JimmieJ's First Grow - Closet - Soil - Bag Seed - CFLs

Looking ready! Mostly cloudy, some clear, and a few amber....Good high, not couch lock....Take time to dry and cure in a cool dark place. ( I usually manicure them before drying, sugar leaves and puny little buds go into the hash bin) when the outside is dry to the touch I put them in the jar with lid on, for a day or two, (now they will be moist to the touch, dry them again, repeat. :cheesygrinsmiley: Bet you're smiling! :yahoo:
This is great! Can't wait to see what I end up with! I've seen stuff about pH-ing the water for flushing. I'll go see what I can find with that and pH if I have to.

I've already taken samples from her. :smokin:

She's had three nanners. After the second one, I marked the offending bud with a twist tie. The same bud got another one, so I plucked the whole bud last Friday. Tried it a few times this week, the taste that I want is there, but hidden under harshness. It's potent though! I have jars ready and hope that curing brings this stuff to life.:thumb:
This is great! Can't wait to see what I end up with! I've seen stuff about pH-ing the water for flushing. I'll go see what I can find with that and pH if I have to.

I've already taken samples from her. :smokin:

She's had three nanners. After the second one, I marked the offending bud with a twist tie. The same bud got another one, so I plucked the whole bud last Friday. Tried it a few times this week, the taste that I want is there, but hidden under harshness. It's potent though! I have jars ready and hope that curing brings this stuff to life.:thumb:

A nice slow 6-12 day hang dry should help a lot with the harshness.

I am a huge fan of "bud washing" my freshly harvested branches in baking soda and lemon juice water. The washed buds are a smooth smoke after only a 6-12 day hang dry. Curing might or might not bring out subtle flavor shifts, but it is all smooth after bud washing and hang dry.
Chillin 1 update. Nothing interesting going on lately so haven't updated for a while. I've been giving her plain water to flush any excess nutes out, waiting patiently for the right time to harvest. This girl is not ready to quit just yet. Every morning I see fresh new pistils, so I'm just going to let her do what she's gonna do. I really am surprised at how vigorous some of these new pistils are. I don't recall seeing them like that a week ago, and I thought she was about done. I did snag another bud though which is drying right now. :yummy:


Looks like she's making a seed. I don't mind, it's the only one I can see, so I'll be glad to save it if it matures. From what I gather, it will be a feminized seed since it is from a female that pollinated itself. I bet one of the nanners did it.

Handy Dandy 1 Update. She's still cranking along too. I feel that she's a slower maturing strain. No idea when she's going to slow down. All I know is that she's not ready yet, and she's been flowering for about two months now. No worries, the buds are just getting bigger and bigger, and her clone isn't close to flower time anyway. It feels really good to be watching these plants mature and learn about their life cycle. A couple more runs and I think I'll be able to start choosing strains based on what I want them to do.

Handy Dandy 2 update: FINALLY, IT'S OVER! This sickly plant finally came around and started looking healthy. I wasted too much time on it though and decided enough is enough, put it in the flower closet to get closure on its gender, and lo and behold, it's a boy! Now I can let it go, knowing it's a threat to my girls. I believe it taught me how to bring a plant back to health, so for that I thank him.

Cloner update. My homemade bubble cloner seems to be doing the trick. What I put in it at first was slim pickins, but it showed me that it works. I'm now using it to clone a clone and expect it to do just fine.

Cutting was surviving, but looked to be using up the last of its green to stay alive

Roots on the one appeared to be forming, so I decided to put into dirt in case there was any hope of getting some nutrition back into the quickly yellowing leaf

No luck, but it never did wilt

It actually grew roots. I believe that a proper cutting would have done fine. This was only an experiment anyway. I'm happy with what I learned.
Thank you Rad. I couldn't have gotten to this point without :420: and all you awesome folks. :thanks:

Pistils not ready to quit,
the story of boys and girls,
seeds in a near sensemilla grow,
bubble cloner roots

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That's a lot of knowledge you didn't use to have.

+reps and respect for all you have learned this spring.
Shame it turned out to be male but as you said great experience and learning from it, im experimenting with clones atm as well, I like my widow and have no more seeds so hopefully it will work, need to get them in their own little pots soon mind
make sure your flowering area has no leaks. one drop of sunlight during sleep and bang you have hermies

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make sure your flowering area has no leaks. one drop of sunlight during sleep and bang you have hermies

I don't know who told you that, but that is NOT TRUE. The reason you keep the tent dark is so the plants do not go back to vegetative state. Hermies are usually the result of stress, lack of nutes, or just plain old genetics.
Cloner update. My homemade bubble cloner seems to be doing the trick. What I put in it at first was slim pickins, but it showed me that it works. I'm now using it to clone a clone and expect it to do just fine.

Cutting was surviving, but looked to be using up the last of its green to stay alive

Roots on the one appeared to be forming, so I decided to put into dirt in case there was any hope of getting some nutrition back into the quickly yellowing leaf

No luck, but it never did wilt

It actually grew roots. I believe that a proper cutting would have done fine. This was only an experiment anyway. I'm happy with what I learned.
THIS is my little cloning tutorial I put together. Although it was in an Aerocloner, the processes are the same for bubble cloner and humidity dome also.
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