New Grow: Starting From Square One

Good day to ya Loud! Lots going on over here. I had to come over to check out your set up and offer some advise ...if ya want it!
First thing i noticed is that extension cord...not good! it's gonna get in the way , if it hasn't already. Here's what to do. Take that incoming power and install it in a proper box and mount it on the wall securely, then you can plug all your stuff into it,. If you need more outlets , just plug a power bar into it, but it has to be done properly to be safe and most effective OK.
Second thing about the watering...when the pots are fairly dry and haven't seen water in a couple /few weeks...lift those pots up...get a good feel for what they weigh dry like that. Use this as a gauge as when to add more water.
With the thin stalks , yes it can be just the strain,..and most often is just that. As long as you have lots of air flow in your space it's all good OK...don't worry. There are different things u can do to increase that thickness, gently flexing and , or bending the main stalks way over , back and forth , to and fro,..this will greatly help that 'thin stalk' problem OK. It takes a couple weeks to really notice what your doing but it works 100% of the time. Also SCing , or Supercropping will greatly improve thicknesses providing u do it correctly , when the plants are very young OK. Cheers, if you have any questions just ask OK.
Doc's gear is the best , most reliable , most cost effective grow system available. The best part is...the people in the lab , who wear those white lab coats ..and Doc of course , have taken about 90 % of the guess work out of growing. Leaving just enough room for us to tweak things for our own grows and styles. A perfect system , if you ask any of us 'brixers' .:circle-of-love:
Hi Loud! I'll pull up a chair and offer help when I can. You mentioned transplanting but thank you may have been talking about transplant drench....? Have they been transplanted and if so, to what size pots? You'll want to veg them for about 2 months in the #1's so they form serious root balls. Towards the end of that those roots will be sucking up the drinks quickly, doc gets his down to feed/water daily then it's time to transplant. You'll need to figure out posting pics so we can see the set up before offering more advice but it sounds like you have a pretty serious set up. Be careful bringing clones into your grow because they can carry pm and mites which will be a royal pita. Not speaking from experience, never done it but have read about it. That 12ml of drench you mentioned seems very light for 12 plants. In the Dark apprentice journal that is finishing now, we learned that giving like 30ml to 3 or 4 plants is about right, remember when dunking you double the amounts. Are you dunking?

Darks journal, Darkscotia Apprentices Doc Bud - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Welcome to the Kit! You are going to love it! Stop by some brixxers journals for ideas and some amazing plants!


@Duggan this is going to be a completely new setup. Its been over a year, but ive ditched the tent idea, and im going to invest in the room! I have dedicated this room permanently for my hobby! I actually have a 220 breaker now running into the room, and the plan is to build a nice panel for my wall. Its going to be a slick looking coated mdf board, and im going to mount an outlet, ballasts, and controller on it for everything! Just give me a couple weeks, and everything will slowly start to get turned on!!

@weenmeoff ,
I actually have temps in the low 80's under an 8 bulb t5, and 2 100w LED bulbs to supplement the side of the closet that the t5 wont directly hit. I rotate plants a couple times a week right now. The pots are 1 gallon pots, and 8 gallon pots. The 2 i transplanted into the 8s were about a month old. Roots all over!! Followed docs tek, and everything seems to be working great so far!!

I did have a scare with clones already!! I thought they had PM, but ended up being some foreign dust. Possibly drywall, or excess cloning powder. Maybe it was PM, but if so, it hit the brix!!!!

Thanks for dropping in @Doc Bud !! The man himself!! I cant wait to see where the kit takes me!! I ordered another 4 kit order of the amendment. The plants look so nice guess im gonna go all in!! Cant wait to get this room cranking!

@Graytail ,
The plants are under an 8 bulb t5, and 2 100 watt led light bulbs at the time. Temps in the closet are between 79-90 depending on time of day. Im contemplating actually buying a small mini split just for the room, so i can seal it!! Give me some time to get settled in. I promise this grow will be one to watch in the future!
The mini-splits are the bomb. But I just use a stand-alone portable AC and exhaust out the window through a charcoal filter.
Summer growing pains :reading420magazine:
So im almost ready to start blooming at least 4 plants. I am getting a new 24000 btu mini split delivered on friday.

I was wondering if you guys think it will be enough for 4K vented? Will a sentinel controller wire up to a mini split? Whats the best type of CO2 setup? More pics of my garden later tonight! Looking good!!
UPDATE!!!!! BIG!!!

Got my lights all hung up, and some of the ducting back in place. Going to finish this weekend when i get the rest of the stuff. Also planning on picking up an AC and CO2 setup very soon. Has anyone used CO2 with the kit? How did it work for you?

My plants all seem to be doing just fine. I think i just freaked out when i saw some foreign contaminations. I cut off the leaves that had it about 4 days ago. It hasnt returned, and there is no sign of anything ill. Maybe the brix beat it? Maybe it was drywall dust? We may never know... i have since transplanted 2 of the confirmed females. I have decided to just go ahead and flower them after i have rooted a few clones from each. I will also probably go with at least 2 of the ghost cuttings, but i havent decided yet. Help me decide? I am using these slick looking 8 gallon pots for the final vessel in all of the plants. Once i have enough soil cooked (is there a short cut?), and my plants are vegged enough you will see me start turning on the hps lights. I will be patient, but i truly cant wait!!

The only issues, and concerns that i have:

My plants havent developed that thick hard stem that i keep seeing the kit produce.

The plants seem happy not being watered for 10+ days. Is this normal? How often should i be watering? I havent watered them since the GE drench about a week ago.

How much longer should i veg these? Is there a sweet spot with the kit?
Why cant I view the pics?
So im almost ready to start blooming at least 4 plants. I am getting a new 24000 btu mini split delivered on friday.

I was wondering if you guys think it will be enough for 4K vented? Will a sentinel controller wire up to a mini split? Whats the best type of CO2 setup? More pics of my garden later tonight! Looking good!!

I use a Sentinel controller and have a minisplit hooked up, but mine is only 14k BTU's. Check the max draw of the minisplit and make sure it doesn't exceed the max load on the controller. You've got more than enough cooling, which is perfect.

As for C02, the fuzzy logic in the Sentinel is excellent but you'll need a tank and gauge, and you'll need to refill the tank. A more cost effective method is to use a propane burner, which is what I have. Propane is less expensive than C02 gas.....but it add heat, which isn't a problem for you with that minisplit.

Definitely take the time and get the right pieces into place so you can control the weather at all times, in one degree/one percent increments. You cannot fail with a good environment! Your grow will excell if you give the soil the right temps and humidity.

Environment is by far the most important aspect of growing.
Exellent! The burners are super cheap also, compared to the tanks/kits!

I am having another issue at the moment. I cant cook the soil fast enough! I have enough soil to transplant maybe 4 more plants cooking, i have 8 plants that are becoming rootbound in 1.75G containers.

The soil has about a week left to cook (cooking 3 weeks so far). Will it be harmful to use it a week early? Should i get some FFOF for the remainder of the plants and cook alot more for next run?

As soon as i get the AC installed, i am going to start blooming at least 3 plants with the kit. 2 of them are getting huge now. I thought i would have had everything done by now, but now my vegging plants are passing my progress! This weekend i should get alot done. I cant wait to start seeing those high brix flowers!

Excuse the cord, this is only a temporary veg area until i start flowering. Getting a tent for the other room.

The light ventilation is complete, but the picture is a bit old. You get the idea.

The bushy plants are from a bag of awesome GG4, i hope it turns out as good.

The smaller ones are 3 ghost, and 3 SFV cuttings from house of clones.

Got 2 seeds from some BAD ASS amsterdam OG that tested at 27%!! Got those germinating now too. Super exited!

The system is pretty easy! I love how little i water compared to coco, and the plants just grow!!
Exellent! The burners are super cheap also, compared to the tanks/kits!

I am having another issue at the moment. I cant cook the soil fast enough! I have enough soil to transplant maybe 4 more plants cooking, i have 8 plants that are becoming rootbound in 1.75G containers.

The soil has about a week left to cook (cooking 3 weeks so far). Will it be harmful to use it a week early? Should i get some FFOF for the remainder of the plants and cook alot more for next run?

As soon as i get the AC installed, i am going to start blooming at least 3 plants with the kit. 2 of them are getting huge now. I thought i would have had everything done by now, but now my vegging plants are passing my progress! This weekend i should get alot done. I cant wait to start seeing those high brix flowers!

Please don't put in all that hard work and then screw it up with substandard soil! I'm sure those plants will last another week if you dunk them as I recommend, using a very strong Transplant mixture and double/triple strength on other drenches.

Do they dry out everyday? If can go a week easy. If they need water every single day, dunk them 3 times before using straight water.
Interesting. I think i might just dunk them tonight after work. They do need water every day, or couple days. I guess i will wait. I need another big trash can! The pots seem huge compared to what im used to. The can looks big until you start filling the pots!

I got enough amendment to mix alot now, i should have just bought the bulk kit, but i didnt realize i was going to like it this much.

Ive got some worm castings sitting there too with another bale of PM. I just need to get anoyher vessel to store it in once i mix it up.
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