JimmieJ's First Grow - Closet - Soil - Bag Seed - CFLs

Bummer on the seeds! If you failed as a grower, then all the weed that I smoked when I was younger came from failed growers! It ALL had seeds. I sure got baked though! This makes me wonder - when seeds are mature, will they just fall off by themselves? Chillin1's seed looks brown now, but I don't want to yank it till I know it's ready.

Yes, if you let them go long enough they will drop out of the calyx's, (I call them pods) as they dry up around them.
I keep a close watch to see if the calyx's are splitting and how dark the seed is. Then start harvesting them.

Also, on the seeds. Test one out, check the ends. If the ends are still greenish they are not quite ready. It should be brown all the way around. (mottled brownish) You shouldn't have any trouble releasing it, should fall out for you without scraping open the calyx.

My experience has been that the seeds closest to the stems/branches ripen sooner than the outer ones. Don't know why this is, but with every seed project I've done this has been true.

Oh, and when harvesting seeds.....don't sneeze toward the container you drop them in.

Ask me how I know this. :laugh:
Here you go Canna

I'll take some more if these aren't good enough. It's finally out of the flower closet so I can take them whenever I want now. :thumb:
LOL, I just realized you only have one seed (that you can see).

Can you post a pic of it?

My bet is there will be more than one in the area once you are ready to take it. Something may be hidden in the depths of the bud. I don't have a lot to bet....maybe reps if I'm wrong....or probably reps if I'm right too. :laugh:

There's no depth to this bud... lol :thedoubletake:
If that's the full seed showing, including the "volcano top", it sure looks ready to me.

If it still has some calyx wrapped on it, which it doesn't look like it does....leave it a couple more days.

From the pics it looks pretty mature. Just inspect it and make sure it doesn't look greenish anywhere.


Yeah, I see the no depth thing. LOL But ya never know.....once it's dried it might surprise ya.
Hi ya Jimmie.

I went out and checked on two plants that I'm waiting for seeds to mature on. I pulled 4 for inspection. The two on the top of the pic are very very close, only a day or two needed. The two bottom ones are still a bit too greenish, I'm guessing a few days to a week before maturity on them. Thought this might help you a bit. If not, well it gave me something to do. :laugh:

It does help Canna. :thanks:

I inspected mine with a flashlight and don't see any green, but it is not ready to release just yet. I'll give it as much time as it wants. I put the remains of the plant in front of the cloner light in the veg closet to see if it will reveg. If not, no big deal. In the meantime, the seed can do what it needs to and I'll wait till it falls off.
It does help Canna. :thanks:

I inspected mine with a flashlight and don't see any green, but it is not ready to release just yet. I'll give it as much time as it wants. I put the remains of the plant in front of the cloner light in the veg closet to see if it will reveg. If not, no big deal. In the meantime, the seed can do what it needs to and I'll wait till it falls off.

Reveg are fun! And no worries, it will eventually reveg. Takes some time though.
Careful that you don't lose the seed in the soil if it drops off. When I harvest them I put a plastic grocery bag around the base of the plant to catch any stray seeds. They can be very hard to see in that soil.

You are having fun now!

Hey Dennise! :circle-of-love:

I have a question and anyone feel free to jump in. It's getting warmer outside and my temps are getting into the upper 80s in the flower closet. I haven't opened the window in the room where the closet is because I don't know if pests will smell my girls and try to get in. There's a tree outside the window, with branches coming about a foot from the window. It's sure to have all kinds of stuff crawling all over it. Am I doing the right thing by keeping the window shut? I could sure use some fresh air in this room to cool it down. It's only going to get worse as the days get warmer. A window a/c won't work in this window because it's a slider.

I'm sorry darlin' I went to get the plasma thingy done and they kept me a bit longer than expected....Like 2 days...:yikes: sooo yes I would open the window and I think you will be fine... I would rather take my chances with a bug or 2 than toooo much heat... They do make a/c units that are portable and do not have to be in a window... just run the drain out and they work amazingly well... Actually IMO better than the window unit but I couldn't afford it when I had to put a unit in there... The cheapest I found was on Cramazon and it was about $400 but I think it would make for a perfect climate control if you could either just put it in the tent or just outside it but if that is not an option... and I totally get that... open the window....:high-five:
Also I hope you don't mind but I need everyone to hit this link... Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual and then hit "like" and "thanks"... Twilight has given me an opportunity to win one of their new lights and I really really really want it so the link is also in my signature but please help a broke girl out and go hit like and thanks on the post.....:thanks:....:circle-of-love:
Thanked and liked... good luck on the light! I hope I'm not too late, I haven't been online in a few days!

I've had the window open for a while now. Temps are staying in the 80s. I've seen a few lower 90s but went into panic mode and opened doors and added fans. :thumb:

When summer really gets cookin' I won't be able to control the heat, so I'm making my bedroom closet the flower closet when the clones are ready. The bedroom has a window ac that I can leave on. I don't have the cash for a portable ac, but I think I'll be just fine doing it this way. I can move the vegging plants to the basement, I don't think they'll stink too much in veg, and summer heat will keep the basement in the 70s.
I went to check the trichomes on Handy Dandy and spotted a seed. This one was definitely ready - I just touched it and it fell out of its pod. I wouldn't mind finding a couple more, but one from each of my girls will have to do. :thumb:

Seed on the left is from Chillin 1, on the right is from Handy Dandy. Chillin's seed isn't as big or black as the other one. I picked at it to release it. I hope it's ready.
Thanked and liked... good luck on the light! I hope I'm not too late, I haven't been online in a few days!

I've had the window open for a while now. Temps are staying in the 80s. I've seen a few lower 90s but went into panic mode and opened doors and added fans. :thumb:

When summer really gets cookin' I won't be able to control the heat, so I'm making my bedroom closet the flower closet when the clones are ready. The bedroom has a window ac that I can leave on. I don't have the cash for a portable ac, but I think I'll be just fine doing it this way. I can move the vegging plants to the basement, I don't think they'll stink too much in veg, and summer heat will keep the basement in the 70s.

It sounds like a perfect plan and :thanks: it is perfect... the contest is till the end of the month I think or the 1st.... somewhere around there... I grew in my bedroom closet for a long time and it worked great but the only room that has a window unit now is the grow room...:biglaugh::biglaugh: Spoiled rotten girls...:blushsmile:.......:circle-of-love:
Hey Jimmie is the amber you have in the pics mostly on the leaves...:confused: They will amber up before your buds usually and she looks great but I don't think she is quite there either if you're looking for a good body buzz going into couchlock which is my preference... I don't like a head racey buzz much... My head goes to many places all on it's own...:;): Anyhow thought I would ask cause from what I have seen it makes a big difference between the buds and the leaves....:trance:....:circle-of-love:
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