Cultivators Play Pen

Not sure whats happening with LED's now. its got my head spinning. Im def still looking to use them but might not be in this grow. might just wait and dedicate a whole grow to led's in the new year.

So all my seedlings have been topped and training will start soon. seeds grow so slow compared to cuts, im glad i dont grow like this every time. Also the coco and rockwool dwc are considerably slower than clay pebbles. i think coco would be a good option for new guys to DWC though as its very easy to get the plant growing and roots sprouting, it can be a pain in pebbles if everything isnt spot on.

Ive snapped the main stem on the coco DWC to start its training. and its been topped. ive made quite a large break so that it slows growth until seedlings can catch up.

Nice work C, they r gonna explode soon !!!

Looking forward for info about your led panels too (in case you get them) !! As I see from jon, new panels have 5 watts diodes ?? Im very curious to this..

Advanced led lights btw (which I have too), have some panels with four 10 watts cool whites if im right, they perform extremelly well, from what I see in ronnies journal.
(Just for info)

Be good my friend !
you should leave the MMA for the cage

Lol im just a viscious beast.

Seriously though that break wont harm the plant. The plant was healthy which is very important, never be aggressive to sick, weak or unhealthy plants. The break is still attatched at least 50% prob more so nutes can still get through the plant. I train like this alot, it just depends on how the cutting starts to grow. sometimes i can just top the plant and start stretching out the branches horizontally. very rarely will u see a tall plant in my grows. i open plants up horizontally like i am training for a scrog then flip. my grows are scrog style with out the net. Stress training is very effective but start easy until u see how the plant reacts. It also matters how u are growing, as soil will behave differently to DWC and DWC behaves differently to coco in rates of growth and recovery. U can be quite hard on DWC plants so long as the roots have found the res.
Yes that is algae on cubes but it wont do any harm at all. The reason for the algae is that i was top feeding the rockwool before transplanted and rockwool from my experience often gets algae on top. its not really a prob if u dip the pots and bottom feed. Its best to cover pots with mylar or something light proof then u wont get algae at all. In this instance it just looks unsightly but will do zero harm. I no longer top feed and roots are nice and healthy in the res. A layer of clay pebbles on top of the rockwool will stop it also and wen growing in coco i recommend a layer of pebbles on top to deter pests and to prevent algae on surface.
Lol im just a viscious beast.

Seriously though that break wont harm the plant. The plant was healthy which is very important, never be aggressive to sick, weak or unhealthy plants. The break is still attatched at least 50% prob more so nutes can still get through the plant. I train like this alot, it just depends on how the cutting starts to grow. sometimes i can just top the plant and start stretching out the branches horizontally. very rarely will u see a tall plant in my grows. i open plants up horizontally like i am training for a scrog then flip. my grows are scrog style with out the net. Stress training is very effective but start easy until u see how the plant reacts. It also matters how u are growing, as soil will behave differently to DWC and DWC behaves differently to coco in rates of growth and recovery. U can be quite hard on DWC plants so long as the roots have found the res.

Great info mate :). As you know I'm going to do my grow the LA way. But no-one can argue with the results you get :) Tito Ortiz got nothing on you :)
Ive just been and pruned my young mothers as they were getting very tangled and bushy in a bad way. So ive stripped them right back to encourage them to get bigger and will transplant to larger airpots in a week or 2. The aim is to get 3 or 4 large main branches that can yield 30 or more cuts per branch. i should be able to take 150 ish cuts per plant every 2 weeks wen im finished. it'll take another 4-6 weeks to get to that point.

I transplanted some of what i took off into rockwool cubes. It appears i have an issue with my aerocloner, several cuts have died. the stems have turned to mush so obviously pyth or some other bad bacteria has gotten in. This is the first time since i started aerocloning that this has ever happened to me :( So i will let this round finish off after putting fresh water in the cloner and not add any clones in the mean time. once the round is complete i will run 30litres of water with 1litre of 17.5% H2O2 through the system for 24 hours then rinse and hopefully that will kill anything in there and it will be back to work as usual. So be rockwool cloning for now.

AMS Mother


Trainwreck mother


I pretreat the rockwool with guardian angel, As i take each cut they go into a pot of water until i am ready to transplant. this prevents an embolysm (air bubble in stem) which can be fatal to cuts. The guardian angel with give a great start to the roots. I havent used any rooting gel or hormone.


Also notice how i place a new hole in the cube off centre. This allows the cyt to get a nice tight fit with no light penetrating where the stem will root.

Hey cult what are your thoughts on dwc moms? I've having really great success with the seedlings and with having big cuttings root very quickly with always 90%+. Alot of that has to do with my cleanliness etc.. My problems lie with controlling the mothers they grow crazy fast with with huge soft new growth stems which isn't preferred for me.. I'm guessing that because you know so much about dwc you would have some info or advice.. I would really value your input.. Thanks alot
dwc for mothers isnt a great idea imo, not if u are looking to keep the mother long term. they grow too fast and it can get rootbound quickly. its ok if u want to get some cuts fast. i prefer to start mothers in coco in a 6.5 litre pot where u can take cuts as u train it and gradually increase pot size. i had a mother that was almost 4 years old doing this and it wasnt huge but was perfect for yielding multiple healthy clones.

my AMS mother
Ah yes,.. Your beautiful ams mother. I was in love once.. My goal was to put together crops fast two or three runs of clones then train The mothers some more and go for a single plant super yield kinda grow I have two of the same mom side by side was gonna flower em in a 6x6 by themselves, my mk ultra ended up quite remarkable. Then have the clones in a separate room. But I am getting root bound they have filled completely the 5gallons and its becoming cumbersome they'd have to In a Rubbermaid alone. Is it ok to prune roots?? Thanks for your advice cultivator it's well received!
Hi mate. Just checked on my girls and things are looking better :) Temp is steady at 76f and RH 48 Happy (I think lol) with that. I put the fan/heater on cold blow, that seems to have upped the RH without effecting the temps negatively:) Thanks for your help buddy.....have some reps :)
Is it ok to prune roots?? Thanks for your advice cultivator it's well received!

the short answer to that is yes. but be carefull. take a little off, repot and see that the plant responds ok. Some strains dont like it at all but u should be ok with most indica, indica hybreds. maybe other strains but i find sativa dominant strains to be quite soft on any stress as a very basic rule.

Personally if u like the strain, take some cuts start new mothers and flower them out if u dont have space to keep them. use airpots for mothers as they can live in the pots so much longer.

It broke my heart to lose that AMS mother...... :(
Just read your post on NOTM.
Although we disagree about bought nugs (Im of course biased), I respect your opinion and totally agree about the edited photos and applaud your voicing your opinion.

+reps cultivator. :)
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