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Auto grows in fox farm ocean forest. I know this medium is kinda hot, is it too much for seedlings? My seedling seemed bit stunted early on, that couldve been overwatering also. Just wondering if anyone has tried side by side grows for comparison.
I know its best not to transplant but i thought about trying a large 5x5 rockwool to to start then into 3 gal fox farm.
Hi guys I had a fellow grower tell me that I need to spray my plants for spider mites even though I don't have them is this true as preventive maintenance? I feel like shouldn't spray any pesticides unless I have a problem, please help guys thank you
Is that a serious question? Don't put chemicals on them unless you absolutely have to.
Hi guys I had a fellow grower tell me that I need to spray my plants for spider mites even though I don't have them is this true as preventive maintenance? I feel like shouldn't spray any pesticides unless I have a problem, please help guys thank you
No i wouldnt spray plants as a preventative measure. If aint broke dont fix it.
Hi guys I had a fellow grower tell me that I need to spray my plants for spider mites even though I don't have them is this true as preventive maintenance? I feel like shouldn't spray any pesticides unless I have a problem, please help guys thank you

You can apply neem via spraying or root drench as a preventative measure. It's a systemic pesticide that gets into the plant tissues, and then when pests like mites eat the plant they get it inside of them and die. Well they don't die immediately, they die slow deaths after they forget how to mate or eat.

Would you guys flush this or just give it plain water for a while?

So, if a person had access to horse manure, how would they use it for a tea? It's all old, dry and sunbaked.

Also, I'm trying to workout EarthJuice dosings, and I gave my small plants too much nitrogen. I'm not sure if I should flush though because I'm trying to get the beneficials in the soil cultivated. So far there's no claw, just real dark leaves and twisted new growth. I feel like flushing does a lot of damage to the soil so I want to avoid it if I can.

So I think I'm just going to stick to plain water for a while with plenty of runoff, but problem is the pots are pretty heavy and won't need watering for a while. SO yeah, I'm torn. Feel like I should just leave them alone, the more "user intervention" I've been applying lately, the more things seem to be getting screwed up.
I don't do tea often. They need to be used right away. I would just break into pieces (crumble) let soak for 24hrs strain use.

Dark and twisted. Been there no big issue. Just keep an eye for toxity. I would try to dry out the pots by putting in sun.(if possible) or increase heat and lower R/H. To a level of uncomfortable but not stressful.
You're welcome HtheH :Namaste:
Advanced nutrients had their lineup down to a science... Literally. Your feed schedule is right on, I see you're going a little less on the A+B. That's probably wise, I use the g/m/b line and usually do 80%feedings. BigBud and b52 are right on for this point. Add some BudCandy if you have it... But wait till you use that overdrive in a few weeks, it's amazing how much it helps late in flower. Thanks for sharing brother,

Stinky Snid

How do you feel about GH Flora Series?

Used to work exclusively with AN

Getting better results now but that could just be I've learned to listen to the plants better.

I liked it just didn't like the amount and or prices

Thanks and nice to meet ya
Hi guys I had a fellow grower tell me that I need to spray my plants for spider mites even though I don't have them is this true as preventive maintenance? I feel like shouldn't spray any pesticides unless I have a problem, please help guys thank you
They make organic sprays. I use Triple Protection NEEM OIL. Mixed at 12 drops per pint. I don't use on indoor grows unless needed. Outdoor plants get a weekly preventive drench. Or after a rain shower.
How often is one finding themselves watering in pro mix hp under led lights. Once a day two three also in 3 gallon fabric pots say you put 2 liters every 3 days or 500 to 1 liter every day . Just thinking I'm over watering my plants .
You can apply neem via spraying or root drench as a preventative measure. It's a systemic pesticide that gets into the plant tissues, and then when pests like mites eat the plant they get it inside of them and die. Well they don't die immediately, they die slow deaths after they forget how to mate or eat.

Would you guys flush this or just give it plain water for a while?

Let it dry out just looks overwatered to me
How do you raise humidity? When i used a cfl my humidity stayed between 50-64. Now with the mh and inline fan it goes down to 29. I need help
I'd say either a humidifier (easily ordered off Amazon) or if your in a grow cabinet like me i found some success with a bowl of water in the cabinet with a towel half soaking in water and half hanging out, the humidity spike wasn't dramatic but it did the trick.
Ive tried the bowl and it didnt really work. What type of humidifier? There's 1000s of types, ive been lookin but its confusing. My hydro shop only sales one thats $430. Im not trying to pursue that route
How do you feel about GH Flora Series?

Used to work exclusively with AN

Getting better results now but that could just be I've learned to listen to the plants better.

I liked it just didn't like the amount and or prices

Thanks and nice to meet ya

Hey Hizzy its good to see you, ive used the flora series but switched to AN Sensi ph perfect. I haavent had any serious ph issues since switching and thats why ill continue to use AN. If nothing else its peace of mind.
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