Tutankharmon - 400HPS - Soil Coco Mix - Grow

Oz ain't u heard the radio campaign about urine colours...... Even if it's just the once..... It probably was the red wine..... Or the light in the bathroom....or maybe ur not sure if it was red after all....... Go see ur doctor..... Chances are it's probably nothing!
Or it just might be you put it somewhere it shouldn't have been without a raincoat. kayak
Mate, I was eating MARMITE and BEETROOT last night lol. Didn't exactly whitey but munchies were rotten lol :)
No he don't no I grow actually. I'm not sure if he's on any forums.
Me - my dad - my closest buddy from nursery - are the only ppl who no about me :)

I will be sampling his stuff :)

A wise man once said to me "every person who KNOWS is one too many"........wonder who that was? :) :peace:
My old place in the Midlands was on the outskirts of the village. I had 4.5 acres of land and an acre of garden :) MASSIVE house with stables.......OHHHHHHHH how I wish I was there now :) :)
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