Queen's Royal Green Garden

Because nails won't stay in the wall! That has been what the problem has been or I would've been had them in there.
you aint supposed to nail the plants to the wall. just growem like the others in soil or coco. sheese:)
stick some lights in there:)
if you need to hang things they sell anchors and or molleys that will hold a good amount of weight in plaster or drywall at HD or other Hardware stores:)
Here are the pics as promised.....

Let's start off with the fcj. I love what a little lst ing and topping has done to her. I think she is going to be quite the bush!!

And here is the three I transplanted today..

The rest of the bunch, can't call em sprouts anymore!!!!

Thanks for the link, Smokey, I will check it out....

Fishy, I am trying to come up with something believe me. I want the space so I can germ some more. I am determined to have me a nice yield one way or another, damn it!!!!
that fcj looks great QTL! Nice looking bush. Should yield well. :goodjob:

You don't have to attach stuff to the walls of the closet. If the drywall or plaster won't hold anything, just put a piece of plywood up. Then you can put screws anywhere you like. :)

If you're having trouble attaching things to the ceiling of the closet, just put a 2x4 in each corner and a piece of wood across the top. Imagine a tall table. Now you can hang your lights under the table.

Where there is a Will, there is a way.

Anyone see which way Will went? :rofl:
Queen my friend, never trust those things anchored in drywall, There is at least a stud {anchor point) in each corner of any drywall covered wall...LOL. You can anchor boards horizontally into these studs, each 3" drywall screw will hold at least 150 lbs, two at each end and it will NEVER fall. This can be done gracefully, and if you ever remove them, the repairs will be as easy as filling the screw holes with drywall repair, a little sanding, paint.........I am always concerned with safety, and accidents can easily be avoided by applying fundamental construction techniques....your challenges with this problem are very simple! Your plants look great! +reps

I say this with total resect to anyone that might disagree...mcloadie
Now I know this may sound stupid but if wall can't hold nails then how will it hold up a board? Can't hang from ceiling, have a shelf above. There is also long thick wood that would be used to hang clothes. So I am thinking use screws or something so I would be able to raise or lower lights...
that fcj looks great QTL! Nice looking bush. Should yield well. :goodjob:

You don't have to attach stuff to the walls of the closet. If the drywall or plaster won't hold anything, just put a piece of plywood up. Then you can put screws anywhere you like. :)

If you're having trouble attaching things to the ceiling of the closet, just put a 2x4 in each corner and a piece of wood across the top. Imagine a tall table. Now you can hang your lights under the table.

Where there is a Will, there is a way.

Anyone see which way Will went? :rofl:

Thanks for the advice! The fcj is my fave and hopes she does produce well. She looks so pretty I just want to leave her veg!!!!
Hello. About your closet. If it has a clothes bar, then just tie onto that. It should suport a few lights. What kind of lights do you have?? Are they just cfl's in a fixture of some kind.? If it is a clampy squezzy type thing, then throw a broom stick from one corner to the other corner and clamp them to it. If it is a 2 or 3 foot type, then lean them up against the wall.

Plants look great. Still hopeing for nothing but girls.
what kinda walls?
hang light from the bar in the closet light OMM said?
if i knew what you had to work with in terms of what kinda walls etc i might be able to point you in the right direction
im guessing you have a stud wall so if you do like damn i forget who suggested finding the studs and you shouldnt have a problem screwing into that
they sell stud finders at the hardware store or you could turn into machine gun queen and drill holes to find it only bad thing about that is you need to know where your wiring is depends how its built where the outlets are etc.. but its not an unknown thing if theres an outlet there would be a stud but if the wiring comes from the top you could have wires there
so basically you can screw into was which actually m ight be better than pounding a nail, but need to avoind areas above or near outlets or switches figure drywall can be 5/8 to 3/4 inches thick youd want to have at least 3/4 inch of screw or slightly more in the stud and add the thickness of whatever your attaching to the wall to the screw size youll be ok. so not knowing how thick whatever your trying to attach to the wall as in i not knowing you should know if not measure the thickness and add it to 1-1/2"the main thing is finding the stud you need to screw too.i forgot to ask it is drywall on a double wall, just trying to clarify as im in hawaii and older homes here dont have stud walls only newer homes do but as i was saying the house im assuming is a double wall it isnt concrete is it? if it is use concrete anchors there are many ways to anchor to concrete or studd walls, as whoever mentioned i forget who sorry, dont use drywall anchors they arent made to hold any weight, i believe those are called toggle bolt anchors id avout that look for the studs as someone already mentioned. hope you can understand my instructions on that lol youll get it determination always pull through
Now I know this may sound stupid but if wall can't hold nails then how will it hold up a board? Can't hang from ceiling, have a shelf above. There is also long thick wood that would be used to hang clothes. So I am thinking use screws or something so I would be able to raise or lower lights...

In the corners of any wall or structure, lets say......there are 2x4s...called backing. In any application in these areas, screws can be installed at a 45 degree angle whereby they "hit" the backing. I wish I knew how to use computers better, I would draw you a diagram explaining. I know this from many years of construction and cabinet installation. A simple idea is this; in any corner of any space that has sheetrock..IE...ceiling, corners, floors...this "backing is present...it has to be to fasten the sheetrock to. Hope this helps, I know how to do this very well, there are legal issues if my work was to fall down....LOL...and I know how to insure with a high degree of certainty that this won't occur.....Peace
Hello. About your closet. If it has a clothes bar, then just tie onto that. It should suport a few lights. What kind of lights do you have?? Are they just cfl's in a fixture of some kind.? If it is a clampy squezzy type thing, then throw a broom stick from one corner to the other corner and clamp them to it. If it is a 2 or 3 foot type, then lean them up against the wall.Plants look great. Still hopeing for nothing but girls.

[QUOTECan you hang things in the closet?][/QUOTE]

what kinda walls?hang light from the bar in the closet light OMM said?if i knew what you had to work with in terms of what kinda walls etc i might be able to point you in the right direction

To answer you both Sinful and OMM, yes I do have that bar and that seems like that is what I am going to have to use. For the closet, I just plan on using cfls, it will be used for vegging so I can free up some room in the tent. The tent will be used strictly for flowering, I think that is my best option right now. Once I can get that situated, I would like to put some clones in the closet too with the vegging plants.

Chronic, Um after reading your explanation, my mind went completely blank and I looked like a deer caught in headlights...lol
In the corners of any wall or structure, lets say......there are 2x4s...called backing. In any application in these areas, screws can be installed at a 45 degree angle whereby they "hit" the backing. I wish I knew how to use computers better, I would draw you a diagram explaining. I know this from many years of construction and cabinet installation. A simple idea is this; in any corner of any space that has sheetrock..IE...ceiling, corners, floors...this "backing is present...it has to be to fasten the sheetrock to. Hope this helps, I know how to do this very well, there are legal issues if my work was to fall down....LOL...and I know how to insure with a high degree of certainty that this won't occur.....Peace

And after reading your explanation, I was like, can I buy a clue? :thedoubletake:
[QUOTECan you hang things in the closet?]

I totally did that your Majesty, I got some chain at the hardware store and hung my HPS from the hanger rod.
I thought you needed to go to the ceiling to hang your light. you have it goin on now with a new grow space!
hope all goes in your favor with the Doc and good for you getting a little chubby:)
in my mind now you look like a cross between Hallie Berry &GI Jane lol J/K you have always been beautiful in my mind:)
Awww, sorry I tend to explain things wrong. No the ceiling is very high but there is also a shelf. I was thinking of rigging something to that for the light or maybe I can do both!!!! Awesome!!!! Now why didn't I think of that before?! See another brain fart!

Thanks for the compliment Fishy!!! Hate to burst your bubble but I don't look anything like Halle! I was chubby as a kid and as I got older I got thick. Now in my mid 40s, am still thick but with a little pot belly from my meds and love of eating. I would tell you what I weigh but I don't wanna crush your dream! Lol.. Weighed in at docs yesterday at 172 but I wear it well.

As for the doc, well I am trying to roll with it even though it does scare the hell out of me.
Awww, sorry I tend to explain things wrong. No the ceiling is very high but there is also a shelf. I was thinking of rigging something to that for the light or maybe I can do both!!!! Awesome!!!! Now why didn't I think of that before?! See another brain fart!

Thanks for the compliment Fishy!!! Hate to burst your bubble but I don't look anything like Halle! I was chubby as a kid and as I got older I got thick. Now in my mid 40s, am still thick but with a little pot belly from my meds and love of eating. I would tell you what I weigh but I don't wanna crush your dream! Lol.. Weighed in at docs yesterday at 172 but I wear it well.

As for the doc, well I am trying to roll with it even though it does scare the hell out of me.
darlin love them all sort skinny even tall
a girl with meat is just as sweet as any girl big or small:)
sugar and spice and all that good shit:):circle-of-love:
and abuck72 I could throw you around like a ragdoll J/K. you will do fine when the Doc sees ya
I just love your poetry! I got my fingers crossed about the doctor.....just noticed today that the fcj is starting to show pistils!!! I am super giddy about that. Watered the girls, have 3 in the tub draining. Added more mg and coco to a few pots. The temp has been running lovely, it's a nice cool 73 degrees, rh running at 53 last time I checked. I know I don't include those details all the time. Since checking out the plants, I think I have 3 with sativa traits and the rest indicas.
Just thought I would add that I just sanded down a red diesel, I think it was one of the seeds that didn't take the first time I tried to germ. So I let it dry out, Gonna see if it takes this time, hey doesn't hurt to try. I also found another fem bean, lost coast OG, that just sounds gangster, doesn't it? LOL, never tried to germ it before. So hopefully I'll have 2 more fems for the line up.
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