Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Ah.....we're kindred spirits! The only thing I would caution you about with regard to mulch is potassium levels. The Promix is borderline too high....which is the second round on the soil produces such good results. Leaf mulch, manure, compost......that sort of thing is usually way too high in K.

Try using roots and leaves from harvested high brix plants for humus content and don't go too far afield with mulching....but by all means EXPERIMENT.

We need people like you with the education to understand this stuff to get creative and raise the bar!

Getting a seal of approval from you means a lot. I wouldn´t dare use anything aside from whats in the kit, including mulches from kit plants. Thank you for the heads up, although I know about the high K issues on non HB soils from this thread too.
This thread has more info on it than the 2 expoWEEDS I´ve gone so far, in terms of growing. I just want to give something back. :thumb:
Getting a seal of approval from you means a lot. I wouldn´t dare use anything aside from whats in the kit, including mulches from kit plants. Thank you for the heads up, although I know about the high K issues on non HB soils from this thread too.
This thread has more info on it than the 2 expoWEEDS I´ve gone so far, in terms of growing. I just want to give something back. :thumb:

Almost everything I know about growing weed I learned from people who have never grown weed but who have dedicated their lives to growing nutrient dense vegetables. I'd still be stuck on Supersoil if I had stayed in the weed growing sphere.

Using a black opaque background helps a lot when using flash on plant shots.

I've heard that too.....but my background is white. Oh well. They get the point across.
No GLR for me....but I am now on 11/13 for sure. I tried it a few months ago when taming Willie Nelson and I liked what I saw.....then someone shared DJ Short's video on it and it all made sense to me.

Just curious what effects you are getting from 11/13. I did it last run and my plants stretched more and my buds were a little smaller then expected. They also finished a week sooner and turned out fantastic so im certainly not complaining. I also had RH issues on my last grow so I was curious if you thought the stretching was from the RH or from going straight to 11/13.

Thanks Doc!

Also have you ever tried a deminshing light schedule like cutting 15 min a week or so. Seems like it would be the most natural and I have always wanted to try it.
Is GLR something you just dont use or is there another reason that has to do with your specific environmental factors? Im asking more questions lately because ideally id like to get my room as close to yours as possible
Just curious what effects you are getting from 11/13. I did it last run and my plants stretched more and my buds were a little smaller then expected. They also finished a week sooner and turned out fantastic so im certainly not complaining. I also had RH issues on my last grow so I was curious if you thought the stretching was from the RH or from going straight to 11/13.

Thanks Doc!

Also have you ever tried a deminshing light schedule like cutting 15 min a week or so. Seems like it would be the most natural and I have always wanted to try it.

I arrived at 11/13 by diminishing the light 15 minutes a week during the last Willie Nelson fiasco. I liked what the other plants in the room were doing so much I kept it there.

Stretch comes about thus:

1. genetics
2. large gap between day and night temps
3. low light

I don't do GLR because ....well....because I haven't tried it yet. Someday I just might do that.
I arrived at 11/13 by diminishing the light 15 minutes a week during the last Willie Nelson fiasco. I liked what the other plants in the room were doing so much I kept it there.

Stretch comes about thus:

1. genetics
2. large gap between day and night temps
3. low light

I don't do GLR because ....well....because I haven't tried it yet. Someday I just might do that.

Thanks Doc. It was probably #1 I forgot how much more veg time the second round of them got than the first. They had more then enough light, I was running them really low last grow and my temps swing is less than recommended usually no more then 5-7 degree change from day to night since its controlled by our house thermostat.

I tried GLR for a bit and my plushberry started to flower so I went back to 18/6. Maybe because it was grown with 18/6 first not sure but she didn't like it. Didn't seem to bother the other strain I had going at the time though. I did read that some strains can be more sensitive and hard to keep from flowering in GLR so maybe she is just one of them dunno.
...I wonder if just going to 1.5 hours for the "on" hour would cover all or most of the strains that want to flip to flowering in GLR? would still save 4.5 hours of light a day...thoughts?
Ya ,that's about it eh Doc....If you want male plants don't buy fem. seeds.I grow with them exclusive cuz of there obvious advantage over regular seeds. Growers with only limited space and or resources simply will choose fem seeds. I know myself...was so glad when they started to hit the market yrs. ago. It's also nice that if you want reg. seeds, they are ,for the most part ,still available for growers who wanna make seeds ,etc. For me to grow ....say five plants with all the soil,pots, ,extra work, etc. ,just to find out after growing them and sexing them, that only one maybe two are female. All that time energy etc. ...No thanks,i'l stick to fems for my needs. Have a great night "gang" and great topic btw!:reading420magazine:
I apologize for the off-topic post (my first), but as a long time lurker I have been inspired to finally join and say THANK YOU! to Doc Bud and everyone else here who has contributed to this massive repository of information.

I have been growing hydro for 20 years and have been using the same water formulas (ad nauseum), but the time has come for me to try something different in a new LED tent. I am excited to try Doc's High Brix kit but do not know where to find it online! And since I am a new member I cannot PM anyone yet. Can someone point me in the right direction here? Thank you!

PS: I have use femmed seeds with great success...
I apologize for the off-topic post (my first), but as a long time lurker I have been inspired to finally join and say THANK YOU! to Doc Bud and everyone else here who has contributed to this massive repository of information.

I have been growing hydro for 20 years and have been using the same water formulas (ad nauseum), but the time has come for me to try something different in a new LED tent. I am excited to try Doc's High Brix kit but do not know where to find it online! And since I am a new member I cannot PM anyone yet. Can someone point me in the right direction here? Thank you!

PS: I have use femmed seeds with great success...

Got a PM coming your way.
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