KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

The General Hydroponics Flora Micro is designed for use with tap water but may not have enough calcium and magnesium for use with LED light panels, it largely depends on how high the calcium and magnesium in the tap water you are using is.

Would you mind elaborating on the difference requirements for under a LED panel vs other light sources? Thank you in advance sir.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

with regards to CA/MG requirements...

I do not know the chemistry/biological process as to why, but it seems to be a general consensus from what I seen in LED threads, it may have started with Jon755 and his massive LED/HPS powered rooms and plants(still the best plants I seen under LED so far), he was always adamant about feeding extra CA/MG. And with his results was hard to question him :) Wonder if he ever coming back after the legal problems?
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Would you mind elaborating on the difference requirements for under a LED panel vs other light sources? Thank you in advance sir.

Cannabis plants grown under LED light panels have a higher requirement for calcium and magnesium then cannabis plants grown under High Pressure Sodium lights or other light sources, I believe it is on account of the focused PAR spectrum that the LED use versus other types of light sources.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Crawdaddy, I cannot tell you how many times I read stuff on the journals and I think to myself, what tha!? I usually don't say anything because the times I do, it's always caused trouble. Certain things in horticulture are unchangeable. Those are the most amazing things to read about. I wonder, where the hell did you read that diddy? I asked that once and was virtually thrown out of a journal for questioning where someone read something so ridiculous that, to this day I am still in amazement. Oh well. So now I type it out say anything I want and then, delete!

I have more friends that way and I don't feel like a creep for throwing my weight around. I do not know everything, hardly. I have forgot most of everything is more like it, but I do have an MS in Horticultural Sciences from SUNY Farmingdale. Like I said, forgot most of what I knew. I retired almost 20 years ago from killing myself in boiling hot greenhouses walking ten or more miles a day at break neck speed one end to the other...

I do understand what you said fifty times over. I am and have been warned by your alert and can readily make a sound decision on what light I buy based on whose grow, etc. I have to tell you, the ones Dennise uses are well priced and give her some amazing results. So, my first light may not be a Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x, but I am getting a good idea from John how it performs. Pricing is altogether another story. I never buy the most high end because it is generally not necessary for most things. I'd be more interested when they find out actually how long the LEDs last in the fixtures. I don't believe there is anything accurate enough yet to give me that response. What do you think about how long LEDs last?

SUNY at Farmindale :cheesygrinsmiley: I almost went there for graphic arts. I have a long story about my visit to that campus, I won't tell it here but it was a riot. I remember "The Tree" that students had grafted every sort of branch to it and it was always in bloom and I remember "The Pig" that was as big as a cow :cheesygrinsmiley:

To answer your question about how long LED's last... I have never had 1 LED fail by itself. I have had entire clusters and partial clusters go on half of my panels. This happened 2-3 years into use of the panel. All manufacturers have replaced the clusters at no charge.

What that should translate to is pick a reputable panel WITH a good warranty.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I am also curious to learn if Cali Jack can also produce pistils on fan leaves like Jack Herer can.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Pistils on the fan leaves? I keep seeing this Jack name around, but I don't know the story. I think it is time I go look that up.

Was this a discovery or a cultivar?
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Hey Sam, would you rather me ask in public forum like this, where it would be all open or in private where be easier to have back and forth?

Hey Craw, quite frankly it doesn't matter to me... whatever you prefer. I check my email more frequently, but I am a big proponent of corporate honesty and openness.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Well my overall question is very broad, of course, but is a matter of many specific items.

And that question is why is your light over 3 times more expensive then another Chinese made light for same wattage where others have shown good results?

But of course that answer is far too broad so a few specifics would be, I do not want ot ask same tired old questions about diodes and spectrum, although that is important in the end, I guess my first question would be

Do you have access to any kind of direct measurements and/or grows where light was only variable that justifies the high price point? I always said I hope they are 3 times better, but very doubtful logically.

Anyhow sorry if too broad, got to go for now puppy going crazy!
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

My NL auto is about 2 weeks away from chop, I think. I can vouch for KJ nute routine; that is all I have used since the beginning to the end. Only thing extra has been the CalMag supplement.

NL Auto:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

My NL auto is about 2 weeks away from chop, I think. I can vouch for KJ nute routine; that is all I have used since the beginning to the end. Only thing extra has been the CalMag supplement.

NL Auto:

What week of flower is this NL in? Also where did you get the seed from? I am amazed that our plants look very different but are sold as the same strain, I know every breeder does things different but I would of thought the basic plant stucture would be the same..
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I am also curious to learn if Cali Jack can also produce pistils on fan leaves like Jack Herer can.

I might not be the best grow to test this, since I'm using CFLs. But I am using a variety of techniques to even out the canopy, and I'm hoping to still give them the best lighting possible. That would really be something to see, so I'll keep an eye out. We're a little over a week into flower now, so I'll be watching much closer now. Thanks for the tip.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Great question Craw, I am also interested in the reply to this. I think the reason behind the price is the fact that china pay there workers ALOT less and also pay alot less tax, I mean $300 US is alot in China, where $300 US is lucky to feed a family for a week in America.. That is my take on it, also China has always had a bad rep for selling junk, just like japan used to (Everything from japan was known as "Jap crap") now Japan has the most reliable cars in the world and all of a sudden everythng is hell expensive, Its economics at its finest =)

Still 3x the price is just silly.. They cannot keep that up for long with all these Chinese companys selling quality gear for a fraction of the price and with a 3+ year warrenty..

I am looking forward to a reply from Lush I think that was a great question Craw. Sam please reply on the forums!!
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Exactly where are the Lush Dominator 2X LED Panel manufactured? It sure is a beautiful unit, I will say that. There is another journal showing an incredible light, also quite high end. I only ask about where something is made because of the horrific human rights infractions in China. It is the new slavery. I try not to support it when possible, but it is getting very difficult to avoid Made in China.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Great question Craw, I am also interested in the reply to this. I think the reason behind the price is the fact that china pay there workers ALOT less and also pay alot less tax, I mean $300 US is alot in China, where $300 US is lucky to feed a family for a week in America.. That is my take on it, also China has always had a bad rep for selling junk, just like japan used to (Everything from japan was known as "Jap crap") now Japan has the most reliable cars in the world and all of a sudden everythng is hell expensive, Its economics at its finest =)

Still 3x the price is just silly.. They cannot keep that up for long with all these Chinese companys selling quality gear for a fraction of the price and with a 3+ year warrenty..

I am looking forward to a reply from Lush I think that was a great question Craw. Sam please reply on the forums!!

I bought my LED from Advanced. I bought the small one because that is simply all I could afford to pay. I bought from advanced after researching on the net. I also bought from Advanced because it looked like a great product. I have also received great response when I call with questions. I also purchased this light because it is made in America. I hear the jeers and sneers already, but I just can't believe buying American is stupid. I am not a flag waver, just simply want to keep a fellow American employed. I am also not stupid enough to just believe in "buy American" because the slogan says so ! If a corporation has rights like a citizen in this country now ( I mean can you believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I expect that very lucky corporation, who by the way gets all those corporate welfare programs and all those corporate rights, that simple people don't receive, to act like a citizen. I expect them to act with conscience ( and that does not mean you get to trample on my rights), with respect to their fellow human beings, stop the free corporate welfare (I mean companies can just say no !) and to pay their GD taxes, I mean what they really should be paying. After all that ranting, I also still expect a fare price. I don't know why the Chinese markets are allowed to dump products here below price and kill the small business people here. Do you really think the prices will remain low ? I am afraid for most people, the bottom line is.... I got mine ! Oh hell I like my LED, it might not be the sun, but here in enemy territory, it helps brighten most of the corners of my little grow, some guy or chick gets to feed their family in my country, and in a very little way I slowed the tide of manufacturing leaving this country. I really do look at labels, and countries of origin, and I better see any company I support in my country, acting like a good citizen, and the same goes for corporations in other countries. Corporations, come on, they are not people ! If you had a police line up I could point out the corporation from the people in line! It is kinda that simple. I am so sorry for the rant, so bottom line, I really like my LED from Advanced diamond lighting. :thumb:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Great question Craw, I am also interested in the reply to this. I think the reason behind the price is the fact that china pay there workers ALOT less and also pay alot less tax, I mean $300 US is alot in China, where $300 US is lucky to feed a family for a week in America.. That is my take on it, also China has always had a bad rep for selling junk, just like japan used to (Everything from japan was known as "Jap crap") now Japan has the most reliable cars in the world and all of a sudden everythng is hell expensive, Its economics at its finest =)

Still 3x the price is just silly.. They cannot keep that up for long with all these Chinese companys selling quality gear for a fraction of the price and with a 3+ year warrenty..

I am looking forward to a reply from Lush I think that was a great question Craw. Sam please reply on the forums!!

Exactly where are the Lush Dominator 2X LED Panel manufactured? It sure is a beautiful unit, I will say that. There is another journal showing an incredible light, also quite high end. I only ask about where something is made because of the horrific human rights infractions in China. It is the new slavery. I try not to support it when possible, but it is getting very difficult to avoid Made in China.

Earlier in thread LUSH informed us that their panels are made in China, one of major reasons I do not understand high price point.

I bought my LED from Advanced. I bought the small one because that is simply all I could afford to pay. I bought from advanced after researching on the net. I also bought from Advanced because it looked like a great product. I have also received great response when I call with questions. I also purchased this light because it is made in America. I hear the jeers and sneers already, but I just can't believe buying American is stupid. I am not a flag waver, just simply want to keep a fellow American employed. I am also not stupid enough to just believe in "buy American" because the slogan says so ! If a corporation has rights like a citizen in this country now ( I mean can you believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), I expect that very lucky corporation, who by the way gets all those corporate welfare programs and all those corporate rights, that simple people don't receive, to act like a citizen. I expect them to act with conscience ( and that does not mean you get to trample on my rights), with respect to their fellow human beings, stop the free corporate welfare (I mean companies can just say no !) and to pay their GD taxes, I mean what they really should be paying. After all that ranting, I also still expect a fare price. I don't know why the Chinese markets are allowed to dump products here below price and kill the small business people here. Do you really think the prices will remain low ? I am afraid for most people, the bottom line is.... I got mine ! Oh hell I like my LED, it might not be the sun, but here in enemy territory, it helps brighten most of the corners of my little grow, some guy or chick gets to feed their family in my country, and in a very little way I slowed the tide of manufacturing leaving this country. I really do look at labels, and countries of origin, and I better see any company I support in my country, acting like a good citizen, and the same goes for corporations in other countries. Corporations, come on, they are not people ! If you had a police line up I could point out the corporation from the people in line! It is kinda that simple. I am so sorry for the rant, so bottom line, I really like my LED from Advanced diamond lighting. :thumb:

I have a couple of Advanced panels, I am pretty sure they are NOT made in USA.

I am with you on the corporation are people things, fricking silly!
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

High Maharaja I have a question
Why has my girl got what looks like seeds popping ??? she has never seen or been any place that has any pollen I have only one good photo you can see even from this not great picture it,s a seed BUT why an how would this happen it,s getting a few of these what could only be some kind of Phantom seed
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