see my edited post chief ! went from nothing to something really...reread that and was like...pffffff loll

hey wocha JUST saw your edited post. i have an update real quick though, you were on the right track and its better to be safe than sorry.

i left for the day and didnt have time to snip or do a h202 dunk or change the rez. I left it just how it was with that black gunk on it too i just wanted to wait before i diagnosed it as "root rot" because all the ones following my last grow knows how bad i got hit with root rot. my fan leaves+stems were completely limp and dead lookin, i had a horrible odor in my rez and all my roots were being effected in certain points but mostly in patches and they turned brown.i saved it and it made me some great BHO. This time only a couple had black spots the rest were completely white and smelled like life so i had a hunch it wasnt root rot. granted reading your guys comments of root rot worried me all day while i was gone but i came home to good news.
i opened my rez and looked at the roots and that black stuff is pretty much gone and the roots are white and smelling just like my others. i didnt cut them off yet or clean them in any way i guess it just needed some time. im doin a rez change since theres a bunch of sand on the bottom from my blue airstone shedding its sand everywhere

i just looked at the pics from last night and this is my fault but i took those pictures in the way of my light making a shadow. it was really dark and those pics make them look worse than they are. ill make sure i have the right lighting next time. heres a pic of the roots now that im home.. i left at about 730 and its nearly 5 now. theres a tint amount of black stuff on the root, might not be able to see it in the pic but its in the back left and the far right where the majority of the roots are. this pic has the right lighting and you can see how healthy they really are.
I'd check your rez temp anything over 70 f can cause root rot and pythium in dwc

hey J.S ill be keeping a close eye on this to see if it progresses. i thought i had h202 but i guess i ran out last grow. ill be adding h202 or possibly sm-90 to my lineup in the next couple days to treat the possibility of root rot. i cant take any chances i have a small grow and each plant is needed in this grow
hey J.S ill be keeping a close eye on this to see if it progresses. i thought i had h202 but i guess i ran out last grow. ill be adding h202 or possibly sm-90 to my lineup in the next couple days to treat the possibility of root rot. i cant take any chances i have a small grow and each plant is needed in this grow

Those products will help but they won't solve the problem try freezing some water in a bottle and putting it in the rez
h202 did the job last time, well that and snipping the infected area. i didnt just add it to the rez i dunked it in watered down h202 for 5 minutes at a time and sure enough it went away.

but if i can find any tips for down the road that if i do find out its root rot then ill do the frozen bottle of water in the rez. thanx J.S:high-five:
the only signs im looking for before i call it root rot are foamy water,brown and slimey roots, stinky resevoir, and droopy yellowing leaves. thats when ill be sure its root rot but so far this looks nothing like my master kush's infestation of root rot. i hope its not though i really have high hopes for that white russian lol
the only signs im looking for before i call it root rot are foamy water,brown and slimey roots, stinky resevoir, and droopy yellowing leaves. thats when ill be sure its root rot but so far this looks nothing like my master kush's infestation of root rot. i hope its not though i really have high hopes for that white russian lol

what is your water you have a chiller???
i hope its not the dreaded root rot for you again!!!

id be devastated if i got it again. im going to add some oxygen enhancers into the rez like h202 or something down that road for as a prevention plan but if i see anything alarming, ill be posting my shame on here lol:peace:
what is your water you have a chiller???

ill be honest i dont check it as regularly as i should but ive never seen it in the 70s yet when i do check it. last grow was consistently 65-66, and the times i checked it in this grow were like 65-65-67-66 degrees. the reason why i dont check it is because ive gotten used to it being low and kind of put it out of my head which isnt a good idea. who knows what its been at the times i havent checked, so ill need to check the temps more often
Hey I don't know if it's the same thing, I had an issue in my clone machine, but I found this article very interesting. My room got real hot and so did the buckets just about killed all my clones.

Do a search for "Get rid of “The Slime” aka “Brown Slime Algae” aka “Cyanobacteria” forever!". Very easy to fix if this is what it is. If it isnt its still a cool read. really wernt joking when you said google how its written there..thats exactly what link pops up i figured it was too long of a thing to put in the google bar but i was wrong. well now i know its not an algae BUT its looking more and more like im in the clear from root rot. the roots are fine in all 3 resevoirs. i changed my water and the airstones mysteriously went from dark blue to black and also black/darkblue sand was in the rez's that had those blue airstones... i cleaned them again and cleaned the hoses.

lol before anyone asks, yes i did soak the airstones for 24 hours in 5.0 ph'd water. 5.6 the next morning when i took em out. Everythings fine so far ill be posting some pics tomorrow comparing the plants from last week to this week.
Alot of growth in the white widow! a little growth spurt in the white russian#1 and the white russian#2 is finally getting kick started. Im tieing down the White Russians 3 tops tomorrow morning

i figured id throw a fam shot up here. these plants are growing faster than my last grow was. i cant tell from the stage their in that their going to give me a bigger, better harvest than my master kush and afgooey. i opened my grow room tent and when i did; the fan in there blew the grow room air towards my face and for the first time i smelled a nice roomfull of piney, skunky, dank. the white widow is wasting no time putting its aroma out there.
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