Woodsman Outdoors

Hi woods ,

Glad to see your journal up and running,thanks for stopping by my journal,i've been gone for a week(on the fl. coast looking for oil,lol).Plants are looking great,looks like the old girl is going to "put out" for ya,can't wait to see some 10 foot plants.:thumb::ganjamon:
hey woods,
just doing a drive by....am trying to get the post up on the new smoke.......that is one that stays permanent in my garden....all time fav. (well one of them), and thinking about it not being there gives me the willies....its my go to plant...glad to see that the runt is a motivational type....maybe you can keep her going forever....just ordered two more batches so busy waiting...i really blew it this time....the rest of my allowance is now gone...ugh....oh well...lets hope they grow some great stuff....ever, L

was wondering if the two of you figured the hash thing out....great....L

Hi Lavendar, I'd love to have some SD seeds! I'd just walk over and pick'em up if I could! Thought that counts.
Got the hash done.
Hi woods.
Looks like you've been a busy bee by the post count. How are things going? super Duper I hope! Are you seeing the nice hashball drying yet? Man your going to have some funky shizzle from that. You think the plants are good, phew.........lololo

ok, so I;m medicated and have a wine buzz......but still....how are things coming? BTW, I would take Lavendars offer as a supreme honor. that woman knows her shit for real, and that kind of offer should not go unanswered. Girl your choices make my world go round!!!! You are a great assett to my happy online home.

.......Ugh, sorry, medication and alcohol are a strong combo, but I do love you both. (in a weird 420 way) and cant tell you 2 enough how much I enjoy your posts and replying to them!

medicated J!:yahoo: P.s. If you ever mix cinsy99 and W. rhino, prepared to be Fockerized. Lol like meet the Fockers. lol.........anyways..

Jason your always welcome to be overly medicated here on this thread, you would seem 'out of place' if ya weren't! Hey, my hash is dry, but it is so dry that it crumbles into powder! How do ya get it to 'stick together'?

This starting to sound like a "Flower Child Love In"! Count me in too!


thats gonna be a nice gro 1o gallon pots n outside

Welcome holysmoke (great name) You will be an honored guest when you come by! They will get big, but I don't think I can let them get too tall!

It's the "Woods-stock", it's the summer of love baby!!!!! :ganjamon:


I wish it was the summer of love again, better time and younger times!

Hell yea! :hippy: Groove with the good vibes. :kiss:Let your heart lead the way!:hug:

....to the giant bong being smoked by yellow people!:bigtoke:

How did that get there?

That's me when I was younger, see above!

Hi woods ,

Glad to see your journal up and running,thanks for stopping by my journal,i've been gone for a week(on the fl. coast looking for oil,lol).Plants are looking great,looks like the old girl is going to "put out" for ya,can't wait to see some 10 foot plants.:thumb::ganjamon:

I don't think I can let them get that tall! I don't want to advertise! I wouldn't mind 10 feet wide though! Glad ya made it back from the sunny, bikini laden beaches of Florida!
hi woods. I'll make this quick, I gotta get back to cooking.

To make mine stick together I pressed it into a ball in my hands and just squeezed the hell out of it. I kept doing that and it became a rock hard ball. I actually started squishing it the next morning when it was still kinda goopy, just to get some of the exess water out. I think I squished it about 4 different times before I let it dry completely. I never let it sit in heat though. I let it slow dry.

I wonder if you could re-moisten it a little overnight to then press it out? I would think so, but it would probably be a big step back. I thought I mentioned squeezing it, but if I didn't I appologize. you can beat me up.

just sent u a p.m....lavendar:peace:

Got it Lavendar (it was not a PM it was a 'visitor message' PM's are 'private' for more 'case sensitive' matters. I PM'd you back.

hi woods. I'll make this quick, I gotta get back to cooking.

To make mine stick together I pressed it into a ball in my hands and just squeezed the hell out of it. I kept doing that and it became a rock hard ball. I actually started squishing it the next morning when it was still kinda goopy, just to get some of the exess water out. I think I squished it about 4 different times before I let it dry completely. I never let it sit in heat though. I let it slow dry.

I wonder if you could re-moisten it a little overnight to then press it out? I would think so, but it would probably be a big step back. I thought I mentioned squeezing it, but if I didn't I appologize. you can beat me up.


No Jason you did tell me to squeeze it (as a ball) I did this origanally and then strayed into a combination of the 'dry' method like I learned from Roseman, and that includes heating. I most likely dried it too much! It is still very powerful stuff though, just rocklike and powdery! I may try to add water, but knowing how much of a procratinator I am, don't expect much movement! LOL I understand my mistake though and will better follow your directions on my next attempt! It'll only be smoked by me and only seen by me (unless ChiJoe comes out to play). So looks don't mean anything this time!

Get back to cooking buddy!
Photo Update

OK so it's been about 4 or 5 days since the last pics. It's rained on and off for the last few days with very light rain yesterday and threatening to rain today. I've not watered or fertelized for at least a week and a half, more? don't plan on using too many veg ferts this grow as I've got plenty of nutrients in the soil (Happy Frog and some bagseed's are mixed with peat moss). I'll feed only when the plants 'tell me' when they need it. Wondering about the watering though. with plenty of rain I haven't needed to do anything lately as I mentioned, but should I 'pH' them at least periodically? This is new for me (checking pH on an outdoor grow).

I've included some of the pics from 6-8 of the Runt to compare with today's pics. But first:

A Group shot of all the plants. NL#5 - bottom left (tiniest plant), Two Mazars are in the large (10 gal) round clay colored pots, The runt is hidden by the largest plant (mystery bagseed) on the right, all the rest are bagseeds.


Half the group with the NL#5 on bottom left with a large bagseed to it's right and above that bagseed, one of the Mazars


Largest plant, the Mystery Bagseed




Bagseed with many tops (from supercropping)


Now for the Runt and a comparison. These next two pics are from June 8th, four days ago



These two pics are from today June 12th (four days later). Your input is strongly encouraged!


they look great n after i seen what u did wit that mazar an nl i no u gonna plenty meds
they look great n after i seen what u did wit that mazar an nl i no u gonna plenty meds

Thanks for the very nice compliments, 'H'! I hope that the Mazar will really 'shine' this time around. My first mazar grow only produced one female and she wasn't all that great. Hopefully just a fluke or a product of me not growing correctly!
Last night while gazing at my plants (assisted by some of the hash I made), I did some smell testing by rubbing the main stems of the plants. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the little NL#5 plant has the same 'gratefruity/mango smell that Big Girl had when she was at the same age! The others had various smells from cat pee to skunk! It's all terrific and I can't wait (never fails) till I can taste them all after the harvest in a few months!
Hey Woodsman! Just stoppin by to say hi. The runt is lookin great! My first grow (purple monkey balls) I regenerated that plant. It took her a few weeks to get back used to the 18/6 light cycle...but when she did, the growth was explosive. In 2 months she had turned into a 4ft x 4ft bush...way bigger than she was when I flowered her initially.

I'm sure yours will do the same. GL with the grow! If you get a chance, check out my thread, I've got an outdoor grow going.

NIIIIIIICE! Runt is definatly doing great. I see the new growth. she's going to be a bush man!!!! I think that cutting back on the nutes and root pruning did the job and will give you one hell of a harvest. Here in colorado we're tied down by an early frost, and the plants gotta be quick to finish outdoors, but if your were I think you are you should have plenty f time to let her grow big n' strong. Your other girls are comming along very nice in deedy!! I'm very interested in the Mazar. are they Seedsman seeds?? I've heard mixed things about Seedsman plants so I've been saving my Seedsman seeds for further verification/results before I plant so I dont waste y time with bunk seed. I saw a Seedsman NL seed go Thai, with max stretch, so I'm a little wary about them, but hope for the best. I have ATA tundra and NL, and Purple Bud from him, so as you quess I'm very curious. All of the contraversy has me on edge about them, but I'm staying optamistic.

Keep up the wonderfull garden my friend, and I hope you enjoy the hash even if it is powder. Personally i think that it's easier to deal with that way, and if your not selling it, that is the better form. IMO of course.

Hey Woodsman! Just stoppin by to say hi. The runt is lookin great! My first grow (purple monkey balls) I regenerated that plant. It took her a few weeks to get back used to the 18/6 light cycle...but when she did, the growth was explosive. In 2 months she had turned into a 4ft x 4ft bush...way bigger than she was when I flowered her initially.

I'm sure yours will do the same. GL with the grow! If you get a chance, check out my thread, I've got an outdoor grow going.


Hey big C! Hoping for the same as yours turned out! She'll start growing anytime now. Hey, just checked out your grow C. You've got yourself a awesome one indeed!:thumb:
NIIIIIIICE! Runt is definatly doing great. I see the new growth. she's going to be a bush man!!!! I think that cutting back on the nutes and root pruning did the job and will give you one hell of a harvest. Here in colorado we're tied down by an early frost, and the plants gotta be quick to finish outdoors, but if your were I think you are you should have plenty f time to let her grow big n' strong. Your other girls are comming along very nice in deedy!! I'm very interested in the Mazar. are they Seedsman seeds?? I've heard mixed things about Seedsman plants so I've been saving my Seedsman seeds for further verification/results before I plant so I dont waste y time with bunk seed. I saw a Seedsman NL seed go Thai, with max stretch, so I'm a little wary about them, but hope for the best. I have ATA tundra and NL, and Purple Bud from him, so as you quess I'm very curious. All of the contraversy has me on edge about them, but I'm staying optamistic.

Keep up the wonderfull garden my friend, and I hope you enjoy the hash even if it is powder. Personally i think that it's easier to deal with that way, and if your not selling it, that is the better form. IMO of course.


Hi Jas, must of posted on top of ya cause I didn't see ya!

I got the Mazar at the same place as the NL#5, marijuana-seeds.nl (not a sponsor). Funny you mention the Mazar. Just did a big flush (7 gal). The one (I've got two) was having some signs of a pH problem. Wonder if I've got peat in that one? I had to raise the pH on her. She was way too low. Checked the pH on a few more plants that were possibly following her example. Good results from them. Lavendar has some Mazar also.
Mother Nature is beautiful and so are your ladies! Beautiful green! Oh, and the runt has really grown!! Somethin tells me he wont be a runt forever :yummy:
the runt looks great, the leaves are normal for reverting, and she is growing and is healthy green....great job...
dang, paasaw, just when i think i do it right, i do it wrong again...well, darn, i thought it was a pm...sorry....i do ditsy much better...i think the hubby is convinced that if he leaves me alone for very long i might hurt me by not thinking....its a common sense issue, i wasnt issued much, or any....but darn im good at logic and such....
the plants look great...so far the duck foot is still a go for outside here, but first i need to find out the sex of them...all for now, later, and good job, they look great...L:thumb::thumb:
Mother Nature is beautiful and so are your ladies! Beautiful green! Oh, and the runt has really grown!! Somethin tells me he wont be a runt forever :yummy:

Thank you H for the very kind words, I think your right about the Runt growing. I may have to give her a different name. On second thought, she is going to have a lot of growing to do to not be the 'runt' (again)!

the runt looks great, the leaves are normal for reverting, and she is growing and is healthy green....great job...
dang, paasaw, just when i think i do it right, i do it wrong again...well, darn, i thought it was a pm...sorry....i do ditsy much better...i think the hubby is convinced that if he leaves me alone for very long i might hurt me by not thinking....its a common sense issue, i wasnt issued much, or any....but darn im good at logic and such....
the plants look great...so far the duck foot is still a go for outside here, but first i need to find out the sex of them...all for now, later, and good job, they look great...L:thumb::thumb:

Thanks girl!
You said, "i think the hubby is convinced that if he leaves me alone for very long i might hurt me by not thinking." that's hilarious! Give a big hand :bravo: to Hubby for that one! He's watchin yer back girl.

Hey Buddy:ganjamon:

Everything looks fine. Great pictures to!

Gonna be a hell of a grow! :thumb:

Thanks OMM, I'm still learning and one of these days, I'll read the instructions!

Heard ya got your seeds!

Nice healty, amazing babies you got there.

Great job my friend

Thank you Super! Your stuff is amazing also, taller than you!
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