B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Tent

Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

now im trying to decide if i want to even bother germing any seeds at all, i have the clones, but my plans for those involve veg time significant in a few cases, but the plans were to make feminized seed with the strains that after the taste test of their mothers deemed them worthy to stay around, what im getting at is after this upcoming harvest 3-4 weeks away there would be a big gap between harvests so the autos were to fill that gap after the last few times running out i have decided i really dont like being out and its not good for spiffy or i either one, with my pain & insomnia and her migraines and anxiety we are a mess without meds on hand, i dont buy meds black market or otherwise so if i didnt grow it generally we dont use it, besides i dont know any other growers localy,, so i guess i should pop a few beans but losing my assassins really knocked the wind outta me....any opinions ?
I hate gaps also! Ran out of last years outdoor crop around the first of May and had to do the so-called compassion club trip. Not fun or cheap. My beans decided not to pop I guess so I think I will hold off on any more until the time feels right to try again. Luckily I should be able to have enough for me until I get the Hozaero System :cheesygrinsmiley: fully operational with room for some small experiments on the side. Wish we lived a little closer so I could rescue you and Spiffy if I needed to:cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

wow I hate meecies to peceises
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

i only accept any form of comp if a few things are certain 1.i know they have plenty of whats offered for comp,2. im really hurting and need the comp badly, 3 they wont let me say no, i believe medical cannabis should never cost anyone more than it cost to grow it. after all nature gives it to us free, only man has put a monitary value on it,i believe its the substance we were meant to use for all the reasons ppl use it, i see nothing wrong with ppl using it for fun ,but it does serve a higher purpose in its medicinal uses, and for me having used it both ways and never seeing it hurt anybody quite the contrary i see it help ppl everyday, i have friends and family that i cant stand till they get medicated,they become better ppl, so i think it should be free and in some cases mandatory! lol build domes over every town & city and pump mass cannabis smoke into them 3 times a day! utopian society for sure!
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

i might need a cat
Everybody needs at least one. Leave your back door open one night. Never in my life did I decide to get a cat then go find one; they all found & claimed me.
My current stupid cat just now had a mouse in his mouth, and let it drop to run away again. He actually brought it here last night. His toy is not my joy, but my cat does what he wants. the retard
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

Everybody needs at least one. Leave your back door open one night. Never in my life did I decide to get a cat then go find one; they all found & claimed me.
My current stupid cat just now had a mouse in his mouth, and let it drop to run away again. He actually brought it here last night. His toy is not my joy, but my cat does what he wants. the retard
spiffer & i went and paid $ to adopt 2 cats last year, one ran away when we went on our aniversary weekend the other packed his shit and moved when we moved 100 yards down the road, i would like a cat again but yes this time i go ol skool & let it pick me
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

Aw, bummer. You've been breeding right? Pop some more beans if you have the seeds to do it- don't run yourself out potentially if you need the medicine. Just my 2 cents, gotta do what's right for you. Kill them danged varmints!
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

what autos i can pop

1. cream caramel (2 self'd fems)
2.mi-caramel (mi5 dad X cream caramel mum)
3.blue caramel (himalaya blue diesel dadX cream caramel mommy)
4.super blue auto diesel (super auto sativa mom X himalaya blue diesel dad)
5.himalaya blue diesel (bred from reg mum & dad autos)
6.recycle bin (hbd dad X trailor trash mom) may only be 10-25% autoflowering not likely to use since tt is a 12 wk min flower
those are my options for autos
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

Well BID kill the fucking mice and plant some beans.... I would go with 2 and 3 myself. :)
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

yeah what TG said
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

i was gonna do 1 but i have to cs them for more seed since theres only 2 left, so i decided to do 2 & 5, 5 cuz its cold and hbd will turn such pretty colors, i do love blues and purples, 2 cuz all 4 of the mi5 were male i would so have loved to see mi5 in action it has a purple afgani , so as i love the colors its cold i went with the ones most likely to get colorful, seeds in pods in the next 5 min
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

ok done plating seeds, damn everytime i think about mice snacking on my babies i wanna have a nuclear meltdown!
Your babies will be fine this time :peace:Remember you have the Secret...:Namaste::tokin:
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

it took me all day to get these shots up the problem i have with the gallery was bad today everytime i bring up the window where you click on your pics to put them in the post the window goes to the main page of the gallery, and now since the update that was done to the gallery i cant upload the pics straight from my tablet, the button you click on is missing in my browser (whatever the default android ice cream sandwich browser is) so i have to either email them to myself or connect the tab to my pc (big hastle my dock for the tab is by the bed)

When that happens, hit [backspace] it will take you back to the first page. Then, [Alt]+[Tab] to your post and click in the editor where you want the pic to go. Now [Alt]+[Tab] back and click your pic. There's a break somewhere in the code that doesn't keep the cursor position and transfer that info over for the insert page.
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

thanks j i will try that next time, you lil lifesaver you, i have been going nuts with it, i usually upload pics then post hours later

When that happens, hit [backspace] it will take you back to the first page. Then, [Alt]+[Tab] to your post and click in the editor where you want the pic to go. Now [Alt]+[Tab] back and click your pic. There's a break somewhere in the code that doesn't keep the cursor position and transfer that info over for the insert page.
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te


back on post 1177 we discussed the HTG digital plus 600 with more blue.

Well mine lasted about 10 seconds and crapped out.

Put my old Sunmaster back in to make sure the ballast was ok. and it fired right up.

Put the digital plus back and lasted 10 seconds again and kaput.

Taking it back tomorrow and getting another Sunmaster.
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - Blue Planet Nutrients - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Te

yeah ! i guess we have quite a few very bold bastards, i might need a cat
Please no Cats!!!! They are evil things who are out to get me....OH and I told BID when he told me what he was doing with the traps that under no circumstances was I going to empty the traps I will set them but the only time I have ever been able to handle a rat was when I was feeding it to my snake. Rats Mice or whatever they are have to be the most vial creature on this planet... You know they started many of the plagues that killed thousands of people... Sorry letting my fears show again lol
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