5 Lavender Clones - 1 Purple AK - 600 Watt HPS in Closet - First Grow - 1 Gallon Pot

Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal POT

anyone? Just fed them all reversed osmosis water, with big bloom,grow big, and cal/mag. Is this a good idea at there age?
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal POT

Hey bro...Sorry, I don't know what your plant ailment is...I'll do some research and see if I can get you an answer. I'll also see if I can get some other peeps that know better than me to take a look as well.

What soil are you using?
How often are you watering?/ Did you water directly after the transplant??
How strong are you mixing the nutrients?
What are your ph levels?
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal POT

Im using Fox Farms Ocean soil, with fox farms big bloom, and grow big. I water them every 2 days considering there on 20/4. I pour a quarter cup of Big Bloom, a quarter cup of grow big, and a quarter cup cal/mag to a 5 gallon bucket of reversed osmosis water. Yes I watered right after transplant, and I use the ph tester that you drop in green dye, the vial was showing a yellowish green color, meaning 6-6.5, this is after adding nutrients tho. Thank you conquering
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

Hey guys update: There about 2 months old now, the purple ak is about 3 and a half feet, three others are about 2 and a half feet and two are a little yellowish and about two feet. I put them into flowering by leaving them in the dark for 2 days, they have now been in their flowering cycle for about a week. Lots of new pistils are showing and there getting more and more bud spots. No buds yet, just showing signs of lots of pistils. Ive been adding a little Mo-ab or wtv that phosphorus white powder is. Also fox farms grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. I throw some cal/mag into the 5 gal bucket also. Does any1 have any tips or advice at this point? Any help would make my day :)
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

Hey guys update: There about 2 months old now, the purple ak is about 3 and a half feet, three others are about 2 and a half feet and two are a little yellowish and about two feet. I put them into flowering by leaving them in the dark for 2 days, they have now been in their flowering cycle for about a week. Lots of new pistils are showing and there getting more and more bud spots. No buds yet, just showing signs of lots of pistils. Ive been adding a little Mo-ab or wtv that phosphorus white powder is. Also fox farms grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. I throw some cal/mag into the 5 gal bucket also. Does any1 have any tips or advice at this point? Any help would make my day :)

Hey bro, I am pretty new myself but having some success on my first grow so will try to give some help... First thing is, your plants are 2, some 3 feet tall and you just put them into flowering. Have you prepared for the fact that plants will typically double in size during flowering? (Look up the 60/40 stretch theory). Just didn't look like too tall of a closet, plus light + pots are about 1 ft each. Two months is also longer than people typically veg while indoors, most would do 25-45 days I think (to take into account the doubling during flowering)

Some pics would be nice, you are asking for advice but what specifically do you need help with? Are there any growth problems, burnt tips, etc, ? If you give some pics its always much more productive if your looking for feedback.

Hey guys does any1 kno if its a good idea to have the fan blow the light and hood back and forth, horizontally? Not very much, its hanging off the pro-grips, it seems like this may be able to cover my growing area better considering there in a 2 by 3 pattern in 3 gallon pots on big saucers.

Regarding the fan - where is it mounted in relation to plants / lights ? You ideally want the fan to be circulating air from just below the plants, and pointing up through the canopy toward the lights. I use a rotating fan that constantly rotates to keep it even. Also do you have an exhaust fan , have you prepared for smell ?

Hope that helps I'll be subbed to this thread to see how it goes - I am using CFL's for my first grow and am interested to see what the learning curve will be like diving right in with 600w in a closet. :popcorn: :bongrip::surf:
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

wuss good J-Bove....... um....

ok... Welcome to 420 bruh...... i assume thats you in the picture eh?

ok........... i "skimped" thru this...... lol.......

:idea:ph... you got money to pick up a 600watter setup and you skimped out on a ph meter? dawgy take it back a couple steps.... pick up a ph meter and check what the ph in the RO water is.... and check what its like after nutes added..... then check runoff.... youre in soil.... you want the ph in your soil to be around 7.0

:idea:ppm meter......... you skimped out on this too?.... pick one up dude and check what your levels are.... i hear FF is hot.... too much nutes will do nasty things......

oh Growheart, they sure do look like some stinkers eh? i got that seat next to you homie... :passitleft:

uhhh..... im gona stop now..... but hey you obviously got the money so pick up those 2 things at least.... :woohoo:
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

ok so idk y the hell there rotated but fuck it lol the ones outside the closet r the day when i sent them into flowering left them in a dark room for two days well i went 2 the yay area lol the ones inside the closet r a week into flowering u can obviously see which one is the purple ak hahah there actually doing very well for my first grow, ive had a lot of experienced people come take a look and they say their fabulous. I do have a ph tester, just not electronic. And for smell my friend just dropped off a vortex and a charcoal carbon filter. One was very yellow a few weeks ago but has got up and recently another one started turning lime green not really yellow. The other 4 however are doing absolutly amazing, very bushy with many many new shoots growing. Stay tuned!!!!!
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

yeah heard its better to stay in 3 gal? is this wrong?
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

hahah yeeeee, im juiced. The closets bigger than it looks about 9 feet high and its deep past the inner walls. But u think its cool to keep them in the 3's? They were clones from a great dispensary so i think there genes had a lot to do with it. Also ive been planning to grow for years and living in nor cal natural selection probably took over in my genes. lol Green thumb
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot


Hey so a few leaves are starting to show brown "bubbling" spots on some of them this is on all of them, its not serious just a few leaves do u kno what this could be? Temps are around 70-80 mostly high 70's. During the night tho it does get cold like a little below 70, not below 65 tho. I turn the fan off a few min before they go to bed then shut the closet door so it traps in the extra heat. What are u thinking the yield could be if they stay on this track? Also there not as old as i thought, I had them in veg from about August 25th to October 1st. Started flowering them that day on October 1st.
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

Sounds like you have enough experienced people around to help out, your good to grow dude - when I read through your thread it sounded to me like you were all alone but for 420mag :ganjamon:

I hear during flowering, up to a 10 degree F drop is desirable if you want to produce colors, thats why a lot of outdoor bud that is late flowering is more colorful. I think overall a temp drop during flowering is good, just not sure about anyhting more than 10 F, stick to that. During veg it's less desirable to have any drop. I am actually in the opposite state where I am opening my closet door to let cooler air in right now and have my windows open. My building stays very warm.

As for yeild I have no idea. I'll say 6 oz. Just to throw a random guess out there. Good luck !
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

cool man yeah I heard that to, especially with these purple strains. Im really excited about the lavender tho, ive smoked the weed that the clones came from. Sooo sweet, 55$ an 8th, so u can imagine. Its exciting waiting for the buds ur first time haha as for drying I could hand them from the wooden pole the lights on right? Im not starting another grow till January.
Re: 5 Lavender Clones, 1 Purple Ak, 600 Watt HPS in Closet, First Grow. 1 Gal Pot

Im too high for all that thanks tho Funny lol About that brown bubble spot? U know anything?

Thats a pic of one of the Lavenders yesterday and the pistils growing. Cheers and keep medicating
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