420 Magazine Official NextLight LED Grow Journal By Brett Blaze

I thought some of you may find this interesting. I did.

Although not related to my grow journal this is cannabis related so I thought I would share. In my real life, when I'm not the super hero Brett Blaze, I am a real estate photographer. One of my clients is the largest land holder of cannabis property, allocated for growing, in the Coachella Valley. Some of you may know of Coachella from the festivals. It's located near Palm Springs and in my backyard. There is a lot of Indian owned land so many casinos, dispensaries and growers are located in this area.

The client hired me to do aerial drone video and photos of a huge land area that has been approved for cannabis cultivation. This area already has some of the largest growers in the United States. So I flew my drone over these heavily guarded areas taking video and photos wondering if my drone will get shot down. Just kidding.

The main piece of property I shot was 2 miles long by 1/2 mile wide. Another area that is planned and in development is Coachillin which is 160 acres of planned commercial area with cannabis as the central attraction. It is planned to have hotels, an amphitheater, shops and restaurants.

Here is a YouTube link that provides some details.


Two of the photos I shot of Coachillin. The other property is just desert so not much to see.

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Jan 05 2022 Coachillin-9.jpg

I thought some of you may find this interesting. I did.

Although not related to my grow journal this is cannabis related so I thought I would share. In my real life, when I'm not the super hero Brett Blaze, I am a real estate photographer. One of my clients is the largest land holder of cannabis property, allocated for growing, in the Coachella Valley. Some of you may know of Coachella from the festivals. It's located near Palm Springs and in my backyard. There is a lot of Indian owned land so many casinos, dispensaries and growers are located in this area.

The client hired me to do aerial drone video and photos of a huge land area that has been approved for cannabis cultivation. This area already has some of the largest growers in the United States. So I flew my drone over these heavily guarded areas taking video and photos wondering if my drone will get shot down. Just kidding.

The main piece of property I shot was 2 miles long by 1/2 mile wide. Another area that is planned and in development is Coachillin which is 160 acres of planned commercial area with cannabis as the central attraction. It is planned to have hotels, an amphitheater, shops and restaurants.

Here is a YouTube link that provides some details.


Two of the photos I shot of Coachillin. The other property is just desert so not much to see.

Jan 05 2022 Coachillin-3.jpg

Jan 05 2022 Coachillin-9.jpg
I thought some of you may find this interesting. I did.

Although not related to my grow journal this is cannabis related so I thought I would share. In my real life, when I'm not the super hero Brett Blaze, I am a real estate photographer. One of my clients is the largest land holder of cannabis property, allocated for growing, in the Coachella Valley. Some of you may know of Coachella from the festivals. It's located near Palm Springs and in my backyard. There is a lot of Indian owned land so many casinos, dispensaries and growers are located in this area.

The client hired me to do aerial drone video and photos of a huge land area that has been approved for cannabis cultivation. This area already has some of the largest growers in the United States. So I flew my drone over these heavily guarded areas taking video and photos wondering if my drone will get shot down. Just kidding.

The main piece of property I shot was 2 miles long by 1/2 mile wide. Another area that is planned and in development is Coachillin which is 160 acres of planned commercial area with cannabis as the central attraction. It is planned to have hotels, an amphitheater, shops and restaurants.

Here is a YouTube link that provides some details.


Two of the photos I shot of Coachillin. The other property is just desert so not much to see.

Jan 05 2022 Coachillin-3.jpg

Jan 05 2022 Coachillin-9.jpg

That's amazing Brett!! Goals is the only thing I can picture in my mind.. cheers Thanks for that image ya took!
Flower Day 50 - 110 days total

The ladies just finished up 7 weeks and by the look of the trichomes they are about ready to harvest. At least the ones near the top. Since I didn't do any major training (purposely) this may need two harvests to allow the lower branches a few extra days. I was hoping to avoid this since I want to use the tent for drying. I didn't take pics of the lower branches as this caught me by surprise. I was anticipating another week of flower. Tonight I will get pics from lower and back areas to confirm harvest time.

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Flower Day 50 - 110 days total

The ladies just finished up 7 weeks and by the look of the trichomes they are about ready to harvest. At least the ones near the top. Since I didn't do any major training (purposely) this may need two harvests to allow the lower branches a few extra days. I was hoping to avoid this since I want to use the tent for drying. I didn't take pics of the lower branches as this caught me by surprise. I was anticipating another week of flower. Tonight I will get pics from lower and back areas to confirm harvest time.

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May I ask what type of scope ya got Brett? Very nice!!
Your garden is just BRIMMING with goodness!

And you drone photography is off the chart great! I almost felt bad for reporting it coz it’s off topic ;)

For those literal readers I’m only joking! Snitches get stitches LOLLINGGGGGG
Flower Day 52 - 112 days total

After looking at the trichomes on the rest of the plants I am planning to harvest tomorrow. Most of the plants are looking the same no matter where the buds are located with about 10 to 20% amber as of Friday night.

Overall the @NextLight Mega Pro performed beautifully with light penetration all the way down to the lowest branches. Using the @GeoFlora Nutrients was simple and provided sufficient nutrients all the way to harvest with no additional supplements required. I also added Purpinator which and a wetting agent during the normal watering.

Since this was my first soil grow in several years I believe I could have watered more often since I noticed some drying leaves towards the end. This may have added some more bulk to the colas.

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Quick update

After checking out the entire area of all the plants I noticed a lot of clear or barely cloudy trichomes. Therefore I am holding off the harvest until next weekend.

Quick update

After checking out the entire area of all the plants I noticed a lot of clear or barely cloudy trichomes. Therefore I am holding off the harvest until next weekend.

When do you like them? I guess I should ask. When are you taking this one? I know I change when I take them by cultivar and what I want from it.
When do you like them? I guess I should ask. When are you taking this one? I know I change when I take them by cultivar and what I want from it.
I like 20% amber. These are more like 10%.
Quick update

After checking out the entire area of all the plants I noticed a lot of clear or barely cloudy trichomes. Therefore I am holding off the harvest until next weekend.


Pics or it didn't happen :cheer:
Flower Day 52 - 112 days total

After looking at the trichomes on the rest of the plants I am planning to harvest tomorrow. Most of the plants are looking the same no matter where the buds are located with about 10 to 20% amber as of Friday night.

Overall the @NextLight Mega Pro performed beautifully with light penetration all the way down to the lowest branches. Using the @GeoFlora Nutrients was simple and provided sufficient nutrients all the way to harvest with no additional supplements required. I also added Purpinator which and a wetting agent during the normal watering.

Since this was my first soil grow in several years I believe I could have watered more often since I noticed some drying leaves towards the end. This may have added some more bulk to the colas.

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Thank you so much for your support. I wow-ed at these beautiful babies for like 15 minutes. So stunning my friend. Really amazing work, keep it up!
Flower Day 56 - 116 days total

Harvest Day!! For Real.

8 full weeks of flower and they are ready. Now to hopefully keep the RH at 65% and the temperature at 70° F for the next 10 days to two weeks.
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Thanks to our sponsors for supporting this grow with their amazing products.

@NextLight Mega Pro did a great job. And now that the grow is finished it folds up to easily store until next time.

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@GeoFlora Nutrients were really easy to use. My biggest error was not watering enough at the beginning of flower. Since I haven't grown in soil for a few decades and I was using a 90 gallon container I was concerned of over watering.

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Flower Day 56 - 116 days total

Harvest Day!! For Real.

8 full weeks of flower and they are ready. Now to hopefully keep the RH at 65% and the temperature at 70° F for the next 10 days to two weeks.
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Thanks to our sponsors for supporting this grow with their amazing products.

@NextLight Mega Pro did a great job. And now that the grow is finished it folds up to easily store until next time.

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@GeoFlora Nutrients were really easy to use. My biggest error was not watering enough at the beginning of flower. Since I haven't grown in soil for a few decades and I was using a 90 gallon container I was concerned of over watering.

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Congrats on the harvest my friend @Brett Blaze
Just beautiful. :welldone:

Stay safe
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