Looking sweet my friend. You know I use VitaGrow cloning solution and vitagrow antiwilt. I swear you can root a popcycle stick with it. But I also bought a store bought unit of the ezcloner for a buck, 100$ Looking like I should get 1005 now off it. Hey been awhile since I been thru but looks like you got it going on again. Watch out for the gankers. You ever want to see something interesting try soda water in the clones. Peace Keepem Green
mate its shocking i know, i think all bpn users should at least be made aware,
but i respect the wishes of the mods and wont discuss anything in general forum,

420 staff are doing the best they can so i have faith in them at this stage, it sounds like they got their end under control
as always 420 staff keep this site going,
all we can do is thank them for this
Watson suddenly turned to Holmes and asked,"How much wood could a Woodchuck, chuck, if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?" To which Sherlock answered " Hmm, you see old chap, its like this, a Woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a Woodchuck could, if you see, a Woodchuck could chuck wood, its elementary dear Watson." "Hmm, yes quite" replies Watson, sure that Holmes is high and out of his mind.
Oh, and pics of said alleged ladies. say "said alleged ladies" 5 times fast.
The SUN!!! Ahhh its awesome! Had to give my ladies a bit of water 10 gallons between 20, most went to 5 of the group, who were drooping big time. I do this on pourpose. 1, It saves water, 2 ,it alows the soil to dry out giving the roots more oxegen, 3, it helps root out the ones that are prone to hermie, and finaly, 4 ,makes me a watcher then a doer.:peace:
How are the Magic Colas coming along? Pronounced I assume....:cheer:

RL, they are looking good. Been catching a bunch of worms, saw a humming bird eating some, and a few wasps hunting for them too. Go Team Nature! I harvested the one that had been flowering since may, and put her through the MB2, Butter, cinnamon, lemon mint,pineapple mint, fennel, and soy lecithin. That short little lady is all, "psst, hey I am Indica, then, boom! ha ha! tricked you ! I am Super Sativa!!" So, I am going to make sugar cookies with the Magicalbutter from her. Made iced coffee with some of the remains (the strained mess ), wow ,now that's a jolt in the morning, ka-zang! wide awake, and pain subsides a bunch more. Thanks for stopping buy. :peace:
I am waiting for the sun to set. I can get better pictures as the sun sets. Its to damn bright in the afternoon, had to shade the part i wanted to capture. Otherwise too much glare, seriously it was hard to look at them, all shining in the sun. They were getting so much sun they had to reflect some back.

Don't knock the shots... I love the hippo shot, kitty too :cheesygrinsmiley:
Time for an update. I continue to find worms, and their poop. Vigilance is the only way to go with outdoor gardening of my ganja. The amount of worms is less than expected, so I am happy on that front. Harvested a few potted that were done,the little MK Ultra, Blue Berry and some buds from my Durban P x Sour D. Very happy with the results this early on. The MK Ultra will be a mom , I just need to change her soil and pot, give her a good dose of appropriate SNS products and put her under the lights in my mother room. That will take a few days to accomplish. As the root ball must soak in water to loosen the soil enough to make soil change easy on the roots. Moms will be grown with veganics, its an old technique that works. I will have to do the same with the ACDC. :love: O h and Pics!!:high-five:

P.S. not impressed with the Sharks Breath still waiting for it to begin flowering. :tokin:
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