Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Well the Grape Ape I pulled is now dried but not cured. I ended up with a couple grams over Three Ounces. After I put it back into the Jars there was shake left on the paper, so I rolled one up, and soon as I get this posted, Im going to burn it. I will let you know if its any good. It probably wont be that great. But I will see. I know its going to be Harsh as shit.Hopefully I wont caugh my head off.:
Oh and I all so got this to make medicine with:
Not to Shabby. TOAST P.S. Happy Labor Day and if you dont celebrate, Happy Monday.
Looking good Toast. Nice looking buds. Happy Munchday and enjoy the fruits. :rollit:
Medicine at last :thumb:
So I smoked that shake and it wasn't Harsh at all, but it tastes like shit.But if you can get past the taste,its like 1/4 joint good Head Rush, 1/2 a joint for realy good long lasting BUZZ.When finished and cured properly it 1/4 joint for 1/2 joint results. I weighed out the debris and there was 9 oz's . Im going to run that and see what I come up with,and if I need to I'll run the 3oz's of Bud. Check Out the Hairs on this Bud.:
Well have a good one. TOAST
Hello All, Today is Bat Guano Day, I slept in and didnt get on the Hill till 11:00 am. I mixed up Bat Guano at a rate of Two Table Spoons per Gallon of water, and put Two Cups on each plant.:
Again I will say this Bat Guano is Awsum. I used to Boil Water, put the old Bat Guano in , stir and let steep,and stir when ever I would think about it over the next two days. With this stuff theres no pre mixing or any thing.Remember BAT GUANO can KILL YOU so use gloves and dont breath the shit.It is absolutely astonishing yesterday I was having lots of difficulty Moving in general.Every thing I did I had to make my self do it. Even the smallest thing like getting up to go to the bathroom was a major chore. Well as of this moment I feel FUCKING Great, like nothing happend at all. As a matter of fact when I get done posting this,Im gona get my Fishing shit out, rig a couple Ultra Light Ugly Sticks and hit the road Thursday 3:30 am or so and see if I can catch some Fish. Thats should be a nice change of pace.Oh yea, I ran 1/2 the Debris and got a gram maybe of Meds. The realy cool part is I had a brain storm on how to do it with out Heating Solvant and it worked out beautifully. This shit tastes,smells, and vaps awsum ( NO COUGH MOTHERFUCKER ).LOL Just hit me, thats why I feel so good today,DAH. TOAST
'Morning, Lem. Very happy to hear that you're feeling fine with the meds. :cheesygrinsmiley: I love a bit of fishing. As the weather cools down here I'll be going out to try for some 'Chipora' - tasty Sea Bream. What are you after? Good luck, I hope they're biting. :circle-of-love:
Every day without pain is an excellent day, man :tokin:
2014 Out Door Update ( The Hill ) - I took a picture of the plant and then a picture of how far into flowering the different strains are. This is just going to be the Hill. Aurora Ultra :
Jack Herer :
Humbolt :
Pure Kush :
L.A. Confidencial :
Pure Kush :
Sour Deisel :
Jack Herer and Pure Kush :
Sour Deisel :
Unknowen :
Super Frost :
Pure Kush :
Super Lemon Haze :
Super Frost :
I broke two branches off two seperate plants two days apart. The branches were about twelve inches long.I striped the leaves at all the internodes for the bottom half of the branch. You see that sprinkler atached to the metal spike, I ran the spike into the ground and stuffed the bottom of the branch in the hole and berried it.
No rooting hormone or any thing and its been a few days and there not dead. Just wanted to see what would happen. All right Ill be back with the Cage, Planters #1 and #2 and miscellinous. TOAST
Lem, what is Humbolt? I mean, how did it find the way into your garden? :)
Nice hill update bro, the Pure Kushes are rocking hard!

I love that SLH it looks like some fuego! :surf:

Your home is such a magical place :Namaste:

Can't wait to see the planters and cage. :popcorn:
2014 Out Door Update ( The Cage and Planters #1 and #2 ): The Cage :
The Clones I Cremated, at least the ones that are still hangin in there. :
Planter #2 Top View. :
Planter #1 :
Theres something wrong with this plant. It doesnt make sence, they all get the same every thing.:
Some stray clones.:
The Super Frost BO-CAY.;
And for what ever reason Three Bagged Clones that I havent seen the first sign of rooting. The plants are still lookin good so I just have to wait and see.
OK thats it for this update.We will do this again in two weeks. Conradino, your going to wish you didnt ask that Question.I had a close friend 20 years younger than my self.He had been in Prison on two other occations. What he did was Upper Level Interstate Drug Trafficing. He was one of those 10 cell phone,Mercedes drivin.3 seperate families in 3 different states,S.F.V. Oregan ,and Washington.He was continually on the road.He used my house as a place to hide out when things got to heavy or he just needed to sleep. We met by accident so we didnt know any of the same people, so he could stay at my house and no one new where he was. Anyway as he would make his way up and down the coast,pickin up here dropin off there, he met the guys at Humboldt Seed Organization.For what ever reason he started telling them about me and my growing. When it was time to leave, one of the guys handed him a little envelope, and told him to give it to me. He put it in his center console and for got about it for almost 8 months.He was in Palm Dale with a flat tire looking for the lock nut remover when he found it.Fixed his tire turned around drove back to my house in Aqua Dulce. In the envelope was 5 feminized seeds - I just call it Humboldt. Now heres the fucked up shit. This fool gets rolled on with 20lbs of Crystal and 3 Keys of Peruvian in his trunk.Note this Mercer has a custom built Dash thats a welded stainless steel box and the only way in is through the passinger side Air Bag and then you have to know the sequence of FM raido stations.So the radio then becomes the Dial on a combination Safe. And for who knows why he put the stuff in the trunk instead of the dash,so when they hit him with the lights he freaks out,puts the peadle to the metal and took off. While High speed chaseing around the SFV.Oh you need to know Josh at one time was a Pro Super Motocross Rider. He spots this guy in a 7-11 getting on his Ninja,Josh jumps the curb, almost hits this guy gettin on his bike,Bursts out the driver door, nails the guy with a forearm,hops on the bike and off he went.The cops couldnt get close to him ,only the Helicopter had him. He went straight to his house, through the bike down on the front lawn, and ran into his house. Once inside he went to his bedroom and got his Dan Wesson 357 mag. and got his cell phone and went into the bathroom locked the door and started making phone calls. The cops eventually battering rammed the bathroom door at witch point Josh BLEW HIS FUCKING BRAINS OUT. That was in May 2014 So Conradino thats what the Humboldt is. I just tell it like it is. TOAST
Mr Teddy, Im going to a creek where there are protected native Trout.Barbless, Fly. Catch and Release. There not very big, but they jump and go crazy when hooked. On Ultra Light, its quite entertaining,and close to my house. When I lived in the Keys we use to catch Brem and these things called Grey Snappers. We would take the little filets,put them on cookie sheets,season,and bake until there like almost crispy.Then just eat them like potato chips.they were awsum.We use to go to the Bait guy and he would let us net Shrimp out of the big tank for 39 cents a dozen.We would pick out the big prawns put them in a bucket, take um home and boil them in beer. Damn I got to go ,all of a sudden Im starving.Mr Teddy you and the wife keep it green. TOAST
Fuckin' hell, it really seems he was in Satan's grip, man :) I heard a lotta weird drug-fueled stories, but this one tops them all. Well, it's good they didn't bust him with crystal, blow and shit in your pad. And at least you got a nice line of weed out of it :) By the way, I'm a shrimp lover too :)
Mr Teddy, I hope I am finding You and the Mississ in good health and good sprites. So, remember the Bud Beard guy,thats Tony. So me and Tony get to the creek about 4:30 am,catch a quick buzz and start heading down stream 4:45 am.We walk , hike, rock clime,wade and fight the bushes for 3 hours and then start fishing our way back up stream. I wish I could say we crushed um, but we didnt.Saw a total of three fish. I hooked one for two jumps and then gone. Two more fish made a move on my bait but didnt bite. But all was not lost.It seems that its Cray Fish Fuck Time, LOL and they were in abundance.You wount believe it, on the side of the trail,there sits a perfectly useable, 12" inch Crab Pot. You know the kind thats shaped like a Pyramid and when it hits bottom,the four side open and fall to the bottom. I had a Jar of Fire Ball Salmon Eggs, so I took my Leatherman and poked a single hole in the cap of the Jar.Tied the Jar in the bottom of the Crap Trap and through the whole shootin match in the creek. Went fishing for a while and came back and collected the Crawdaddies. Did that most of the way fishing back up stream. By the time we got back to the car, we had over 60.These suckers were the size of Langostinos.On my way home I stoped at Ricks down the street and kicked him 20, went on home and me ,the Old Lady and Tony had a nice dinner of Fettuchini Alfredo,Asparagus,and Garlic Sauted Cray Fish. AWSUM. So now all I have to do is have my Hand Held Shower Massage ready on Pulsate with as hot of water as I can stand, for when my Leg Mussles Spazam on a regular bases for the next 36 hours or so.The price one must Pay to have this Life Style. It wouldnt be half so Bad if they didnt wait to happen until Im under the covers and have just fallen asleep.. Can I get an "I Feel Ya Brother" LOL I sure hope your up coming trip for Brem turns out much better then mine did. I realy Like U's Guys.TOAST
Can I get an "I Feel Ya Brother" LOL I sure hope your up coming trip for Brem turns out much better then mine did. I realy Like U's Guys.TOAST

I feel ya, Brother. :circle-of-love:

Always love a good fishing tale. And that was a good fishing tale. I love crayfish. Good eating. Out here there are plenty of langoustine or Dublin Bay Prawns, but you've get to get to the fish market early. Most are sold to France. Last time I stuck a couple of dozen under the grill I turned round to find one trying to crawl off. I admired his spirit. But I still ate him. I'm off with my mate Kostas rock fishing for Bream this weekend. I'll let you know.

All good here, thanks. Taking our first small harvests, so Mrs T's happy. And if she's happy, I'm happy. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Look after yourself, Sir. :love:Mr Teddy
This thread is so amazing! Like I said before, we will all look back on Lem's journals as a place to reference things, see amazing pictures, read stellar stories, and as a source of inspiration for many....:circle-of-love:

I feel like I am sitting around a camp-fire with all you wonderful folks! :Namaste:

Absolutely incredible thread! :adore:
This thread is so amazing! Like I said before, we will all look back on Lem's journals as a place to reference things, see amazing pictures, read stellar stories, and as a source of inspiration for many....:circle-of-love:

I feel like I am sitting around a camp-fire with all you wonderful folks! :Namaste:

Absolutely incredible thread! :adore:

Ditto, just lovely stuff. Been gone off grid.a bit and come back and bam first journal entry iread.is the above exemplifying why I log on here. Higher quality campfire goodness. Pass the smores.
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