood where I was coming from. Could you explain what you thought I was saying so that at least we are on the same footing?
I’ll just have to try to ponder this confusion for the day though, as I have to pack to go cherry picking soon. PS - have I mentioned that I live in paradise?
Also where the greed and self indulgence lye or is that lie :rofl: beliefs hold one back. Nothing to seek when you think you know the answers...says me who knows the answers :rofl: i hope fundamentalism isn't the key... That'll stuff me up...

I’ll have to think about what we are talking about here and try to come back with some thoughts later, because this is all cutting into the half hour I have to go lay in the sun and drink a morning cup of tea, have a smoke and do the rounds to visit the animals. Then I have to go meet a friend to check on the cherries and the blueberry crop before getting back home again to deal with the berries, cook some salmon on the fire and hang out and play guitar.
Part of what I was thinking when I said that part about the magic being in the struggle - I was thinking of so many people I saw in poor parts of the world. Villages and slums in India where generation after generation works in abject poverty just to survive and pass on the smallest crumb to their family so they might get a chance at a leg up next time around. We in the west can’t even begin to imagine the cosmic toil that shapes their lives. And when you walk through their home their children surround you in happy mobs. The magic of existence shines in those people‘s eyes in a way that I never saw in the eyes of most of us who float at the top of the food chain and ‘have everything’. People who have stopped struggling have lost their magic.
Look at every movie and story ever written. Magic is in the struggle. The suburban dream isn’t for me.
These conversations are better spoken.. can't cover total.meaning without responding in chapters, lol... Yeah, our privileges guide perspective, makes us more self involved, give us a right to achieve what we desire. Can you get the truth when your free or what you need to see/hear to further your own satisfaction, make your own existence important... Its amazing the smiles on those living to survive, compared to the privileged with too much time on their hands to contemplate the ridiculous and get down about it, lol...
Hmmmm... I may well be skewered prey, Sue, but I’m pretty sure you must be skewered too because I think you completely misunderstood where I was coming from. Could you explain what you thought I was saying so that at least we are on the same footing?
I’ll just have to try to ponder this confusion for the day though, as I have to pack to go cherry picking soon. PS - have I mentioned that I live in paradise?

Sorry Weaselcracker. Lol! You caught me in the middle of a meditation and you were standing right there when it let loose. :hug:

You were speaking of seeking for happiness but not being designed to be happy. I find that flawed thinking, particularly with what I’ve learned from my studies of the ECS.

I believe we were designed to run most efficiently in joy, which is the ultimate expression of happiness. It’s not something that comes from having wonderful things happen in your life, it springs from a deep alignment with the cosmos, and once attained all the things that happen to you become wonderful.

Things still happen around you but with a changed perspective they don’t influence the way you feel. You express happiness, deliberately.

I don’t see it as struggle, I see it as a defining of what I desire. That difference in perspective allows me to have security and magic in a continuous stream.

True security isn’t what you have, it’s what you can live without. Looking at experience as struggle is what perpetuates the struggle. Give up the resistance to the idea that you can have anything your heart desires and lo and behold your desires start arriving.

Most people get to this place and say “But....” Right there they start arguing for the limitations they believe hold them back from wonder and magic, and the security that comes with them.

You live in paradise. Security has a different feel out there, or should I say a different interpretation. There’s no security in money. The security is in accepting that all your needs are fulfilled, really accepting it and living your life as a demonstration of that truth.

Then watch your feeling of security come true in ways you never imagined. Money shows up because you expect it. It doesn’t show up for the very same reason.

Reading that over I’m not sure if I cleared it up. Lol!
I’ll have to think about what we are talking about here and try to come back with some thoughts later, because this is all cutting into the half hour I have to go lay in the sun and drink a morning cup of tea, have a smoke and do the rounds to visit the animals. Then I have to go meet a friend to check on the cherries and the blueberry crop before getting back home again to deal with the berries, cook some salmon on the fire and hang out and play guitar.
Part of what I was thinking when I said that part about the magic being in the struggle - I was thinking of so many people I saw in poor parts of the world. Villages and slums in India where generation after generation works in abject poverty just to survive and pass on the smallest crumb to their family so they might get a chance at a leg up next time around. We in the west can’t even begin to imagine the cosmic toil that shapes their lives. And when you walk through their home their children surround you in happy mobs. The magic of existence shines in those people‘s eyes in a way that I never saw in the eyes of most of us who float at the top of the food chain and ‘have everything’. People who have stopped struggling have lost their magic.
Look at every movie and story ever written. Magic is in the struggle. The suburban dream isn’t for me.

Ok, I see where you’re coming from. It follows my narrative of perspective though, and reminds me of a story.

A woman is watching families while she waits to board her plane, intrigued by the glaring differences in their energy.

One family is fleeing a war-torn province, energetic and engaged, astounded by the opulence and safety that surround them. The children played and chattered with the loving parents.

The second group, a contemporary middle-class family in their way to visit relatives across the country sat across the way, each either absorbed in a device or staring off into the distance, oozing boredom.

Which energy would you choose?

Your thoughts about the children and their eyes filled with joy and wonder points out the truth that we make profound judgements about the lives others live that don’t serve us or them much. I raised my children in poverty, but cross the threshold and you were enveloped in love.

I’m happier with that legacy than I would have been with a big paycheck, fancy car, expensive vacations and no time with my family. I deliberately chose to live much simpler than my neighbors did. They had their own brand of happy. :battingeyelashes:

In the end, without a little conflict in our lives we don’t strive for better. You appreciate the beauty more when you were denied it for a time. I like to find happier words than struggle.
Maybe best left where Grizzwald left it. We are just dealing with words. Might make for many hours of great conversation in person- but attempting writing it would mean writing a whole book. A boring one at that.
We are probably in agreement anyway so to dissect words for 1000 posts would be pointless.
I don’t look at struggle as a negative thing. It’s the spice of life. Adventure, pushing the limits, any form of creativity, just basic survival- it’s all struggle. I dunno- maybe some people can reach a plateau and be sedentary and happy. For me I always want to change and push outward and I think it’s plainly the basic nature of every living creature. And for that matter- everything in existence, from atoms to amoebas to animals and galaxies.
I’ve lived lots of places- from remote bush in the Yukon to Bombay and Bangkok and lots of places in between. I think the same rules apply. There are myths of the idea of a magic rainbow happy state- pushed by preachers and salesmen and pharmaceutical corporations. It’s clearly (in a general sense) bullshit and easily proven so by just looking around. We find happiness in being alive. Being alive means living life as fully as we can, and to me that just doesn’t happen without effort and struggle. Unfortunately it often happens when we are facing the most adversity.
But again we are probably just finding different ways of saying the same thing. Myself I don’t mind investigating the empty half of the cup, and looking at the dark side of things a little. I find it interesting. Some people are put off by anything that might sound negative- but what’s being scared of (perceived) negativity other than just another form of negativity?
That reminds of a phrase I once used to describe the path my life has taken.

I like to call Life's bluff - find out what happens "if".


And now I know, from personal experience. I actually know.

To me it seems like the magic of life is in the struggle. That’s just what life forms do- struggle. So in a sense struggle is our happiness. We are designed to seek happiness. We aren’t designed to be happy. Catch 22. Sruggle is uncomfortable. So the usual plan is to try and trade the struggle for comfort and security, then buy back the magic with money. Hard to have both the magic and the security though, it’s generally one or the other.

So, I picked that up at the time to quote (so I’m skirting over the following convo a bit), just because I wanted to say that I found it beautifully profound. :) It brings to my mind some 15000 words of philosophy I wrote (a sub-thesis) which was in part to do with the notion (coming out of theology and philosophy) of making oneself passible. My current brain probably can’t describe any of it now though...
But yeah, WC, I like those words. Was kind of what my whole thesis was arguing - and see, could’ve done in so many less words than 15000!:rofl:

Also, even in joyful play, there is struggle! ;)

Thanks Amy. I spit those so called words of wisdom out with half a brain cell left last night and one eye propped open. Then pried the eyes back open this morn (very literally especially with the blurry one which isn’t quite the same anymore) to immediately get confused by Sue saying I have fallen prey to being skewered by erroneous beliefs and must let them go.
(Just being facetious Sue :rofl: ) ❤️

Speaking of struggle I accidentally left my window open while I was doing the berry tour and damn a lot of bugs got in.
This is making me happier....this is making me happier.. scratch scratch scratch.
I can hear the bats rustling up there. So close but so far. If only they were inside where I need them. I have had them fly in before and it’s very cool watching them race all through the house. Almost totally silent and even in the tightest spots they’ll never crash into anything.

I managed to remember to cob up some Carnival just now.
......Might make for many hours of great conversation in person- but attempting writing it would mean writing a whole book. A boring one at that.
We are probably in agreement anyway so to dissect words for 1000 posts would be pointless.

But again we are probably just finding different ways of saying the same thing......

Its funny the response that come.. could write a whole book and one line from that can take the conversation in a total different direction
I initially wanted to expand the idea of healthy buff City folk, angry depressed v dark eyed yellow tinged skin (not Tan) living in pleurisy valley, happy relaxed welcoming folks :rofl::passitleft:
Ha ha. That’s so true. That’s what was in the top of my head too. What is this journal but a piece of fluff floating down shit creek, carrried who knows where next? Now I’m thinking about bugs, and a strange new rustling sound from an unusual part of the cabin. :hmmmm: In both cases probably easiest to just hide under the covers and try to get some sleep.
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