Winter Outdoor Grow 2009/2010

I'm lovin' those little skulls. Don't @ccidently h@nd those out to the trick-or-tre@ters!!! lol
Getting some growth back sonzor. Good to hear you got the critters taken care of. Plants look like they're coming around.

Whats myster1 doing. Is it in need of water or still coming back from the critter attacks?
cool choc skulls, how did your evening go, heh? Sounds like you had a good amount of bud in there.
Does anyone have any idea what causes this. I know its not a mj leaf its a avocado leaf. I have the same thing on my MJ leaves. I took this picture because the leaves are so much bigger and much easier to see. I did spray the leaves to kill the bugs and this is what happened to the leaves about a week later. The bugs are gone but have some damage from something. Is this from the spray, or something else, any help would be greatly appreciated.


same thing happened to me. it was from dawn soap/water in a spray bottle, i sprayed the leaves and soil to get rid of a bad gnat infestation. it kiilled a lot of gnats, but it damaged the leaves permanently on the plant in flowering and on the babies it damaged the old leaves, but once i left it alone for a while, the new leaves grew back fine and healthy. so i highly suggest never spray the leaves or the plant with soap/water or anything other then a light mist with water. unless u can safely leaf feed. but i dont suggest it. i would never spray mine with anything but misting with water EVER AGAIN! it can damage the leaves, making them look very unhealthy, almost looks like a horrible nute burn. the leaves get brown, and get spots, and the tips crumble.
Not to sidetrack the grow but do fill us in on the outcome of this
this should be interesting :popcorn:

Thanks for stopping in and I will give a update on the chocolates in a few.

I'm lovin' those little skulls. Don't @ccidently h@nd those out to the trick-or-tre@ters!!! lol

Thanks for the comments and stopping in. I am very careful and those skulls are far away from any youngsters and will be sure to keep it that way..

Getting some growth back sonzor. Good to hear you got the critters taken care of. Plants look like they're coming around.

Whats myster1 doing. Is it in need of water or still coming back from the critter attacks?
cool choc skulls, how did your evening go, heh? Sounds like you had a good amount of bud in there.

Hay Mmmick, not sure about the mystery at first I thought it might be too much water but I let the plant dry out and no change so I water her and got some more growth on top but no change to those droopy leaves. I might just cut them off when I get a little more healthy growth out of the top.. Also the seeds where some extra the seed company sent for sending me bunk seeds. They are probably rejects from there breading so I am not expecting anything great I just wanted to see if they would germ since the replacement seeds they sent me for the bunk first batch only had 1 out of 10 that germinated. Thats a total of 3 out of 20 from that company. Won't be ordering from them again. The choc was nice and I will give a full update at the end of this. Thanks for stopping in and you comments are always appreciated.

what state are you in, if you don't mind me asking? the weather there sounds so ideal, def. somewhere i would love to live.

I think your in the state just a pretty far north. I am not sure it will all work out cause it does cool down here. Just thought I would give it a go. Thanks for stopping in and you comments.
Thanks siscokid, So I guess it was the spray, Maybe I should have rinsed the leaves off. Not sure if that would have helped or not, Thanks for the conformation.

i rinsed my leaves off after i did that too, with just misting with water, and it might have washed off the rest of the harm i did, but it didnt fix the harm i caused. if you get what i mean, lol. so take my advice, NEVER spray with anything but water lightly misted occasionally, but not on flowering plants. not good, can cause mold on your buds.
same thing happened to me. it was from dawn soap/water in a spray bottle, i sprayed the leaves and soil to get rid of a bad gnat infestation. it kiilled a lot of gnats, but it damaged the leaves permanently on the plant in flowering and on the babies it damaged the old leaves, but once i left it alone for a while, the new leaves grew back fine and healthy. so i highly suggest never spray the leaves or the plant with soap/water or anything other then a light mist with water. unless u can safely leaf feed. but i dont suggest it. i would never spray mine with anything but misting with water EVER AGAIN! it can damage the leaves, making them look very unhealthy, almost looks like a horrible nute burn. the leaves get brown, and get spots, and the tips crumble.

Thanks, thats some good information and much appreciated. + rep
Chocolate Skull Update

Had some of the chocolates with my brother in law last night. For my first experience with edibles it was pretty darn nice. I was a little worried these would be too strong. But they turned out to be just the meds I was looking for.

Taste pretty much like milk chocolate. You did get a little taste of the MJ on the back end but not overpowering at all. All and all a very pleasant taste and I am not much for chocolate so thats saying a lot.

I just had one to check out how potent they are. It took about 45 minutes to feel anything and came on gradually. Started in the head and filled out nicely to the body. Super clear and no problems in a social situation. Lots of laughing and great conversation. After about 2 hours of some lobsterman show felt a little tired, went to bed and had one of the best night sleeps I have had in a long while. Which is just what I was looking for.

Over all one piece was a real nice experience I think two would be even better. Not sure I would go too many over that but we will see.

Two thumbs up for sure and will be making these for a long time to come.
Chocolate Skull Update

Had some of the chocolates with my brother in law last night. For my first experience with edibles it was pretty darn nice. I was a little worried these would be too strong. But they turned out to be just the meds I was looking for.

Taste pretty much like milk chocolate. You did get a little taste of the MJ on the back end but not overpowering at all. All and all a very pleasant taste and I am not much for chocolate so thats saying a lot.

I just had one to check out how potent they are. It took about 45 minutes to feel anything and came on gradually. Started in the head and filled out nicely to the body. Super clear and no problems in a social situation. Lots of laughing and great conversation. After about 2 hours of some lobsterman show felt a little tired, went to bed and had one of the best night sleeps I have had in a long while. Which is just what I was looking for.

Over all one piece was a real nice experience I think two would be even better. Not sure I would go too many over that but we will see.

Two thumbs up for sure and will be making these for a long time to come.

Hi sonzor, sounds like your chocolates worked well. congrats on finding another pleasant way to partake.

How many choc's in a batch?
Hi sonzor, sounds like your chocolates worked well. congrats on finding another pleasant way to partake.

How many choc's in a batch?

I used one pack of chocolate chips with about 1/2 pound of canabutter. It made 34 pieces of chocolate.
thanks sonzor. I hope to have a stash that'll support ingestion as well as smoking, someday,lol.

I am sure you will, you got the skill and the knowledge for sure. Thanks again for the comments and stopping in.

nice yield
good nights lead to good mornings

Thanks blacken for stopping and and the comments I sort of agree. I have had some great knights out drinking with friends and not such a great morning but I fully agree with you if the boozed is not involved. Thanks again.
thanks for posting the chocolate recipe!

edibles are something I want to explore after I harvest my current grow ;)

I like your mold too!

Thanks setting sun, this is something I am going to explore a little further also. Thanks for the comments and stopping buy and good luck with the Member of the Month you deserve it for sure...
hey sonzor, I need to pick your brain, if you don't mind.

I'm planning to use a bat guano in my next feeding. I have 0-15-1 guano, I think it should be a good one shot boost for budding. The recommended feed dosage is 1 tbsp per gallon of soil, but I want to apply it as a tea. What dosage do you use in your tea? I understand guano is only one of your components but I'd like to get a handle on a safe level as a liquid feed, your experience would be a good guidline. I'll use it once only and then go back to the Botanicare products I'm working with.
Appreciate any input you can offer.
Plants are looking good and the chocolate sounds great! plus rep. if I can

Thanks so much for stopping in and taking a look and you comments are always very much appreciated.

hey sonzor, I need to pick your brain, if you don't mind.

I'm planning to use a bat guano in my next feeding. I have 0-15-1 guano, I think it should be a good one shot boost for budding. The recommended feed dosage is 1 tbsp per gallon of soil, but I want to apply it as a tea. What dosage do you use in your tea? I understand guano is only one of your components but I'd like to get a handle on a safe level as a liquid feed, your experience would be a good guidline. I'll use it once only and then go back to the Botanicare products I'm working with.
Appreciate any input you can offer.

Hay Mmmmick when making my teas for flowering I use a multitude of stuff but when adding the guano I use 1 tbsp per gallon just like they recommend and let brew for at least 3 days. Depending on what is in my teas 3 days usually does the trick and after three days you really have to watch it or should I say smell it and make sure its not going bad. Its seems to work ok. I also take the guano and other stuff that is in the tea bag and spread it over the top of the soil. I have used more guano around 6 tbsp and it did not have any negative affects and did not seem to make any difference so I would think when making the teas the risk of over feeding is very slim. Good luck...

I know a lot of guano tea recipe's say to brew the teas for 2 weeks and some up to a years. I am pretty sure thats just for guano only teas and am pretty sure they are just letting it sit without any air stones and stirring it up every once in a while. With my teas I could never brew them that long without them going bad.

Hope this helps and good luck..
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