Blaze's Journey Into Fire Organics: LOS Mix, Bag Seed, 2016


K here is another shot of my ev girl I jus can't get over how fast these are lol I love it ha but yea now on to my flower forest now I've been away for 2 days but the day I left I thought I kinda over did it slightly wen watering so figured an extra day wud be fine n then the day after tht they didn't get water again so was worried n by the time I got home I came into this n this is after i waterd them with about 4 to 4 Ana half cups straight ro water


My end girl the one in the middle pic is doin gud she bouncing back fast startn to perk back up n how fat n dark the dark green one is I'm sure she has enuf nutrients stored up in those leaves to make it Its jus tht first one tht I'm really worried about
I didn't know if it was maybe heat related as 2 why they were drooping cuz wen I looked at hygro meter it said 90°f so I took out one of my little mars hydro led cubes so now I jus got the 1 in front for side lighting now for sum pics

Oh also I put up my floor fan aiming at the lights and alil desk fan I put on top of my a.c. unit to get it higher up on the canopy and I set it 2 oscillating so hopefully tht helps but what does every1 else think I shud do or know whats go in on?? Please help :thanks: and :Namaste: and member as always keep it green and stay frosty every1:thumb:

Something is wrong ... get in there a get a REAL CLOSE LOOK undersides of leaves .. look for little black dots... or little white slivers moving EXTREMELY TINY ... then get a flashlight and turn a little soil and get a close look.. IPM time ... the left girl is getting toasty... like toasted toasty.

3 possibilities:

Too much water

not enough water

insect infestation

Not in any order. I saw some white dots on your leaves in one pic... thrips do that and will devastate eventually if left go, but are easy to get rid of. Spinodad to the rescue... Monterrey insect spray and still organic.
Something is wrong ... get in there a get a REAL CLOSE LOOK undersides of leaves .. look for little black dots... or little white slivers moving EXTREMELY TINY ... then get a flashlight and turn a little soil and get a close look.. IPM time ... the left girl is getting toasty... like toasted toasty.

3 possibilities:

Too much water

not enough water

insect infestation

Not in any order. I saw some white dots on your leaves in one pic... thrips do that and will devastate eventually if left go, but are easy to get rid of. Spinodad to the rescue... Monterrey insect spray and still organic.

Thanx bb much appreciated :thumb:
So I took one of my mars hydro led cubes dwn in my flower forest the other day n it occured 2me 2 put it back2 use in my veg tent 2 give the girls alil blue color it shud help boost em up alil well actually it wud b alil blurple lol but yea here is a pic of my early vixen n purple kush under there new light:cheer: hope they like it I also put in alil fan 2 help keep heat dwn n 2 help recycle the air around the ladies they like it wen its nice clean air in there 2 breath:thumb:


Go babies go lol man I love grown this herb I've never had so much fun doing sumthn it really puts a smile on my face doin it lol n I really appreciate all the help I get from every1 on here n special thanx to angrybird and bobrown14 for there help I reallywudnt have made it this far this fast without guys :thanks: and member keep it green n stay frosty my friends :Namaste:
K so I did alil rearranging in the veg tent cuz it was getn to hot in there like 92.7°f so I tryd opening a window n it was 2 cold so I took my other side light I was using in my flower forest n put it up in veg tent n took out my hps light I was using so now I got my 2 mars hydro led cubes in my veg tent n its doin gud it has a heat of about 79.8 to 80°f so pretty gud I think. Now I jus hope my flower forest don't get 2 hot wen lights come on

Here is the light I took out of veg tent.


N here is the veg tent now with both mars going and alil pc fan hanging there n it gets temp dwn to rite about 80 so its nice n gud in there n the lights are about 150w each its really like 146 roughly but yea 1 for each plant shud do gud I think what does every1 else feel not enuf or shud I be gud??


And if I was 2 top my ev girl cuz she is so tall I dnt wana run into hight issues wen she goes into flower where would I make the cut at or shud I wait 4 her 2 get bigger?? also cud I use tht cut to make a clone?? Here she is.


Also I plan on doing clones so I wondering if this light wud be ok 2 use for them or no??

Yes it is fine.
Clones/seedlings need a light source, not to hot or strong, and cfl can go pretty close without damaging.
Just remember to keep it humid for the clones and it can take 2 weeks for roots to grow
Yes it is fine.
Clones/seedlings need a light source, not to hot or strong, and cfl can go pretty close without damaging.
Just remember to keep it humid for the clones and it can take 2 weeks for roots to grow

Thanx bird I remember from doin a few clones from my not so gud seeds but I had so many it really didn't matter if sum failed which sum did lol but now with my early vixen n purple kush I only have a few seeds of each so wana do my best I can with them so as many as possible make it but :thanks: and :Namaste:
Small update coming for my flower forest I've changed a few things around and added in a 2liter of yeast n sugar 2add co2 to my grow to help boost the ladies so hopefully tht works 2 there and my benefit :cheer: and as I mentioned b4 I took out 2 of my side light led cubes n put them in my veg tent I still have my 2 t8 ballasts up for side lighting tho so tht helps there still I jus hope my new 600w led light gives enuf lighting to cover the front branches n buds but with my spining of the buckets they r in every day I think I shud ok anyway here is the pic 2 show my flower forest

And here is alil bud porn I noticed the girls r starting 2 get there snowman on go girlies go:cheer: lol n I know the buds aren't to fat but they r only 30 an 31 days old with these broken dwn genetics I notice most of them flower fully in about 2Ana half to 3 months hopefully now tht I got sum gud genetics going my pk n my ev girls (which r in the veg tent n r 30 days old for any1 jus popping in) this process won't take so dam long lol anyway here is sum bud porn enjoy


I'll be doing an alfalfa tea boost 2 fatten those wimpy buds up :thumb: but I won't be doing tht till nex week tho. This week they got an ewc and kelp tea n I added in 1 an 2 thirds tbsp of Epsom salts wen I waterd in so hope the like tht they seem 2b so far they aren't as droopy as b4 still alil bit but they r coming back so hopefully I end up with sum nice buds still wish me luck every1 and member keep it green n stay frosty my friends :Namaste:
K so I wen n did sum cliping on my veg girls n took them as clones I topped my ev girl and took off the bottom 4 stems and added them to the cloner also I took the bottom 2 stems off my pk girl n put those in the cloner as well so hopefully they make it sum were alil shorter then I wud have liked but I jus didn't wana go up the girl taken clippings higher n higher ya no so here r pics

Here is my new cloning chamber :circle-of-love: I have 1 23w c.f.l bulb inside covering 7 clones go lol babies go:cheer:


Here is my ev girl with her bottom clippings and the top taken off

N here is my purple kush girl after her bottom was trimmed up :thumb:

Oh n I jus wanted 2 throw this in there jus after 2 days with the co2 added in the grow room n the flower girls r starting to reach to the sky so I'm thin on they will make it the first wen I can get my ipm ordered n then take care of tht n see if they get better looking but yea here is the 1 tht is starting to get all perky I no it's not really tht gud but I had a pest issue I believe n I went away for 4 days n I thought I gave em enuf water 2 make it n jus maybe one of the days I was gone they dude needed watering but wen I got back they were all droopy n sad really bad but I've been bringing them back slowly but surely using sum different teas mentioned 2 me from bobrown14. But yea here ya go not to gud but not to to bad lol

Hey there Blaze... the droopy ladies are look'n better... stick your finger down half way in the soil. You should feel some moisture right away. They look thirsty to me.. just give them straight up RO water until they perk up. When my plants are big like that and flowering I have to water them every day.. say 2-3 cups per plant ... you should see a little run off in the tray then wait a day or 2 ...repeat. I used to think I needed to let the soil dry out but I don't let it get dry anymore.

Then kelp meal and AWC tea and BOOM.

Like your VEG tent lighting ... those Mars cubes are great for VEG... so are the CFLs.. actually prefer them for seedlings over anything really. I do seed starts with CFL .. wait till the seedlings are say a week or so then into the burple. hahaha All good bro, yer doin grr-8.
Hey there Blaze... the droopy ladies are look'n better... stick your finger down half way in the soil. You should feel some moisture right away. They look thirsty to me.. just give them straight up RO water until they perk up. When my plants are big like that and flowering I have to water them every day.. say 2-3 cups per plant ... you should see a little run off in the tray then wait a day or 2 ...repeat. I used to think I needed to let the soil dry out but I don't let it get dry anymore.

Then kelp meal and AWC tea and BOOM.

Like your VEG tent lighting ... those Mars cubes are great for VEG... so are the CFLs.. actually prefer them for seedlings over anything really. I do seed starts with CFL .. wait till the seedlings are say a week or so then into the burple. hahaha All good bro, yer doin grr-8.

Awesome man thanx well I was doin every time I go in to water which was every other day at about 5 cups straight up ro water shud I maybe do more?? I always used 2 use my finger method which I learned from my gramps but my uncle had this soil tester tht u can stick in the ground n it will readout if its wet moist or dry n they also felt heavy still so i dropped the water dwn to about 4 cups and to every like 2 Ana half days so maybe I'm doin it wrong n shud do more watering. What do u think??
Here is my girl now tht I been adding co2 to the room I used the sugar n yeast in a 2liter bottle method n last night I forgot to turn off the humidifier so it shot up 2 99% while lights off so idk if Thts why she is starting to perk up again but she still has alil clawing going on but at least she not so droopy but yea here is a shot of her enjoy an :Namaste:
Hey everyone jus a quick update in the veg tent I jus popped 2 more early vixen seeds n put those into roots organic bag soil then wen they get alil older I'll put them into 5gal. Los mix but yea for nw I'm guna grow these 2 out n whatever one is better I'm guna turn into a mother plant or Thts my plan anyway lol but yea here is the new girls oh yea I also have under a 13w c.f.l inside alil reflector n it does 900 lumens so without further delay


Also I have my purple kush in the veg tent as well n I never have grown this strain b4 so idk if this is normal at about a month jus a few days over but she seems really tight togther like the nodes aren't stretching out very much compared to my early vixen the pk is like half the length in her nodes but yea here is my pk


N here is my ev girl notice how nice n long the nodes r very good for lsting which is how I like to train my girls


Yea as u can see in the las 2 pics of my ev lst is the way I like to train my girls the most or well it's wat seems 2 work 4 me anyway lol but yea :thanks: every1 who stops by n helps out :Namaste:
K so I put my other purple kush into soil 2day:circle-of-love: n into the veg tent only thing was I ran out of smaller pots or jus can't find them lol so in tribute 2 my friend on here angrybird I did the sock method :cheer: lol I've been sayn for awhile now tht I was guna try it out so I figured now is gud a time as any n I also tweaked it alil bit 2 I cut the top of the sock off n sewed it around a wire loop I made so I can hang it from the beam in my veg tent n I got it so I can raise and lower it into a cup I got below it for the watering n also 2 help keep it angled at the light. Here it is. Ab I hope u like this 1 this is4 u :thumb: enjoy

Also for right now till it grows a root setup I am also guna feed from the top alil bit not jus the bottom.
Subbed and all caught up.

With BoBrown and AngryBird, you've got all the advice you need.

I like what you are doing here. It's fun and nurturing to help your girls in a planet friendly way :)

Oh Thts 4 sure those guys are a life saver I got kinda just tossed in the deep end so 2 say with this grow op n then I ended up by myself no idea wat 2 do or where 2 go n then I found this gem stone of a place an it saved me big time met sum very gud people n with bbs n abs and others help but those 2 specially really made this all possible :thanks: guys wudnt have made it here without u but yea it's always nice 2 meet new people tht know more than me cuz thn I can learn more plus then if I had a question or am stumped with sumthn n I can't figure it out sum1 wud be available lol anyway thanx for stopn by glad 2 have u aboard anytime u see an area u think I cud improve on or if I'm doin sumthn wrong dnt be afraid to tell me cuz I am completely new 2 this well learning but still green lol glad 2 have u radogast :Namaste:
:) I love the sock!!
When you re plant, it can be either wet or dry.
I prefer wet soil, it is easier to handle. :thumb:

Yea I figured u wud lol great advice so jus wondering will the roots start 2 grow out of the sock or shud I transplant b4 tht happens??
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