Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

I also want to share this today. A message received yesterday from a young person involved in teh grassroots cannabis scene here. They are an advocate, and activist and also have access to pretty much every underground product coming in to this country. Fibromyalgia really kicks their but sometimes. I made contact with them a while back and we’ve talked oils a bit and I sent some to try. I was really keen to see how our methods compare. I sent some topical, some CBD dousing oil and some THC dosing oil and we’ve talked a little bit about how I use them.

Here’s what they wrote:

I cant deny it, I shed a tear! I reached out to them becasue I cant get to the Expos and toehr exciting events that happen around the country and really wasnt sure what would come of it so I really couldnt be more pleased.

Thanks to all my oil making buddies here, esp @ SweetSue and @InTheShed and @Oldbear, for the mutual knowledge and information sharing and the support and encouragement I needed when I was just getting started.

Our methods are very sound folks! We know this. It is really great when that gets confirmed in comparison to other products! (Both commercially available and craft/underground).

:high-five: :high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five:
I also want to share this today. A message received yesterday from a young person involved in teh grassroots cannabis scene here. They are an advocate, and activist and also have access to pretty much every underground product coming in to this country. Fibromyalgia really kicks their but sometimes. I made contact with them a while back and we’ve talked oils a bit and I sent some to try. I was really keen to see how our methods compare. I sent some topical, some CBD dousing oil and some THC dosing oil and we’ve talked a little bit about how I use them.

Here’s what they wrote:

I cant deny it, I shed a tear! I reached out to them becasue I cant get to the Expos and toehr exciting events that happen around the country and really wasnt sure what would come of it so I really couldnt be more pleased.

Thanks to all my oil making buddies here, esp @ SweetSue and @InTheShed and @Oldbear, for the mutual knowledge and information sharing and the support and encouragement I needed when I was just getting started.

Our methods are very sound folks! We know this. It is really great when that gets confirmed in comparison to other products! (Both commercially available and craft/underground).

:high-five: :high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five::high-five:

That's AWESOME, Amy! :welldone:
:headbanger: :meditate: :laughtwo:

I’m having a super Sunday. Started the Sunday indulgences with straight DDA :blunt:... the purple pheno. Breakfast came about an hour later and then coffee and friends to visit mid-morning. I had Bubba Hash in the Hammer alongside my coffee and one of my friends smoked some Candida CD-1 in a joint, as they had other Sunday things to go to, and be functional. All reports tell me it’s a successful toke so far.

I’m kicking back in the quiet again now, with a little more Bubba in order I think. Good Sunday vibes indeed
:circle-of-love: :yummy:
I'm growing the same Ace Panama feminized seeds that you are. Growing these girls indoors. I'm just starting to see one of the buds turning red.
hi parnelli, nice! All reports say Panama is a lovely gentle sativa so I’m sure you will enjoy it :D
And :welcome: to my garden!

I don’t see any tell-tale pink or red pistils there in that pic. I do see a nice healthy green flower wth some pistils starting to age and recede, like they do. Nice and frosty too!

Candida! I’m harvesting ... :slide:
wonderful to hear you’re helping others!! :love: I’m so proud of you Amy!
I can’t do it much so I’m always very stoked to do it when I can. It’s especially nice when it’s so well received and you find out how it’s going for someone :D
Grow philosophy and growing styles...

Life has lots of twists and turns! Recent events here, the apocalyptic January followed by cyclonic floods and winds along with the glaringly obvious fact that all levels of government and formal emergency services are dreadfully ill-equipped to handle the many and varied shit-storms that are coming as human life hurtles towards numerous crisis points (environmental, biological, economic...), have made me think deeply about how I live and how I do things. This obviously includes how I grow my cannabis.

The more things get worse on this planet, the more governments tighten things up and because their focus is nearly always, broadly speaking, economic and profit driven and in support of the interests of big business and resource extraction, it’s less and less the case that we can easily exchange things across the oceans between continents, and even across national borders on single continents.

Current Aus. fiscal policy is designed to benefit export, reflecting the toxic obsession with mining (and including the govts. stated desire to become the worlds leasing cannabis exporter :eye-roll: ,,, meanwhile people here still cant access it with any ease). Recently this means that the exchange rate is so freaking bad right now that purchase costs nearly double. And postage has become more than ridiculous.

This economic reality coupled with the deep instincts that arose in my psyche during the apocalypse lockdown about locally sourced and locally sustainable living mean that I will be slowly transitioning away from using Doc’s incredible DBHBB system and returning to doing things myself with the local ingredients I can access easily.

This is also only now a possibility because I have a support ‘program’ that will financially support me to have the physical help I need at home, so I will now have enough help and will be able to run the whole garden, veggies and canna, fully the way we want; DIY mineralised organic soil. We have access to fish (for DIY hydrolysate) and seaweed and stinging nettle and LABs and will do some soil testing at some point as well..

I‘m really pretty sad to drop the kit from my arsenal but it will take me some time to transition as I still ahve a bunch of product and am purchasing my final buy of 3rd run amendment and some more tea. I’ll also continue to use the ‘any-garden‘ compatible products so long as I have them (I have a shed-ton of Roots! :D). It’s pretty clear my rasied bed soil is in much better brix balance this year after the second round of ammendment, but I wont be able to test it the same way again - the lab Doc works with don’t seem to have an equivalent here. Doc has offered to help me with it all in any way he can and I appreciate that super very much. :)

So it’s a wrench, a big wrench, to let it go (particularly since I fell like I’m really getting a groove with it now and understanding the ‘feels’ and getting to know the products) but it must happen. The slow transition will allow me to try a few different things alongside the kit while still being confident that I’ll have great meds from the kit plants while I work things out.

SO I’ve been enjoying, this morning, checking in on a few of the organic gardening trajectories of reading I was following here on 420 before I dived in to using the kit. My first mineralised organic soil grow went pretty well and i still remember some of teh lessons from that so I’m sure I will find my way back to it, and that the time using the kit has taught me a massive amount as well. Pressure is on tho - I’m working woth helloing someone else get a grow up and running :eek: Should be fun. We’re going to build them a light (incoming msgs Graytail! :D) And they’re going to get the use of my old tent, the Gorilla one that was replaced but never picked up.

One big thing about all this is that it will, in the longer term, bring me back to a very earthbound growing practice which is in much better sync with how I would most like to be living. No more plastic bottles - not even ones with organic nutes inside them (although I have some of these to use up ;) ). Plastic pots would be the next target - I might try the fabric ones again (if only geopot would post here I’d have everything i needed! - again, global... we should be making them!). Sticky grows in them and puts them inside milk crates which seems a great idea to keep the rootball stable (I cant move them around without breaking the rootball up!).

I love the kit. It is an absolute triumph of cannabis growing achievement and an amazing outcome of Doc’s intelligence, dedication and tenacity - and his complete love of cannabis of course. I’ve just decided to bring things back to the home zone in terms of sources.

Amy Gardner of Eden gets right back to nature! I decided this very emphatically around the time of ‘Hell Wind’ in the early hours of Jan 5, so that was quite a while ago. I’ve been letting it sit since then and the conviction has only gotten stronger. Time to announce :)
hi parnelli, nice! All reports say Panama is a lovely gentle sativa so I’m sure you will enjoy it :D
And :welcome: to my garden!

I don’t see any tell-tale pink or red pistils there in that pic. I do see a nice healthy green flower wth some pistils starting to age and recede, like they do. Nice and frosty too!


I can’t do it much so I’m always very stoked to do it when I can. It’s especially nice when it’s so well received and you find out how it’s going for someone :D

Would appreciate you opinion on one of the buds 7 days later. I see what you meant about age & recede. Thanks.
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