Crop King's White Widow - Coco Coir - LED

Thanks! Yeah I'm not to sure myself. I just wanted to get one to harvest before I started messing with them.
Done, lol. Another killer main cola too......!
Have been working little later kinda been taking away from my updates. Here is pics from Sunday.

A week ago I moved two out the four WW into flower this Sunday I took down some clones and made room for the other two.

7ml a+b
3ml silica blast.




These two are a week into flower.

Have been working little later kinda been taking away from my updates. Here is pics from Sunday.

A week ago I moved two out the four WW into flower this Sunday I took down some clones and made room for the other two.

7ml a+b
3ml silica blast.




These two are a week into flower.

I hear you man, 4 days left until we move into this house. Down to crunch time. Your girls look awesome as usual.
I hear you man, 4 days left until we move into this house. Down to crunch time. Your girls look awesome as usual.
O yeah your moving in this weekend. What a relief that should be for you. Less driving back and forth and more time with the ladies. Speaking of, any time frame when you'll be starting your shop?
Fuck yeah, such a massive relief!

I think about it all the time, lol. I have a pretty sick plan.....bwahaha,lol. I'm buying a white garage style storage thing ( 10×20) to go beside my house at the patio doors for all of our bins and patio furniture etc. The patio and entertaining area is all part of the shop / grow /patio project. My girlfriend will hate this. She will forget the tedious little things that still need doing and put the push on for the back yard. Ummmmmm.......OK honey, lmao. After vacation of course. I've been around too long to not have a plan, lmao.......
A little update. The two in the pics below are two weeks into flower.

10ml a+b
4ml silica blast.

After this week I will lower the nutes down to 8ml for the remainder of the grow.


I took my last sour d from seedlings down. Now that 4'5" lady is gone I can lower my other 700w back down with the rest of the gang.

The two back left are 4 weeks tomorrow, the two on right are 3 weeks tomorrow. I said last time I would be lowering nutes to 8ml for rest of grow, not sure what I was thinking I'll give them 10ml for another two weeks before I start to lower. Also either today or tomorrow I'll be taking some leaves off. Well here they are.



I'm sure it was nice getting that tall girl out of there. I kind of can't wait for my Cherry Bomb to get done so I can get my lights in my veg tent back to even. I get all weirded out when things aren't even.. lol
Another great looking harvest Shop! Wow you must have bags kicking around now, lol. I cant check on my own plants as I'm 1000 kms from home, but yours look great. There's WiFi at the hotel tonight b4 we check into our campsite tomorrow. Looking awesome, couldn't stay away brother, lol.
Another great looking harvest Shop! Wow you must have bags kicking around now, lol. I cant check on my own plants as I'm 1000 kms from home, but yours look great. There's WiFi at the hotel tonight b4 we check into our campsite tomorrow. Looking awesome, couldn't stay away brother, lol.
Thanks and what a surprise! I didn't think I'd be hearing from you for a week. I wish I had bags kicking around but I have a few friends and some family that smoke it up as fast as I can chop them down. You must be going crazy not able to check on yours. I couldn't imagine. Well I need to because I'm going away for a week on my honeymoon in three months
Well it hit me as I was sitting here reclaiming some used coco, I might as well show how I do it.

I use the wire shelf as a screen and I move the clump around and it separates from the root.

I've grown in only reclaimed coco with very minimal roots left from the last plant and haven't had a problem. It seems now a days I always have some fresh coco so I'll mix it up. In no particular ratio.

The pic show the clump after I had already shaken the crap out of it into a tote and had broken some chunks off.




A little Sunday update. I am vegging a little longer than I have in the past. So I am coming up with a new feeding schedule. Also I think I can up how much I'm feeding. So this week the ladies instead of leveling out at 10 ml I'm going up to 11ml.

Week 5
So that's 11ml a+b and 4ml hydroplex.



A lot is going on in the grow rooms research and development department. I have been looking into making my own feminized seeds. The other day my tent came in for this. 2x2x4. I have a few ideas to make sure my room doesn't get fertilized. One is to have the tent at a friend's but for now it's not an option so I will be extremely careful. After setting it up I really like how it looks. So something I've been on the fence about for a long time is to move my whole operation into tents. I have done some measuring and I would be able to grow the same in less space. Any thoughts? I know a lot of you grow with tents.

Nice idea Shop. I'd love to try this out for myself as well. So this is where the colloidal silver is used.....correct? Do you not start with feminized seeds? So many questions, now I forget them all, lol.

By the way, good call on upping the mls / feed. Interested to see the outcome. I was speaking with my brother today and he says that there is absolutely 100% benefit in using a CO2 enhancer directly above your plants flowers, in case you're wondering. My brother has been growing for over 15 years.

Your grow once again is looking amazing, super super jealous!. Especially after my minor disaster LOL.
How big of an area do you think he use for each of your spaces, your veg area, and you're grow area? I'm looking for some dimensions for my new grow space.
Thanks Guy. Yeah a co2 enhancer definitely works, I just use this one guys method of just breathing in the room while in there working. Check him out on YouTube. Growpotcheaply. Now to your questions. Yes I'll be using the colloidal silver. Yes I start with fem seeds but I'm looking to maybe save a couple bucks and by chance the sour d I'm using I love it's pheno type. I'll get to always have it, hopefully. Also it's a nice producer, finishes around 8 weeks of flower and gets you ripped. My veg area I use 4x4ft of it. My flower right now using 4x5.5 ft. With space to go bigger. Over all the room is 7ft by 15ft. After some thought I think I just want to put the veg in a tent and move to flower area so I can make overall room smaller and claim some man cave back. Then again I love the big space I have now and the possibility to grow tons at once. Soooo many choices.
OK perfect. More than anything now that I am trying to put my pencil to paper, I want to make sure that I am giving myself enough room. I see in your space that you are able to walk around your plants when they are a little bit smaller and I really like that idea. Certainly a little bit more space for maneuvering things would be helpful. I did it once or, I am doing it once in a makeshift space but if I am going to do this for myself I'm going to make sure that I do it right the second time. I'm also really liking that thermostatically controlled oil heater that you have. You don't have to fill it up or anything like that do you?

Seems like some of my buds on here are going all technical lol. Hmmmmm.......what can I do to keep up with the Jones', lmao.

Your Sour D does also give a killer haul. What was your total looking like off each plant? Some of those colas are pretty huge.

I was really looking forward to a nice haul off Red, she was just starting to fatten up when i left.......then she croaked, lol. Hope I don't have to buy weed b4 Delores gives up her wares.
Hey Guy. The heater is self contained and you just plug it in. Even with the plants being the size now I am able to squeeze myself back there if needed. One thing that I did not think of in the planning stage, where to mix nutes and keep all the extras. Well I was lucky enough I built the room big enough. Was able to have a separate spot within the room. No reason to go stealth just to have nutes and water buckets sitting outside the room for everyone to see.

My sour d on average gets 3oz per. This one I let veg for over two months and by taking clones I lollipop her. Also she hit my light at Max hight so I bent her over. With all that and losing pretty much my whole cola to bud rot. I got 6oz then being stoned left a bunch out and all said and done got 5oz from her.
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