Bassman's RDWC - High Defoliation - Master Kush Grow #2

Picked up some marine grade epoxy type stuff today at lowes. I'm going to keep it on the side just in case. Hopefully uniseals come in today.

Called current culture today to speak to them about their experience with uni seals and see if they had any suggestions and if the curved surface round buckets was my issue. TOTAL CRAP CUSTOMER SERVICE! I told them up front right off the bat that I was using round buckets as opposed to theirs and asked them in a way to indicate I might be willing to purchase their buckets instead. The customer service rep basically gave me dick for information and was totally reluctant to discuss. Nothing more than "we sell thousands of our systems and buckets and rarely ever have an issue".

Afterwards, I called the manufacturer of the uniseals and was treated with respect, and a total willingness to listen and ask questions to help me as well as make suggestions.

They basically stated the curved surface of round buckets has nothing to do with them leaking because that's what they are made to work with, curved surfaces.

So, for future reference, I highly suggest to anyone thinking about it, avoid CC like the plague. Build your own system.

I'm speculating now, but the only thing I can come up with is either the bucket hole is not perfectly round (hole saw wobble possibly) or the pvc is going in at a bad angle thereby tweaking the uniseal to some degree, or a combination of both.

I'm going to be super careful, make perfect holes, deburr them well, and install new seals in new buckets and change out the culprit bucket tonight or tomorrow when the seals arrive. I am pretty sure it's just one bucket leaking and I have 2 spare seals. But just in case I think I'd rather wait till I have the new ones on hand. I'll do this w/o any added sealers/epoxy. Adding epoxy only if they leak again after the fix. After all, I have 3 (and I think the 4th) buckets not leaking at all.
Sorry to hear of the bad experience with CC, do you think that one plant is a different phenotype? I know you were saying a few positive things before about using clones. I hope your seals arrive asap and that your leaks are a thing of the past. I am going to get extra unseals soon so next time check with me, I'll overnight you seals anytime. It's the least I could do. Are you using the 1 1/2"s or the 2"ers.?
new to the forum, figured id post and say hi I've been watching bassmans grows for a good 6 months figured its about time i made an account lol. Once I figure out how to sub I will
ah thank you very much and just gotta say amazing plants bassman
ah thank you very much and just gotta say amazing plants bassman

ronstar, tyvm and welcome to 420mag! Enjoy the ride!

Well, hell. Mini Update: The facking uniseals did not arrive yesterday. They did not arrive today either. And if they show up tomorrow it won't be till I am already crashed out for my sleep before work. This basically screws me till Sunday at the earliest to attempt to fix this freaking leak. The flowers are getting bigger every day and the branches are going to need support. I can't start running string back & forth until after I take the girls out and make the repair.

Never a dull moment.
UPS was working overtime last nite. I checked outside my door about 7pm and nothing. I looked outside 7am this morning and my uniseals were there. Unfortunately it's still 3 more hours till lights on when I can take a couple measurements (really shoulda done this already) to match hole height from non leaking buckets and drill my holes. But, I should be able to get it done today still.

Let's hope!
Good luck with the leak issue Bassman -

That sucks and I literally feel your pain at the moment. I've got a rubber grommet leaking now in my Flo N Gro. I think I jinxed myself after reading your journal and thinking "wow, I'm glad I've not had a leak like that...". DOH! I'm on day 3 of not being able to fix it and sopping up water off of my tent floor. It's pretty minor thankfully, and only takes a few minutes to sop it all up, but I need to get it fixed asap (pain has kept me in bed most of the time last few days, I think from overdoing it cleaning up/resetting after the last bloom round).

I think, perhaps, sometimes they (seals/grommets) just retain some memory from prior positioning and the rubber loses some pliability from the lights and doesn't want to reshape itself to the seal perhaps. For example, the grommet I have wasn't leaking during the last grow, isn't cracked, but I did move the fitting inside it slightly, and now it leaks slightly too. So, I'm thinking maybe the grommet isn't pliable enough after a few grows and exposure to HID lighting to reshape itself around the fitting tightly once it got moved during post-grow cleaning, etc. (shrugging). I realize yours haven't been in use as long, but I do think the intense lights cause them to lose a little pliability from what I'm seeing.

Thanks guys. Seals installed, buckets assembled. trimming the inside parts of the plants and lower areas while it's easier to get to them. Will put the two plants I took out back in shortly and add water. Also smeared some silicone over the seam of the water tray in hopes it stops the leaking to carpet.

Pics later. Wish me luck!
Glad you got er done Bass!
I was getting worried for ya there.
So I guess no matter what RDWC system one has, this could be a repeating problem?
Should I make sure I get extra seals if I make or buy my own system?
Glad you got er done Bass!
I was getting worried for ya there.
So I guess no matter what RDWC system one has, this could be a repeating problem?
Should I make sure I get extra seals if I make or buy my own system?

I would never buy a system. way too expensive. My setup would easily cost over $1k from a retailer. That does not include lights, fans, tent, air stones, etc. Just the complete bucket system with pumps and pre-cut pvc, seals installed into buckets. One could build at home for probably $250-$300 and have some left over material.

I've now got 4 seals for backups. But I'm going to order about 20. It shouldn't be a recurring issue. Only after many times taking the system apart and back together again should the seals possibly weaken and leak.

We don't know for sure yet. But my thoughts are the hole(s) for the seals were possibly not perfectly round, from say hole saw wobble. Or I didn't debur them well, or I didn't round off the insert edge of the pvc well enough and it nicked the seals. Best assumptions anyways.
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