B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Tent

Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

happy turkey day B.I.D. and Spiffy
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

sounds like thats WHY your 200lbs now rotflmmfao!! 200lbs your just a lil' feller i think one of my legs weigh that much lol i generally poop 200-225lbs before lunch lol j/k

ewwww.... that's a big toilet bowl....

Anyway HAPPY HARVEST! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

Congrats and hooray on getting your motherboard and getting your bad azz PC back together again :) I know the feeling of having it down and having to wait for parts but happy that the replacement came quick!

I use the 5 gallon smart pots and I think I may try to fit some 7 gallon ones in the tent but still undecided on the upgrade. The one thing I noticed since using the smart pots was very very small fiberous roots everywhere and no circling :) So far I like the product and I was checking out there website and they have wall/fence hanging smarpots, i was thinking Hmm would be really nice for a vertical grow :)

The 5 gallon ones definitely have grown some nice 4+ foot scrogged out plants and definitely withstood the cycle, but I usually start mine off in the 3 gallon plastics to get a good rootball, score the roots on transplant, and watch them love the new soil.. I swear I can almost sense the plants thank me for the new soil :)
ty broIce! hope you and yours have a great holiday, yeah the 4gal smarts grow strong plants im gonna see how an auto or w does in a 2gal from the start no transplant, im a big beliver in the concept that we are connected to everything i can feel when my plants like what im doing or when they are unhappy with my heglect, i know its a uncommon belief but i see it at work all the time,its how i know when to do something i have not heard of before, an example would be after seeing them respond to the recommended dose of azomite, then vibin. (for lack of a better word) with the plants i decided to try upping the amount of azomite by triple and disolving half in hot water and adding it to a gallon sprayer with some humate (bpn dark matter) and misting a couple times a week i could feel the plants groovin to the quick absorption of all those minerals, and the next day they were armor all shiny! thats just one of the things im doing thats outside what i have been taught , and i did it because i listen to the plants lol now i know some ppl are gonna think im a whack job but im stickin to my methods till they prove to be wrong! i got a bunch of eco/green shopping bags from the $ store thet are made of very similar material and if they work hmmmmm they were 50 cents each and are easily a 5-6gallon capacity nice big handles too! you will see em in the journal
peace love and flower power my friend!

Glad to here you have the new machine up and running. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Spiffy.
thank you tac its so nice to have it back i played mw2 for hours last night on ultra high settings and it was as smooth as glass except for my gaytarded mouse freezing turns out it was the dongle part of it was going out time for one of those nifty new nostromo thingys hehehe heres wishing you a great holiday buddy dont eat to much!
party on garth!!:high-five::rocker:

happy turkey day B.I.D. and Spiffy
ty ty and to you as well cant wait for all for all the leftover turkey sandwiches!

ewwww.... that's a big toilet bowl....

Anyway HAPPY HARVEST! :cheesygrinsmiley:
lol yup the girls make me dig a hole n poop outside aparantly its not polite to poop in the tub! whodathunk it! heres hoping your turkey day is a fantastic one!:thumb::thumb::high-five:

ok im gonna throw up some new pics in a few min
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

ok heres those pics as promised
first will be the clones
group shot

then the 3 blue cheese im so stoked 1 will be turned maleish for feminized seeds 1 will be the mama the last will be for smoke gear maybe a mother i wanna grow it hugeamongeous!!!!!!
then the very odd widow bomb that almost did not make it the top may leaf out, but it appears as tho the lower nodes are gonna step up

and the strongest fastest to root clone the herojuana jack-33 , it seems as tho the bigger the clone the faster they root perhaps? but 1 thing for sure they reveg faster this one never did ny smooth edged leaves despite being in full flower it thik i took these all at like 4 weeks in flower

Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

it took me all day to get these shots up the problem i have with the gallery was bad today everytime i bring up the window where you click on your pics to put them in the post the window goes to the main page of the gallery, and now since the update that was done to the gallery i cant upload the pics straight from my tablet, the button you click on is missing in my browser (whatever the default android ice cream sandwich browser is) so i have to either email them to myself or connect the tab to my pc (big hastle my dock for the tab is by the bed)
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

does anyone play mw2,portal2,or max payne3? just got them on steam, dloading now, i think my new machine is finaly ready to do its job ,im sure there are many tweaks and such to do but i just played mw2 on highest graphics and it was smooth as glass even in multiplayer, hopefully it will be good for the time i spend here typing pic uploading etc lol, gator do you play online with sc?
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

I have not yet played online anything. I hate to lose, so I dominate the stupid AI on StarCraft on a few simple scenarios over and over again. It's exactly like shooting paper targets with a high-power rifle, but slightly quieter, cheaper, and doesn't punch my shoulder. Maybe someday I'll sprout a pair and subject myself to humiliating pulverization by you online killer kids, but... I actually already have working parts that I definitely don't want mashed. Funny that, because I often risk serious physical damage riding my bicycle. It's different. For one, I don't believe in my heart that bad luck will ever make me crash at an occasional 40mph downhill. My false ego is more wrapped up in being smart. Figure that one out and you're another one up on me, because with your skill, experience, and HOT new comp... you're waay too much. nevah hoppen

What's online with 'sc'?
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.....I was wondering if any of you knew the answer to this? So did the Pilgrims buy a bunch of crap they really didn't need the day after Thanksgiving too? Anyway BID was working hard today in his tents and I was working hard in the kitchen lol...It all turned out great now it is time to sleep lol
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

I have not yet played online anything. I hate to lose, so I dominate the stupid AI on StarCraft on a few simple scenarios over and over again. It's exactly like shooting paper targets with a high-power rifle, but slightly quieter, cheaper, and doesn't punch my shoulder. Maybe someday I'll sprout a pair and subject myself to humiliating pulverization by you online killer kids, but... I actually already have working parts that I definitely don't want mashed. Funny that, because I often risk serious physical damage riding my bicycle. It's different. For one, I don't believe in my heart that bad luck will ever make me crash at an occasional 40mph downhill. My false ego is more wrapped up in being smart. Figure that one out and you're another one up on me, because with your skill, experience, and HOT new comp... you're waay too much. nevah hoppen

What's online with 'sc'?
well you can pit your skills against ppl instead of ai, with the first sc you create a battle net account and log into multiplayer we can meet and fight each other as a team against others or ai your missing a huge ,awesome part of the game, with sc2 theres much more to do online campaign together i believe many online games offered dont have to end with you having mashed anything, teamwork and non competive things are plentiful, i to am egotistical about intellect, but much fun is to be had, go check out steam.kom ,i doubt my skill age or computer give me any advantage but its nice to think it

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.....I was wondering if any of you knew the answer to this? So did the Pilgrims buy a bunch of crap they really didn't need the day after Thanksgiving too? Anyway BID was working hard today in his tents and I was working hard in the kitchen lol...It all turned out great now it is time to sleep lol
a most plesant day happy girls in all rooms green and a a peach colored sort:circle-of-love:
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

So did the Pilgrims buy a bunch of crap they really didn't need the day after Thanksgiving too?
Yup! They took the commuter train down to New York, smoked up the natives, then bought the whole town and the Brooklyn bridge for 24 strings of Mardi Gras beads. The Pilgrimettes wanted those beads back and danced half naked on the street and a good time was had by all. The next year Walnuts came to town, and the party became a rumble to be the first in the door for the best deals.

I have sc2 too, and I'm getting up to speed with the Windows OS. What kind of virus protection racket charges do I need to pay?
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

well i wont pay for virus protection, so i use nothing , but sometimes i use a free one avg, i do use spybot search & destroy for spyware great free program, as i understand it sc2 does not fare to well without an online connection much like diablo3 one i am yet to try, but in the pc game genre im a few yrs behind due to my switch from pc to laptop/console configuration, i had gotten sick and tired of keeping up with the bleeding edge of pc tech and having issues with repeated parts failure, coming off a 5 year stint as a tech dept mgr/IT/tech support/pc sales/repair job i was burned out, i needed simple and effective, i have to admit the ps3 and xbox360 to a lesser degree are amazing machines that have powerful tech, the ps3 is to date one of the most powerful computers to be had with its cell brodband cpu 9 cores i think no game has yet to take even half of that power into play, the only thing that will hold it back for along time will be the video adapter, thats the hitch with consoles they cant be upgraded, im sure thats intentional, the ps move controllers are astounding playing killzone3 with the sharpshooter assault rifle was a boots on the ground unforgettable experience , but now is a great time to get back into desktops the tech is powerful and dirt cheap now that mini computing devices are so the new "in" thing that everyone "must" have im most happy to be back into such familiar territory
yesterday i got all the seedlings into a mixture of pots smartpots,reg pots and 3 liter hempys in a combo of coco and very cooked soil the soil was built and set to cook 5 months ago i noticed it had a very composted texture and a deep rich earthy smell very much like soil thats been cooked for a month but just much more intense, i think these autos are going to be very happy i mixed at about 75% coco20% soil and the rest is a blend of gypsum,azomite,mushroom compost,perlite,mykos, not much nitrogen that will come from the bpn organic s so untill the other ladies are harvested the big tent is packed wall to wall pots it will be a sog this run im planning on very little manipulation like lst,etc since they are autos height is not a concern in the tall tent just let them do their thing maybe a little defol if leaves crowd or shade to much im also considering adding the 600watt mh so a 1200watt auto grow!
also after the harvest of the current grow im closing this journal and doing a new one of course more focus on breeding and autos, if i get gdp for xmas that will be a separate journal!
ciao for naio
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

omg OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!! all 10 of my auto seedlings are gone! no evidence they were ever in their pots! no dead seedlings no taproots its as if they were never planted! i dug around in every pot nothing !! upon investigation i have found mouse turds on top of my scrubber! i can only assume that evil mice with a taste for baby cannabis plants are the reason i have no new babies! im so pissed and floored how the hell are they getting in? how dare they touch my plants, WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED! , this is a clear and bold declaration of war against me and will be anwserd with overwhelming force and retaliation! my cannons are loaded mines bombs chemical warfare and traps are being prepared as i type!!!
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

omg OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!! all 10 of my auto seedlings are gone! no evidence they were ever in their pots! no dead seedlings no taproots its as if they were never planted! i dug around in every pot nothing !! upon investigation i have found mouse turds on top of my scrubber! i can only assume that evil mice with a taste for baby cannabis plants are the reason i have no new babies! im so pissed and floored how the hell are they getting in? how dare they touch my plants, WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED! , this is a clear and bold declaration of war against me and will be anwserd with overwhelming force and retaliation! my cannons are loaded mines bombs chemical warfare and traps are being prepared as i type!!!
KILL! KILL! Eat dead burnt bodies, I mean KILL! Go gettum Doode!:thedoubletake:
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

i have donned my warpaint 5 traps per tent set, toxic death chemical bait deployed! more ordinance to be deployed after a run to town! they got my last 5 auto seeds that are not from my breeding project, my hopes of a new genetic male (auto assassin aka ak47 auto) dashed! im fucking livid! lit up and ready to rumble! welcome all fuzzy little rodents to the "house of death/horrors" your suffering will be legendary! even in hell!!
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

woohooo already got one a big fat mama that was obviously nursing a litter she ha swollen and pronounced teats that had matted dried hair around them, funny got her in the tent with the scrog not where the lings were,so they are running all thru my stuff, im asuming winter brought them in since there were none a few months ago, welp 1 down ....
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

woohooo already got one a big fat mama that was obviously nursing a litter she ha swollen and pronounced teats that had matted dried hair around them, funny got her in the tent with the scrog not where the lings were,so they are running all thru my stuff, im asuming winter brought them in since there were none a few months ago, welp 1 down ....
WOW! You got one ALREADY! Go gettem Doode!:cheesygrinsmiley::tokin:
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

now im trying to decide if i want to even bother germing any seeds at all, i have the clones, but my plans for those involve veg time significant in a few cases, but the plans were to make feminized seed with the strains that after the taste test of their mothers deemed them worthy to stay around, what im getting at is after this upcoming harvest 3-4 weeks away there would be a big gap between harvests so the autos were to fill that gap after the last few times running out i have decided i really dont like being out and its not good for spiffy or i either one, with my pain & insomnia and her migraines and anxiety we are a mess without meds on hand, i dont buy meds black market or otherwise so if i didnt grow it generally we dont use it, besides i dont know any other growers localy,, so i guess i should pop a few beans but losing my assassins really knocked the wind outta me....any opinions ?
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