Bassman's RDWC - High Defoliation - Master Kush Grow #2

Wow Bass!!!
looking fat in there.
Have a happy Thanksgiving!!

Day 35 in flower

Sopping up 2.5-3 gals a day from the leak isnt hurting the girls any. But I've also found that the fucking water tray of the secret jardin tent leaks. While taking leaves off from the right side window, barefooted, I found wet carpet. I guess they just made my shit list of products. I was a fanboy before this, but there is just no excuse for that to leak. That's what it's there for right?

The plants are doing great. I spent about 40 mins in there this morning pulling leaves. Hands were so sticky I had to wash them twice and I still couldnt make a regular lighter work because my thumb is stuck to the flicker thing.

I am really impressed with the size of the buds at this stage. There is approximately 30 days left to harvest. And deep down the flowers are real. Should be a nice producing batch even though I still grew them a bit too tall. The wide hood makes a big difference.

Enjoy the pics!

looking great mate.. its shit about the leak though and the drip tray def shouldnt be leaking too, especially wen secret jardin is meant to be a high end product. id email them complaining.

A little tip for washing sticky hands, rub hands with butter first then soap, i promise u it works a treat......
looking great mate.. its shit about the leak though and the drip tray def shouldnt be leaking too, especially wen secret jardin is meant to be a high end product. id email them complaining.

A little tip for washing sticky hands, rub hands with butter first then soap, i promise u it works a treat......

Another cool sticky fingers thing... W@lgreens (not sure if there are W@lgreens outside the states...) has these alcohol "wipes" that are perfect for scissors and finger cleaning. I LOVE those things at harvest or defoliation time! Alcohol works best for me so far - I'll have to try the butter thing sometime. :thumb:

Bassman - Looking good buddy, good luck with the leaks/seals. Hope you had a great thanksgiving!
dont u just loveee :love: growing pot bass :grinjoint:they look great- :cheer:

btw bud i just started a new journal and could use any input and/or advice


Hey bass, I too am disappointed with the tent I got from Secret Jardin, wish I would have gotten the Gorilla. So let me ask you at the stage in flowering your plants are at now if you end up with a cola thats way to tall can you still bend them in a more desirable direction? or is it too late?
Thanks bass.
BTW Im heading home in the morning, so tomorrow night I will see 4 days of growth (I hope there was no problems?) and it will be a total of 6 full days under a HID (MH) was growing with LED's before and just wasn't getting the vegative growth I'm used to. So I'm hoping to be close to the point where I can take some cuttings. Before we left the "Mendo Purps" showed it's female pistals :)
Wow man those things are massive for their age! cant wait to see em at the end.
and i had an idea to repair ur tray, just get some fishtank or bathroom silcon caulking and put on the inside and outside of the leak and smooth down then dry with a hair dry and wam bam boom ur trays fixed lol

Yea, in 40 days or so after harvest, I can take the system out, in the process tweaking the uniseals again and creating more leaks and fix the tray. Of course the carpet is ruined by that time. I may have to yank the system and rebuild anyways. But I'm still a fair piece irritated about it all tbh. But a good suggestion for when the time comes all the same. Thanks.
Hey bass, I too am disappointed with the tent I got from Secret Jardin, wish I would have gotten the Gorilla. So let me ask you at the stage in flowering your plants are at now if you end up with a cola thats way to tall can you still bend them in a more desirable direction? or is it too late?

Ya man, I can still bend them. In fact I did bend on yesterday.

Day 38 in Flower.
Lights on: 10 hrs
Lights off: 14 hrs

Today is the 1st day of 10/14 on Diminishing light schedule.

PPM: 1000 (2.0 e.c. on .500 conv meter)
PH: 5.9

Temps: 69-79
RH: 45-57%

It's Sunday, No uniseals arrived yet, I guess maybe tomorrow some time. But I still need to find and buy a good sealer. This leak is really bothersome. I'm going through 5 gals per day of ro water basically. I guesstimate the girls are drinking 1/2 of that and the rest is the leak. I sop it up 1-2 times per day.

I also have some diy bulkhead type fittings I'm thinking of trying in place of the uniseals on the two buckets I'll be dealing with when parts arrive. The hardest part of making these types of repairs mid-grow is taking the plants out of the tent with the light in there and not breaking limbs and also not able to test the system. I'm not taking all the plants out, just the two in the affected buckets. When doing this, I drain the system, then pull the plants with their net pot lids and place them on other 5 gal buckets outside of tent. Then go in and pull the two bad buckets out, install new buckets. Then apply whatever sealant I come up with around the seals and wait a good 5 hrs before pouring nutrient back into the system. Basically, all the plants will be w/o water or nutrient on the roots for about 6 hrs. Sounds scary, but they were fine last time we did this two weeks ago.

Now if the system leaks I'll be pretty damn frustrated.

The girls are doing really great! About every other day or so I'm yanking fan leaves. Anything with a decent enough peristem that I can get my fingernails on the stem w/o toughing the flowers for the most part gets yanked. It's sometimes tough nonetheless reaching into mid areas and finding these leaves. Sometimes it's strictly by feel. Down in the lower third or so of the plant I'm only leaking the really strong fan leaves and the small ones that may be stacked in hopes of clearing a little light. But like last grow, the upper flowering stuff is shading too much of the lower because I let them veg a couple inches too tall for the light to really get through the mass.

The flowers are already getting some nice size for this time frame! There's going to be a few really big ones too! My pics below I used my new ph meter to add perspective. Notice the one big ass cluster of buds! I wouldn't be surprised if that cluster ends up at 1/2 oz or more if they get as dense as last time I grew Master Kush.

There is one oddball plant as compared to the others. It's the one with the big ass cluster. It's got those really long, skinny, 3 finger leaves coming out of the flowers. Interestingly it's the shortest plant, back left in the tent, and might be an excellent yield still because every flower is a bigun.

Enjoy the pics:

These two are up to 18" deep into the plants:
With 30 more days to go, those buds are packing some serious girth already!!!
You're yield is going to be massive Bass.:headbanger:

What are you thinking you'll hit on this run??
With 30 more days to go, those buds are packing some serious girth already!!!
You're yield is going to be massive Bass.:headbanger:

What are you thinking you'll hit on this run??

Goal was 2#'s. But because I let them get too tall again in veg, this time by maybe 2-3 inches which ended up 6+" to tall in flower, so I'm almost dialed in for height. And my width is almost perfect. I also can't train them set up support if I'm going to be yanking them out to fix the leaks, so revised, lets hope for 24 zips. I'm really not sure if that's a stretch or not to be honest. Mostly because of the size of the flowers right now. If they continue at this rate, who knows? :cheer:
Looking great. These results are impressive. I am eagerly waiting for final weight now.
Hey bass Im getting ready to buy one of those wand meters, can you tell me which one your using and if you'd buy it again? Got home Sat. night to find that the power was out in the tent for 2 days and the growth that I was hoping for wasn't there. Glad the house didnt catch fire or something (Thank God for circuit breakers ) but the upside is 2 out of the 3 plants are female. Went ahead and plucked em.
Glad everything is ok there man.

It's a Hanna brand. Temp, PH, has a hold button. And will self calibrate (a cal btn) to any calibration liquid. Adjusts for water temp and the cap has a sponge so you can store calibration fluid in it and keep the unit wet. I like it and would buy it again at $75 before a 20% discount from the store. I've only had it a few weeks though. So no telling on how long it lasts.
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