Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Trying times I'm afraid. Some times it's easier to move on and start again. Sometimes, I got tired of mothering 2 plants I had, Texada timewarps so I threw them outside to deal with later in the compost, went out a week or so later to find it thriving under the deck it seems to thrive on abuse. So I moved them into our unheated sun room and they are doing really well, good enough for me to take a few clones off them and try again.

Keep up the good work.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

So sorry to hear of Strawberry's passing, Antics. Are you going to keep her around to see if anything happens, or start something new?

Big Bang died, Strawberry Blue is still going strong. When BB started having problems earlier on, I planted SB just in case.

And with that, I've switched SB over to 12/12. Let the countdown begin :rollit:
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Yewwwww! I've read good things about most strains Strawberry. Is it one of Freddy's?
I'm just deciding which 6 Auto seeds I'm going order to (mini)SOG for my next grow. Any suggestions based on your experience, guys? I know most people grow photo's but I figure a good strain is a good strain. long as it's masterfully bred with it's Ruderalis counterpart that is.. :ganjamon: <------- (Cervantes)

re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Yewwwww! I've read good things about most strains Strawberry. Is it one of Freddy's?
I'm just deciding which 6 Auto seeds I'm going order to (mini)SOG for my next grow. Any suggestions based on your experience, guys? I know most people grow photo's but I figure a good strain is a good strain. long as it's masterfully bred with it's Ruderalis counterpart that is.. :ganjamon: <------- (Cervantes)


Strawberry Blue is a World of Seeds strain, purchased from Herbies.
Jock Horror is one Auto I would suggest, Northern Lights X Skunk X Haze. Auto and photo varieties on this strain. It's on my list to grow in the future.

And an update! Without pictures because I just spent too much time reading, researching, and shopping. Pics will come later tonight or tomorrow.

Strawberry Blue is showing the same problem as Big Bang did. So I'm guessing it wasn't a weak pheno now. I believe my problem is the plants were/are showing a Mg deficiency, without the characteristic yellowing typically seen.

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver: Pictorial

Every other symptom listed for Mg in that guide, I have. Except for the yellowing. Any ideas why this would be the case? LED light perhaps preventing chlorosis from occurring? I don't know..

But it sucks lol. Especially knowing I possibly could have saved BB. But we live and learn. I have a bottle of GH CalMag on the way, and a new digital PH pen to replace my cheapo unit that I've been using (but still seems fairly accurate).

And I bought some new hinge pins and bushings for my girlfriend's truck. Her driver door is starting to sag a little, so I figured I'd buy those while I was shopping around. I know.. it's completely unrelated, but I thought I'd share anyways :)

re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

got an impact hammer for the hinges?? floor jack and 20 minutes tops

Yes I do actually, but I plan on trying it out with a hammer and punch first to see how well it goes. My impact hammer doesn't have any long attachments for it.
I planned 20-30 minutes, 60 tops for the job. Other than having never done a hinge pin/bushing replacement, it sounds easy enough. I replaced the rear axle on my truck myself, so I figure this would be a cake walk compared to the axle lol.

Lol is it a Chevy? Don't know how many I see roll through my shop with horrible hinges and saggy doors. Not that I can say much I have 2 99s that are a little loose but not bad yet.

You got that right man. 1992 Blazer (Full size.. not the S10) It's not TOO bad, but it's visibly noticeable, and you gotta slam the door a bit harder, so instead of risking wearing out more parts, we'll just replace them. And I've seen GM cars and trucks with sagging doors for decades. I don't know if it's a common problem on other makes, since my family has always owned mostly GM vehicles, and I myself only owned GM, with the exception of my first car, which was a Ford Taurus.
I have a 95 myself. It's only a 1/2 ton, but it never lets me down. I do break parts occasionally, but when you're out mudding and hit 2 feet of water going 30mph, you can only expect your pinion seal to hold on for so long :high-five:

Thanks for the tips fellas!
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience


looks like a decent buy @ the price listed,I think its the same light that dank420girl is using

ANTICS- how did the pins and bushings go for you??
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Reckon I should buy and try this, Antics?

75W UFO LED Grow Light AND More Light Fill Light Plant Nursery Lamp Lights | eBay

My last LED effort didn't go too well and I want to try again without breaking the bank..


Something like it, sure. I don't know how good the units are on Ebay, and sometimes it's difficult to tell the real ones from the imposters (Just had this discussion with my girlfriend about her makeup lol) If you can buy from the manufacturer, or an authorized retailer, sometimes the few bucks more you pay is worth the warranty coverage. Just do your homework before making any purchases!
LED Grow Light 60x3W - Mars Hydro
I'm using the Old Model 100x3 and it's been working amazing.


looks like a decent buy @ the price listed,I think its the same light that dank420girl is using

ANTICS- how did the pins and bushings go for you??

I don't know yet. They just arrived today, in a damaged box, both packs of pins/bushings were wide open, and one of the clips is missing. So now I have to go through the PITA of returning 1, so they can send me a new one.

And I'm late with pictures, and an update. Lots to type and some pics too.

And bear with me as I get used to my new camera. The first pics came out all pink, and the new pics today have a little too much blue in them.

Ok first, some new toys. I got a couple gift cards for Christmas, and here's my new digital PH meter and some GH CalMag to replace the epsom salt I've been using.


It's not a Hannah or Milwaukee, but it looked too similar to the Milwaukee unit not to give it a try for $8 less. Came with calibration packets, and was perfectly calibrated out of the box. Reviews for the product are mixed, and it has 3.5 stars. I tested this new unit vs/ my old one.. Holy shit was my old meter WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY off. It was making me PH too low.
PH'ed my nutes to 5.3. Runoff came out at 4.9. Next time around I'll be PHing a bit higher.

Lesson learned: Cheap meters help, but their accuracy leaves much to be desired. I'm also going to stop testing the PH of my medium. I would get readings in the medium that slowly climb, making me PH the next batch of nutes a bit lower to compensate.

What a headache.

This meter was $12 USD. The inaccurate meter was $3. Well worth the difference in price.

So I took some pics a few days ago and forgot to get them posted, so here's an overall shot, and some closeups of leaves:





Pretty nasty, and following right along with where Big Bang went. So I spent the last week or so feeding epsom 1tbsp/ gal along with my nutes. Feedings were every other day. Nutes at 10ml/gal Micro, Grow, Bloom. I also removed all the real bad leaves during this time. Leaves that were completely dead, or close to it were all removed. Sick leaves were left alone for now.

And this brings us to today. Right now.. Well a few minutes ago... Here's how she looks:


Bottom line, I learned that LED lights really, really make these plants hungry for Magnesium. I haven't seen any Calcium deficiencies yet. And I'm assuming the damage I see is from Mag def, but I could be wrong. It resembles the rarer symptoms exhibited by Mag def that I've been able to find through searching. Which means the problem with Big Bang was probably Magnesium...

Hindsight is always 20/20.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I can't seem to wrap my head around how the LEDs cause a mag deficiency.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I can't seem to wrap my head around how the LEDs cause a mag deficiency.

I am guessing that it has to do with the intensity of the light, as well as the various colors of the spectrum, and the specific level of each.

What kind of nutes are you using antics? Do you have a tds meter?

I'm using 3 part nutes, I can't say the name of the nutes, as requested by moderators.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I understand was just thinking 10/10/10 seems a bit heavy of a feeding. Do you know the ppm of that mixture? I use the h3ad formula wich is 6 ml micro and 9ml bloom I imagine if I was using grow aswell the micro and bloom numbers would go down. Just some food for thought. Hope you have a good day buddy.

Unfortunately, I don't know the ppm, as I have no TDS/EC meter.

I can tell you some basics about the nutes:

Micro is 5-0-1
Grow is 2-1-6
Bloom is 0-5-4

Micro: 5% N, 1% K, 5% Ca, .02% B, .003% Cu, .1% Fe, .03% Mn, .001% Mo, .015% Zn
Grow: 2% N, 1% P, 6% K, .5% Mg, .5% S
Bloom: 5% P, 4% K, 1.5% Mg, 2% S

Assuming an mix of equal parts of each, like the 10/10/10 I am currently using, the total NPK added together is 7-6-11. I've seen a lot of higher strength nutes out there, which I assume is why this has me mixing 10ml/gal of each. This 10/10/10 mix is also what I use before I go into flower, if N builds up too much, I adjust my mix myself before going into flower. As flower begins, the directions call for higher levels of Bloom, Micro is slowly decreased, and Grow only receives a small increase, final feeding levels end up at 7ml Micro, 12ml Grow, 20ml Bloom. Which I've had to make small adjustments in the past for some strains, other strains do fine with the levels on the instructions.

I know it's not the same as a true PPM reading, but I wanted to give you the best idea possible of what I'm using so you can compare it to yours.

I hope you have yourself a good day as well brother!
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Ok so by your numbers I have a good idea what your using. They are the numbers on my bottles. I use tap water at about 150ppm plus 6ml micro and 9 bloom comes to about 750 ppm 2ml of silica to bring my ph in spec and I'm roughly 800ppm. Judging by your numbers 10 of each of those I would guess your way over feeding and possibly having salt build up. Don't know if you use anything else like silica or call mag but that would obviously bring it up more. Have you ever flushed? What it's your run off ph?
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Ok so by your numbers I have a good idea what your using. They are the numbers on my bottles. I use tap water at about 150ppm plus 6ml micro and 9 bloom comes to about 750 ppm 2ml of silica to bring my ph in spec and I'm roughly 800ppm. Judging by your numbers 10 of each of those I would guess your way over feeding and possibly having salt build up. Don't know if you use anything else like silica or call mag but that would obviously bring it up more. Have you ever flushed? What it's your run off ph?

I just started using Cal Mag, before that I was using Epsom.
I'm also using tap water, with a basic water filtration system on it.

Not using Silica.

I'm growing in coco, and originally was watering every 4-5 days, towards the end of the cycle, I was noticing some "build up" on the top of the coco... almost looked like salt, or fungus. When watered, it disappeared, so I assumed it was salt. Since then, and after a little more research, I've moved up to water/nutes every other day. I haven't seen the build up on the top of the coco since the change.

I also was using a cheaper PH meter, the analog style with the needle, and does 3 functions, moisture, PH, and light.
I bought a new PH meter, and on the first watering/feeding with CalMag, PH'd my nutes to 5.3, and runoff was 4.9. So my medium's PH is a bit too low as well, which will be corrected now. The PH meter is a digital meter, and tested with 6.86 calibration solution reading @ 6.9, and tested with vinegar, reading @ 2.4, so I know the meter is calibrated and accurate.

Flush somewhat occurs every watering/feeding so far. I feed 1 gallon, and have approximately 1/2 gallon runoff currently.

And runoff color is fairly clear, but slightly tinted like the nutes mix before going in. The brown color from the coco is all gone.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I don't know the effects of Epsom salt in coco. But low run of ph tells me you do infact have salt build up. When the ph of my coco gets low like that this is what I do. Ph 5 gallons of water to 6.0 and run it through there till the run off is back up 5.8ish. Wait till next day lights on or whenever you usually water, mix up your nutes I would try 5-5-5 rather than 10-10-10. Ph that to 5.9-6.0 and feed her making sure you get plenty of run off like you have been. If anyone disagrees please chime in. I hope this is helpful as you were one of the first people to help me when I joined. I would like to return the favor. Have a good evening brother and good luck be with you. :Namaste:
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I don't know the effects of Epsom salt in coco. But low run of ph tells me you do infact have salt build up. When the ph of my coco gets low like that this is what I do. Ph 5 gallons of water to 6.0 and run it through there till the run off is back up 5.8ish. Wait till next day lights on or whenever you usually water, mix up your nutes I would try 5-5-5 rather than 10-10-10. Ph that to 5.9-6.0 and feed her making sure you get plenty of run off like you have been. If anyone disagrees please chime in. I hope this is helpful as you were one of the first people to help me when I joined. I would like to return the favor. Have a good evening brother and good luck be with you. :Namaste:

I've read a lot of people using Epsom to supplement Magnesium and Calcium, which is why I went with it. 1-2tbps/gal. A quick search on the forum here and you'll find a lot of folks using it with great results. And keep in mind even though it's called "Epsom Salt" There are actually no salts in it.

Now I'll chime in, since I disagree with part of that :Namaste:
My runoff isn't too low, don't forget, I'm growing in coco, so the range is supposed to be 5.5-6.1, with 5.8 being ideal. Out of habit, I ph'ed a little lower, since I'm used to my old meters inaccurate readings in the medium.

Next watering will be tomorrow. I'll run some PH 5.8 water through the coco, and test my runoff PH. From there, I'll see where I need to PH my nutes.

You're definitely right on the nutes... I keep going back to soil growing habits, and I forgot that when you're growing in coco, I'm supposed to reduce nute levels, due to the increased feedings.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I'm aware you are in coco. In my post it says when the ph of my coco gets gets low like that this is what I do. I wasn't digging on the Epsom at all I have some for my soil just saying never used it in coco. By all means you can check my journal after a while my coco plant was getting spots on fan leaves. Run off ph was low. Did the mentioned process and no more issues. Now it is a regular routine if my run off ph gets to much below 5.5. Just my 2 cents I mean no disrespect. :Namaste:
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