Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

I have that problem too. My flower room is only 6 x 5 feet (182.88 x 152.4 cm). It's like the size of a small walk-in closet. I do have high ceilings though. You could definitely do one stand alone DWC bucket. That's how I started.
I've got 2 tents... 4x4x5 veg, 4x4x7 flower. I'd try one dwc solo bucket but getting the room to clean out the bucket each week would be impossible. Can't really put them out of the tent cause is basically outside winter conditions on the other side.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

I've got 2 tents... 4x4x5 veg, 4x4x7 flower. I'd try one dwc solo bucket but getting the room to clean out the bucket each week would be impossible. Can't really put them out of the tent cause is basically outside winter conditions on the other side.

Be good place for the res, no chiller needed.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

I've got 2 tents... 4x4x5 veg, 4x4x7 flower. I'd try one dwc solo bucket but getting the room to clean out the bucket each week would be impossible. Can't really put them out of the tent cause is basically outside winter conditions on the other side.

In that situation I'd just figure out a way to drain and fill easily. You could raise the bucket off the ground slightly to allow a drain and shutoff on the bucket to be installed so gravity will do all the work. Hook a hose to the drain valve, open the shutoff valve, drain bucket where it sits. Move lid enough to put water back in the bucket and all is well. I don't "clean out" my buckets in flower, just drain and refill. Z7 keeps it nice. Even before I had an RDWC I used stand alone buckets and used a siphon to drain from the top and refilled the same way. Plants never left the room. I used Hydroguard then and still had no issues except more slime without Z7. Anyway, you can do it! Trust me.

Be good place for the res, no chiller needed.

LOL. Exactly the first thing that came to my mind as well.

Idk what temps your res should be but 0-4c gotta be a little cold .

Yeah, that's a bit cold.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Idk what temps your res should be but 0-4c gotta be a little cold .

Put some fish in the res they will feed the plants and you have a private spot to ice fish.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Hey Gpa I'm a great Gpa. I have run the active aqua 1/10hp chiller for two year on a 28 gal res,no problem. I also run cobs 3590. 25 of them in a 25sqft area @700ml. It kicks butt. One question. I have a DIY cloner It works, but was wondering what cloner you have and does it work well?. I don't DWC I run rock wool mini cubes. Root rot no problem. I auto water twice a day for 15 min. recirc water to res. works well. I scrog. Pulled as much as 4 lb from this small area. Average 3lb per run. 4 plants
Re: Grandpa Tokinâ€s RDWC & COBs

O yeah plenty of.ppl prilly don't even know wat it is .... A big blimp lol jeejejjejejejjejeej

I didn't have a clue until I started looking online.

Put some fish in the res they will feed the plants and you have a private spot to ice fish.

I have an ice fishing tent and auger. :tokin:

Gramps got me thinking about dwc now... . . . . .

Once the thought gets in never goes away. :slide:

Hey Gpa I'm a great Gpa. I have run the active aqua 1/10hp chiller for two year on a 28 gal res,no problem. I also run cobs 3590. 25 of them in a 25sqft area @700ml. It kicks butt. One question. I have a DIY cloner It works, but was wondering what cloner you have and does it work well?. I don't DWC I run rock wool mini cubes. Root rot no problem. I auto water twice a day for 15 min. recirc water to res. works well. I scrog. Pulled as much as 4 lb from this small area. Average 3lb per run. 4 plants

Holy hell outdoor! I must have just had bad luck with that chiller. My res is only 16 gal. I'd love to see your setup; sounds absolutely awesome.

I have this cloner: Clone Machine 24 Site Aeroponic Hydroponic System

It's been good to me. I can't complain. Naturally, RH needs to be raised wherever you put it.

Thanks for the question and for stopping in bud.
Re: Grandpa Tokinâ€s RDWC & COBs

I didn’t have a clue until I started looking online.

I have an ice fishing tent and auger. :tokin:

Once the thought gets in never goes away. :slide:

Holy hell outdoor! I must have just had bad luck with that chiller. My res is only 16 gal. I’d love to see your setup; sounds absolutely awesome.

I have this cloner: Clone Machine 24 Site Aeroponic Hydroponic System

It’s been good to me. I can’t complain. Naturally, RH needs to be raised wherever you put it.

Thanks for the question and for stopping in bud.

I post a short youtube tomorrow.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Quick evening update and a question for anyone. I'll start with the head-scratcher; I've never seen this before: My res has been fairly steady all week. A few PH shifts after feeding or overnight, but only by .1 to .3, nothing too drastic. The plants look okay and they've been eating and drinking just fine. I've had zero issues with the exception of temps swinging from 67-75F. Well, this morning I came in and my res looked like this:


5.6 is typical so I had no issues. I checked the res and they drank a little overnight as expected. All was well. It's been a week since they were put into the system so my plan was to do a full res change later this afternoon/evening anyway. Well, here's the head scratcher part. I came in this evening (10 hours later) and PPMs were 410, Temp was 74, but the PH was 6.6! I have not seen that one before. Didn't think to take a picture.

First thing I thought is my PH probe is wack. Cleaned and calibrated...still 6.6! I said to myself, "Self, WTF, Over!?" Anyway, I completed the res change and closed the door. Here's what things looked like afterwards:



We'll see what it looks like in the morning. Im not going to worry about it. What say you?
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

It's nice to see ppm fall but I'd say the jump to 790 is a bit, they look beyond ready for it though.

The BPN must be really stable. I dig it.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

It's nice to see ppm fall but I'd say the jump to 790 is a bit, they look beyond ready for it though.

The BPN must be really stable. I dig it.

I must not have explained it well enough. The PPM jump was on purpose because of the res change. The PH jump in 10 hours has me a little perplexed. Oh well, they look okay to me. :thanks:
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

I must not have explained it well enough. The PPM jump was on purpose because of the res change. The PH jump in 10 hours has me a little perplexed. Oh well, they look okay to me. :thanks:
The plants were just eating a lot ;p it may have been a quick rise but the drop in EC was proportional to the rise in PH. I think I read somewhere that it's to be expected in healthy systems. I'd also guess that BPN has a few buffers and surfactants in their nutes, hence why you saw stability up to now.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Grandpa just ordered a Mars Hydro Pro II Epistar 80. I’m going to put it right smack dab in the middle of the COBs.

Oh wait...there’s something shiny over there too... :tokin: Weren’t we just talking about that shorti? LOL!
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

The plants were just eating a lot ;p it may have been a quick rise but the drop in EC was proportional to the rise in PH. I think I read somewhere that it's to be expected in healthy systems. I'd also guess that BPN has a few buffers and surfactants in their nutes, hence why you saw stability up to now.

That actually makes sense to my old brain. Thanks!
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Don't like the color spread on this light. you could add the 400nm and the 600nm range cheaper,and leave the 730 out. I run the 400 range in my veg tent. and the 630 in my flower room. I also use the 730 far red 15 min at light out to stimulate flowering. Rapid led sells the blue and red led for under 4$ a chip. Driver are cheap and heatsinc USA is a good place to buy strip heatsinc. Just a thought.
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Don't like the color spread on this light. you could add the 400nm and the 600nm range cheaper,and leave the 730 out. I run the 400 range in my veg tent. and the 630 in my flower room. I also use the 730 far red 15 min at light out to stimulate flowering. Rapid led sells the blue and red led for under 4$ a chip. Driver are cheap and heatsinc USA is a good place to buy strip heatsinc. Just a thought.

Damn! Now you tell me! LOL. I gotta look at that site. My real problem is I don’t really know squat about LED. My last flower run was my first time using these COBs.

I appreciate your thoughts and wisdom brother!
re: Grandpa Tokin's RDWC & Timber COBs

Good morning on day 3 of flower. Everything looks okay in the garden this fine morning. Had a little PH drop overnight, but nothing I care to worry about. I adjusted and moved on with my tasks for the morning. They both appear healthy and are beginning to have noticeable growth; although, the right is lagging behind and I'm so freaking happy about that. It means I didn't take my own advice from the last flower run...I'm smart like that...:tokin: "Old stoner!"

Oh well, today is another day. I'm sure I can find a gem in it somewhere. My plan is to begin a rather heavy defoliation this afternoon or tomorrow. Depends on what my wife's calendar looks like. You see, I'm the head of my household, but my wife is the neck that turns the head. LOL! Have a great 420 day friends!




Oh yeah, if anyone's interested, I use a submersible pump–connected to a hose–to drain the system. However, the pump doesn't get it all so I used to use a handheld siphon (pictured below), but now I use this "bucket head" mini shop vac from Home Depot (also pictured below). Easily pops right on or off any 5 gallon bucket. Take out the filter and you have a really good wet vac. The nice part is the water goes right into the bucket for easy dumping.

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