Arctic Bowl's 1st Ever Attempt At A Grow Journal

Evening to you :)
Well we gave everyone a Brix today with a tiny bit of way ahead/ snake oil. They seem to be doing ok, gave them a super drench Duggs on Saturday and all seems ok so we will see if they behave now lol.
Took a few pics around the room and then some bud shots of the Malawi’s, they are putting on the frost now too so that’s a good thing!! :)


Temp creeped up to 80 today in the room so have to get off my ass and get some things done to correct this. Picked up a new sub panel, 20 amp breakers, 20 amp outlets, some box’s, MC cable and some #2 wire to tie into the main panel. Gotta love Google :rofl: the site I found said #3 for the hots and neutral and #5 for the ground. Box store had #2 so I grabbed that along with the ground wire. So this week I’ll start this project, I’ll run the wires and mount the box’s but all the panel work sparky will do for us, could probably do it but rather not play with the hot side of the main let sparky do it, I freaking hate getting blasted by electricity.

Ok on to Malawi bud shots


Still need more stakes........damn it forgot those while I was at the box store ffs.......can’t remember shit anymore :rofl: No, I wasn’t stoned either lmao.

Ok I’m off to check out your gardens :) oh ya, and look for good ideas to steal from ya :rofl:

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
Frosting up goid AB

Thank you for the kind words Derby and thanks for dropping by our lil corner of the Mag:)

Feel free to offer up any suggestions as well, pretty easy going place so jump on in and have some fun with us :rofl: great folks, great weed and plenty of laffs.......mostly at myself :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
...:ciao:...:popcorn:...little more than fashionably late...but here for the wonder QB's are always out of stock...Yer' cornering the market...:rofl:...cheerz...:hookah:

Dr.HOOK!!! Very cool of ya to stop by! Lmfao well one or two QB’s may have found there way into the flower room :rofl: We are very happy with the QB’s, started with 2 twins and they did so well (in my rookie opinion) we added a few more :) We’re running some new 20 amp circuits to the rooms but only started this project this evening so be a few more days before it’s completed, need to wait for Sparky to do the tie in to the main panel, I’m a big chicken shit when it comes to getting intimate with the 3 phase incoming power lugs :rofl: Thanks for stopping by Hook very much appreciated:)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Way cool Rooster :) Ms J is very happy that you like it, she was a lil nervous:rofl: kept saying ....what if Rooster doesn't like it...... I told her if you don't like it you could take it off :)

And yes, we completely agree with you Rooster, some pretty damn awesome people here and we have made some great friendships, some of who we haven't met in person yet but we can just tell we would have a freaking blast with everyone we have become friends with.

Don't rush on our account, you have family life so make sure they come 1st ok? No hurries brother, take your time, spend time with your lil chicklet and Hen :love::love::love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::Namaste:

Dropped a few beans, don’t want that room getting empty :rofl:
Kinda hoping for some males this go around :) Dabs and I are gonna gang up a lil bit and see what’s up with all this pollen chucking we see going on round the Mag. If we don’t find a few boys I think the plan is to turn a few of the girls with STS I believe.........are you convinced I know what’s shakin with this breeding thing? :rofl:
You guys will get me straight on it I’m sure if mess up or hopefully before I mess up!! Lol.

Time to go cruising your grows

Blessed Buds our friends and be well :passitleft:
I think we should line breed the c99×huckleberry should be able to find a nice f5 (5th generation). And the blueniverse and grape krush should make a nice cross assuming they are stable? I'll have to check
I want someone to breed American Kush x White Russian or ak47 and call it "Russian collusion" instant hit. Lol
The right will think it's about Hillary and the left Donny T . I love it!
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