Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH - Soil

Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Can you get hold of a jig saw - or holesaw cutter?? just drill out some circular holes in top, and cover with a mesh so air can flow but try to minimise the size of any pests gettin thru. Thats about the cheapest fix i know mate. It will allow the hot air that rises to escape easily thru thr top. I have a top section i open its about 1ftx.5ft, and i open the door ajar a bit too sometimes, you can do that also!

This is a great idea, thank you so much Smokem. I've got the equipment already to do this so I will get onto it asap! (well, probably tomorrow when I can get my chap to do it as I struggle with the saw due to the nerve damage in my arm...my vents are not exactly uniform shape as it is!).

First white knuckle corner! Have you got an energy saving bulb anywhere? A reading light or any bulb holder that will cast some light on the baby and a dome or hood for humidity until a bit more established, with a hood on you can turn the fan speed up.As so young and vunerable I would consider taking out of the cupboard and using natural light.

I've taken your advice here and put a little light over them for now. Not ideal but like you say a good idea in the circumstances. They already look much happier. thank you!

Your current fan should always be running during lights on, 24/7 is a good idea tho & with a quick look at the PDF info shifts some 80 cubic meters of air per hour.Their is a calculation to work out how much air exchange you need depending on size of grow area tho...

I didn't even know there was one *blush*. I do get so confused when it comes to numbers. I found a site that did it for me, but I'm not sure if my calculations are right at all!

Silent 100 extractor fan = 95m3 per hour
Divide by 60 to get the amount per minute = 1.58m3 per minute
1 cubic metre = 35.31 cubic feet
35.31 x 1.58 = 56 cubic feet per minute

My grow space is 0.70m x 0.51m x 1.68m. That's 0.60 cubic metres or 21 cubic feet.

I'm sure this can't be right because that means my fan would be more than enough...apparently I should be between 20 and 24 cfm.

Is anyone able to check for me? I can't see the wood for the trees so to speak!

I also keep my grow tent next to the window which is left slightly a jar with the passive vent at base sucking in fresh air constantly as i run my fan 24/7 (summer months only tho/window closed in winter due to colder temps) with the extraction fan & ducting required to pump warm air out of the room into the hall way of upstairs for it to disperse... with out the warm air effecting growing room area adversely temperature wise.

I'm unfortunately limited to one place for my grow cupboard. Also in answer to Korloin's question, there is plenty of room above the grow room, no space to the right but plenty of space to the left. I've been leaving the extractor on all the time so far...

Raising humidity levels can help cubes/soil from drying out to quickly tho & often used in green house by damping down of path ways on warm/hot days which is in turn evapourated raising humidity of the green house... a large bowl of water can be added to grow room to make similar effect..


P.s i've just finshed today transplanting some 14000 winter bedding plants from plugs into pots which could be considored early veg... i periodically check 3 times a day to make sure they don't dry out 'n' wilt on me, spot watering as & when required to maintain optimal moisture level with out over watering !

This is good to know...at least I know that I do need to check that often and keep topping up so that's a relief!

There are lots of threads on how to turn your hood into an air cooled type on the cheap! I think that might solve it. It's the same reason I redesigned my box the way I did. I was getting up @ 110F (43.3c) in mine using CFL's!

I've had a quick peek and it's good to know there are DIY solutions...I got a bit scared looking at them though, not sure I'm clever enough to make one! I do struggle with my left hand as well so find intricate making of things quite difficult but this is definitely on my list to look at. Thank you for pointing this out Korloin.

hi fluffy..i see you have problem with temps.i have same problem i was advised by smokesome to do the ice bottles behind a fan so cold air is blowing around grow space.my temps get over 34 i still struggle as the ice melts to fast before the girls get any benefit.for your temps it should work alot better as your heat is caused with lights only my temps are high in both my grow space and anytime i stick my head outside .also try leaving door open and put a larger fan(if you have 1) outside door and change the air flow adding cooler air

I'm glad I didn't imagine it! I don't know how you manage with being somewhere so hot in the first place, will give these ideas a go, thank you!

And to you all .... :circle-of-love: you've been awesome. I'm sorry for my wobbly... life gets too much sometimes and the littlest things feel like the biggest. My brain does easily get overwhelmed given the amount of other stuff going on so that's part of the reason for the melt down!
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Anyway... put the little ones on the windowsill outside for some natural sunshine while it is *shock horror* sunny here and thought I would take pics.

I gave up on one of the VKs which refused to germinate. The Papaya is two days behind the others as I found the seeds (in my boot!) late but is starting to show signs of popping up. I did transfer them to slightly larger pots with BioBizz Light as the tap root was all the way to the bottom of the cubes, that may or may not have been the right thing to do but it's done now!

The NLB seems to be stretching a little but not sure what I can do about that really given the current issues...or it may not be and I'm just seeing things that aren't there! :)

Northern Lights Blue


Vanilla Kush

Excellent! Sounds like you're on top of it! I'm awful at converting metric to US standard btw :(

Funny because it a major part of my day job. :) I can do mg/cc's into fluid ounces and other, dry volumes all day long! But get me to try and covert feet and inches to metric and my brain goes soft real quick!! :D
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Hey Fluffy!

I had heat problems too, since i had to grow in the attic during summer, but it turned to be a minor issue, once the girls grew a bit they could put up with quite an amount of heat. I could get 12" close with them to my 400w hps - with ambient temps around 35C daytime.

All i did was
1. keeping the door open while lights were on - if you cant do this you need to run some air extraction. I checked your numbers and they are correct, you need a 21 CFM vent to exchange your room air every minute. Unfortunately that is not enough, you don't need too much air exchange since outside its hot too - you need heavy wind that reduces precieved heat. Hand method is nice for checking lamps - if it burns (not just very warm or something) the skin on your hand its too hot for plants too. Check with your hand if the wind is enough that you create with your inside fan.

2. I kept lights on only at nights. You can give them 13/11 from 20:00 - 09:00 and an additional hour here and there to keep them in veg.

3. Water often. Impossible to overwater in hot weather if the soil has good drainage.

4. Always vent heavily when HID is on between bulb and plants

I did not do this finally, since glass filters the lights but you can put a glass between the bulb and the canopy and vent between the plants and the glass.
If you make an extractor fan put it as high as possible, so it sucks the warmest air out (and intake should be in the bottom somewhere).

For seedlings you don't need much light, i kept small plants 1.5 or even 2m away from the 400W lamp, or if all of them are seedlings you dont need powerful lighting for a few weeks yet! You can put them anywhere in your room where they get some direct sunlight.

Hope it helps, if you are already over it then even better!

Good luck with them!
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Excellent! Sounds like you're on top of it! I'm awful at converting metric to US standard btw :(

Funny because it a major part of my day job. :) I can do mg/cc's into fluid ounces and other, dry volumes all day long! But get me to try and covert feet and inches to metric and my brain goes soft real quick!! :D

Lol... I am so glad it's not just me! Mind you, anything with numbers and my brain just goes blah blah blah and turns off very rapidly! So you are already maaaaany steps ahead of me there ;)
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Hey Fluffy!

I had heat problems too, since i had to grow in the attic during summer, but it turned to be a minor issue, once the girls grew a bit they could put up with quite an amount of heat. I could get 12" close with them to my 400w hps - with ambient temps around 35C daytime.

All i did was
1. keeping the door open while lights were on - if you cant do this you need to run some air extraction. I checked your numbers and they are correct, you need a 21 CFM vent to exchange your room air every minute. Unfortunately that is not enough, you don't need too much air exchange since outside its hot too - you need heavy wind that reduces precieved heat. Hand method is nice for checking lamps - if it burns (not just very warm or something) the skin on your hand its too hot for plants too. Check with your hand if the wind is enough that you create with your inside fan.

2. I kept lights on only at nights. You can give them 13/11 from 20:00 - 09:00 and an additional hour here and there to keep them in veg.

3. Water often. Impossible to overwater in hot weather if the soil has good drainage.

4. Always vent heavily when HID is on between bulb and plants

I did not do this finally, since glass filters the lights but you can put a glass between the bulb and the canopy and vent between the plants and the glass.
If you make an extractor fan put it as high as possible, so it sucks the warmest air out (and intake should be in the bottom somewhere).

For seedlings you don't need much light, i kept small plants 1.5 or even 2m away from the 400W lamp, or if all of them are seedlings you dont need powerful lighting for a few weeks yet! You can put them anywhere in your room where they get some direct sunlight.

Hope it helps, if you are already over it then even better!

Good luck with them!

Hi Invi, thank you so much for coming along and thank you for the help!

I do feel a bit daft for the over reaction *blush* as I know there are ways round it. Just one of those days...

Thank you especially for the comment about the hand test. I got my chap to sit down with me earlier and hold his hand over the plants to see if he thought it was as hot as the thermometer was saying, and he was questioning (as I was) whether it was unbearably hot as the numbers would suggest. So I really appreciate the fact you've confirmed I was doing the right thing and giving me confidence in the process.

I get you about the "wind" part. I've now got my tower fan installed after my friend finally brought it round for me, and I've also got another smaller fan pointing upwards. Smokem did suggest that previously but none of my fans lean back far enough so for now I've concocted a really weird set up to get it lying down but with air behind it until I can come up with a way of fixing it to the wall temporarily tomorrow. It feels fine over the plants.

I'm also wondering whether I had a total brain fart looking at the numbers (not sure if I have or not?). My thermometer says "Out" and "In" with two different temperatures so I don't actually know whether I have been looking at the wrong one...don't know if you know which one I should be reading?

I will definitely bear in mind for the next grow about not needing such a strong light for a little while. I can't invest at the moment but will look at getting a small CFL set up for seedlings in the future.

Great to have you along, and thank you for your help!

Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Hi mate!
Yeah well coupled with what Invi says, hopefully this should give you some insight as to ur available options..
And yeah i figured it maybe difficult for you to do, just wasnt sure if you maybe able to DIY on this one. But yeah, its easiest thing i can suggest for you. And as i said it will be good to have the few venting holes up top, as this is where heat starts to build up. It should help you keep the RH down some, and temps will stay fairly stable too hopefully.
Id say go with how i said to spread them out, if ur man dont mind, cut 2 holes about 10cm apart - in line, first pair starting on the left a little, move over a little, then another 2 holes about in the middle and finally 2 more on the right end.
If he has them, try get him to use a hole-saw cutter thats about 5-6cm in diameter, but if he only has a small set it will be fine just maybe add a couple more holes, and you should be ok:):) You can get a larger extraction fan or sumthin as some may suggest, but really, IMO as your space doesnt have larger vents and ur using the HID light - temps will be an issue. So by putting the holes in top, it will give hot air an escape point for the rest of ur grows.. And you shouldnt have to leave the door open or buy any more parts!!
I hope that this will help you with ur temps, if you do what i suggested, let me know if it has helped any ok.
HOPE IT DUZ!!:scratchinghead: Be cool, and chat soon, Smokem..
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Hi mate!
Yeah well coupled with what Invi says, hopefully this should give you some insight as to ur available options..
And yeah i figured it maybe difficult for you to do, just wasnt sure if you maybe able to DIY on this one. But yeah, its easiest thing i can suggest for you. And as i said it will be good to have the few venting holes up top, as this is where heat starts to build up. It should help you keep the RH down some, and temps will stay fairly stable too hopefully.
Id say go with how i said to spread them out, if ur man dont mind, cut 2 holes about 10cm apart - in line, first pair starting on the left a little, move over a little, then another 2 holes about in the middle and finally 2 more on the right end.
If he has them, try get him to use a hole-saw cutter thats about 5-6cm in diameter, but if he only has a small set it will be fine just maybe add a couple more holes, and you should be ok:):) You can get a larger extraction fan or sumthin as some may suggest, but really, IMO as your space doesnt have larger vents and ur using the HID light - temps will be an issue. So by putting the holes in top, it will give hot air an escape point for the rest of ur grows.. And you shouldnt have to leave the door open or buy any more parts!!
I hope that this will help you with ur temps, if you do what i suggested, let me know if it has helped any ok.
HOPE IT DUZ!!:scratchinghead: Be cool, and chat soon, Smokem..

It certainly does help Smokem, as always your advice is invaluable! I might see if we can increase the size of the main intake vent as well, plus will look at a less tightly woven mesh to go over it as I think that was a problem too.

You are right, I think I'm always going to struggle with temps in here with HID and the size of it. So I am going to sweet talk his lordship into buying me a cooling tube for the light, I've found one for about £45. Even if I have to forgo a Christmas pressie to get it that will work for me!

You're a star as always :thanks:
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

THank you buddy:)
Glad to be of service.. And yeah, if you can just widen them some more it will be easier to draw in more air, even if its not direct air from outside, as long as the air in the grow space is being expelled and some new air brought in it should suffice, i dont have fresh air all the time going to Cindy, ideally id maybe like to do this but i cannot now.. Maybe somethin to think about in future..
About the mesh that your using yeah you can get some thats not so restrictive and allows some more air thru while keeping out some pests.
Cool tube should help, ive never used one, but ive also heard about them stopping some light?? Sumthin like that?? But it would help out abit, but IMO you dont shouldnt need one, just wait til you have some air holes up top.. Check the temps after about 4 hrs, that should have built up some heat and some humidity again, see what they are temp and RH wise and hopefully it will be in a comfortable level.
But get o cool tube if you like mate, i dont wanna talk u out of it! It will help with your temps!
Take it easy and hope it all goes well for ya:) Chat soon, Later Fluffy:thumb: Smokem..
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

So I am going to sweet talk his lordship into buying me a cooling tube for the light, I've found one for about £45. /QUOTE]

I think this will be my preferred future, good move

Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -


The little ones are finally starting to show signs of changing. I've been thinking a lot on what Smokem has said and I think he is right, I am only going to have room to grow one good quality plant in my space. So I think soon I am going to "cull" two of the plants so I can fully concentrate on the one. It's so wrong I can't just put them on my dining table to grow all by themselves, their therapeutic effect aside these plants are really pretty!

I know this is quite early on but I feel like I am exchanging energy with my plants, my care and attention for a good life with promise of a reward for me at the end. I would like to make sure that happens in the best way given the space I have available.

I've also been thinking. I don't want to fuss too much on this grow (again, Smokem you are right). I know very little about growing plants full stop so will just watch and see what happens. I am sure I will be able to make it through without killing the plant and the rest, well, we shall see. Hence I'm not writing down how many days I'm at etc.

Well, ramble over.

Pics are below. Out of the three plants which have started growing (Northern Lights Blue, Vanilla Kush and Papaya) the NLB is doing the best. I must confess there are no pics of the Papaya, that one will be going anyway especially as I let it get dry.

I'm glad I'm starting to see something, was beginning to get bored!

Please note - there is no yellow on the leaves, just light fresh green growth, couldn't get the lighting right

Northern Lights Blue


Vanilla Kush


Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Looking nice and strong there Fluffy!!:thumb::high-five:
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Hey Fluff,
Good to see your under way!!:goodjob:
Wont be long til one is filling out your cupboard:):) I dont know how the Vanilla Kush grows, size wise, but i know most NL strains are pretty hardy plants, especially for beginners. As they dont seem to be too sensitive and most if given the room will grow quite big.
As with my last NLxWW, she could have grown bigger if id used larger pot and vegged bit longer.. But id be interested to see the NL Blue mature, or the Vanilla, they both seem to be about the same atm, and its hard to pick one out of them, but if one is looking a bit stronger than the other well, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST! You can leave em both for a few more days, just to see if one responds some more than the other once a few leaves appear.
THANKS for using my suggestions as a reference for yourself, IT S HUMBLING>>And gives me more motivation to help others!
But yeah, i think youd be able to get the same, if not a little more, from the 1 well grown and cared for plant - over 2 smaller ones, as you d have to restrict growth from both plants to keep from crowding each other..
So i reckon you re doing the right thing.. And dont worry Fluffy, YOULL HAVE PLENTY TO DO IN A COUPLE WEEKS!!
Once they grow out the first set of 3 bladed leaves, they are fairly fast from then on.. Have you made any alterations to your growroom yet??
They will be ok for a bit, but soon as youre able try to start on it before it grows too much.
All looking well for now anyway mate.. Any queries fire away mate! Take it easy and will chat soon pal. SMOKEM///
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

They look good! I know it may be hard to cull a few. I would be tortured over deciding which one. You are blessed with experienced growers giving advice. I know smokem will not readily admit his expertise with soil but I rely on his experience daily. Not taking away from the others subd to this journal.
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Thanks very much guys, I am loving my little ones :)

I'm feeling NLB over VK, mainly because Hash Hound kindly gave me benefit of his experience with the VK being rather finicky, and I do need something a little less sensitive for the first grow lol. I'm also thinking the NLB because of the supposed sedative effect and I really need something to help me sleep!

@ Smokem ... we are getting the jigsaw out today so extra ventilation is on its way! I had to promise cooking though which I think is a bit out of order :thedoubletake::)
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Thanks very much guys, I am loving my little ones :)

I'm feeling NLB over VK, mainly because Hash Hound kindly gave me benefit of his experience with the VK being rather finicky, and I do need something a little less sensitive for the first grow lol. I'm also thinking the NLB because of the supposed sedative effect and I really need something to help me sleep!

@ Smokem ... we are getting the jigsaw out today so extra ventilation is on its way! I had to promise cooking though which I think is a bit out of order :thedoubletake::)

HA!! My wife would be the same way! :) I do most of the cooking at my place. Mainly because I LOVE to eat and otherwise because if I don't, we won't! :)

As far as the choice goes, I'm with you on the simplicity front. That's why I chose the Drizella. Really hard to F-up. Wish there was a way you could do both, but smokem's probably right if you're looking to be able to hold yourself over for a while and also get you feet wet.
But I have to say, My Kush are not giving me ANY trouble yet, Though The KO is a totally different girl FWIW.

In the grand scheme you'll be happy either way Dear. :)
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Sigh... I am going to have a little marijuana related ramble (as a natural hermit I don't like the local group of people who smoke, they make me nervous so you guys will be awesome).

Why is a plant, that grows as a species in its own right, has so many genuinely beneficial effects treated in such a heavy handed way? OK, it probably does need some regulation in this day and age, but let's not make criminals out of people who want to watch their plant grow, treat it with love and respect and then for that said person to get some pretty harmless help with whatever it is that makes our lives difficult (be it pain, anxiety, depression...whatever). I genuinely think alcohol is a much worse "drug", and a lot of what the doctor gives some of us can make us bloody ill (I refused to take some of mine because of the high blood pressure effect, I'm 34 and not that unfit FFS!).

Yes, you do have to be careful when it comes to working if you smoke, but you do if you take strong pain medication, for example. I'm sure some people reading this know what it's like to try and focus after a strong morphine based painkiller, it is really not pleasant or easy at all. In fact, I refuse to take these as much as I sometimes need them. I just don't like having to take pills for everything. Some I must take each day or I'd get nowhere but I would like to be able to add a natural balance too please without being hounded for it.

Give me the credit as a responsible adult to be able to "self medicate" with a naturally occuring plant as well as what you think is acceptable. I refuse to leave my house at certain times in my area because of the effect alcohol has on the groups here. We know that would never happen with cannabis, it just doesn't work that way.

Too much of anything is a bad thing. You can exercise or train too much, I know I did. You "trust" us with alcohol and so called prescribed medication, food to feed gluttony but you put the chains on a beautiful plant that exists with us but not because of us?

Basically what I'm trying to say is what on earth is all the fuss about cannabis about?

I'm not meaning to sound preachy at all, just I never get to speak to anyone about this at all really and I'm hoping someone else might think the same :bigblush:. I wasn't looking to start a debate either, I don't have the energy to argue the case to a non believer, but I know you guys who read this thread are very likely to be of the same mindset :)

:peace: and because I think FLUFFY BUDS RULE this animation :cheer: (only because my name is Fluffy, how on earth could that be a bad thing? :) )
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

HA!! My wife would be the same way! :) I do most of the cooking at my place. Mainly because I LOVE to eat and otherwise because if I don't, we won't! :)

As far as the choice goes, I'm with you on the simplicity front. That's why I chose the Drizella. Really hard to F-up. Wish there was a way you could do both, but smokem's probably right if you're looking to be able to hold yourself over for a while and also get you feet wet.
But I have to say, My Kush are not giving me ANY trouble yet, Though The KO is a totally different girl FWIW.

In the grand scheme you'll be happy either way Dear. :)

You rock Korloin.

This so made me smile...my other half and I are like that too (I feel like I should say husband, over 7 years I think should automatically qualify without going through all the faff! :) ).

You're right, I am most likely overthinking this rather. I chose Indica based plants so regardless I will be happy :yummy:

Thanks for the boost :thanks:
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Sigh... I am going to have a little marijuana related ramble (as a natural hermit I don't like the local group of people who smoke, they make me nervous so you guys will be awesome).

Why is a plant, that grows as a species in its own right, has so many genuinely beneficial effects treated in such a heavy handed way? OK, it probably does need some regulation in this day and age, but let's not make criminals out of people who want to watch their plant grow, treat it with love and respect and then for that said person to get some pretty harmless help with whatever it is that makes our lives difficult (be it pain, anxiety, depression...whatever). I genuinely think alcohol is a much worse "drug", and a lot of what the doctor gives some of us can make us bloody ill (I refused to take some of mine because of the high blood pressure effect, I'm 34 and not that unfit FFS!).

Yes, you do have to be careful when it comes to working if you smoke, but you do if you take strong pain medication, for example. I'm sure some people reading this know what it's like to try and focus after a strong morphine based painkiller, it is really not pleasant or easy at all. In fact, I refuse to take these as much as I sometimes need them. I just don't like having to take pills for everything. Some I must take each day or I'd get nowhere but I would like to be able to add a natural balance too please without being hounded for it.

Give me the credit as a responsible adult to be able to "self medicate" with a naturally occuring plant as well as what you think is acceptable. I refuse to leave my house at certain times in my area because of the effect alcohol has on the groups here. We know that would never happen with cannabis, it just doesn't work that way.

Too much of anything is a bad thing. You can exercise or train too much, I know I did. You "trust" us with alcohol and so called prescribed medication, food to feed gluttony but you put the chains on a beautiful plant that exists with us but not because of us?

Basically what I'm trying to say is what on earth is all the fuss about cannabis about?

I'm not meaning to sound preachy at all, just I never get to speak to anyone about this at all really and I'm hoping someone else might think the same :bigblush:. I wasn't looking to start a debate either, I don't have the energy to argue the case to a non believer, but I know you guys who read this thread are very likely to be of the same mindset :)

:peace: and because I think FLUFFY BUDS RULE this animation :cheer: (only because my name is Fluffy, how on earth could that be a bad thing? :) )

Hear! Hear!

100% behind you on this. As one who's position of employ straddles both pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, I feel somewhat empowered in my opinion that the only reason our favorite plant remains on the naughty list is because Big Pharma can't make a buck on something you can grow on your windowsill. That's pretty much where it is right now. They'll tell you MJ won't work for what you use it for, then turn around a make a drug called Dronabinol which does exactly what you use it for. It's all bullshit and money, Fluffy. And the ignorant masses play along. That's the worst of it. IMHO.

G'night Deary. It's 3am here and I gotta get to sleep before I get all riled up and start spewing about politics! :)

Thanks for being you!
Re: Fluffy's World Of Pure Imagination Part 1 - First Ever Grow - Wardrobe -HPS/MH -

Yeah good stuff mate:)
Once you have the extra sized vents and maybe the few extra holes up top you should be able to get a fairly stable temps, and Rh..
My space is getting so full. I have all 3 fans going now, i was only using 2, but Cindy s grown over the 2nd fan..
Take care buddy and will chat soon.. Smokem..
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