Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

the ladies all look wunnerfull! all those places sound great except 78f is a wee bit higher than optimal im most comfy at 70f well 65-70f frisco i love but the sea makes my bones hurt the cold in frisco is the coldest i ever felt it penetrates thru every layer to the skin unless you wear a plastic body suit lol i cant remember what famous person i love said it but "the coldest winter i ever felt was a summer in san francisco" that cold pacific breeze can chill you like nothing else, seems everywhere is all about $$ these days, where you live hoz i have to stay inside all summer all 9 months of it! lol august nearly killed me every year!
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

the ladies all look wunnerfull! all those places sound great except 78f is a wee bit higher than optimal im most comfy at 70f well 65-70f frisco i love but the sea makes my bones hurt the cold in frisco is the coldest i ever felt it penetrates thru every layer to the skin unless you wear a plastic body suit lol i cant remember what famous person i love said it but "the coldest winter i ever felt was a summer in san francisco" that cold pacific breeze can chill you like nothing else, seems everywhere is all about $$ these days, where you live hoz i have to stay inside all summer all 9 months of it! lol august nearly killed me every year!
Yeah...Summers here are BRUTAL!...I do like the Verde Valley for year round temps...not much snow, usually on the mountains but melts when it hits the ground in the valley. Gonna have a double crop this Summer and will probably give the tent a rest after the girls inside finish and just concentrate on clones and youngin's this Summer to keep the electric bill down...I am going to have more than enough from the outside girls to keep me in meds and need to reveg my MMMF outside...I am gonna keep Royal Purple around also...great flavor and effect..:cheesygrinsmiley: I transplanted the healthiest TT today in the corner where MMMF was born sharing space with a Blue Mystic :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

the ladies all look wunnerfull! all those places sound great except 78f is a wee bit higher than optimal im most comfy at 70f well 65-70f frisco i love but the sea makes my bones hurt the cold in frisco is the coldest i ever felt it penetrates thru every layer to the skin unless you wear a plastic body suit lol i cant remember what famous person i love said it but "the coldest winter i ever felt was a summer in san francisco" that cold pacific breeze can chill you like nothing else, seems everywhere is all about $$ these days, where you live hoz i have to stay inside all summer all 9 months of it! lol august nearly killed me every year!
Mark Twain:)
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

good weed Hoz, the pics are stellar!
love that way the blue widow is looking:)
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

the ladies all look wunnerfull! all those places sound great except 78f is a wee bit higher than optimal im most comfy at 70f well 65-70f frisco i love but the sea makes my bones hurt the cold in frisco is the coldest i ever felt it penetrates thru every layer to the skin unless you wear a plastic body suit lol i cant remember what famous person i love said it but "the coldest winter i ever felt was a summer in san francisco" that cold pacific breeze can chill you like nothing else, seems everywhere is all about $$ these days, where you live hoz i have to stay inside all summer all 9 months of it! lol august nearly killed me every year!

All that moisture bid...I hear ya.......I LOVE THAT CITY....I have deep connections with it!
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Hoz....The best as always man!!
Thanks Spring! Working on two hobbies at once + my older bro's crap makes for a VERY LONG DAY...getting it done though. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Lookin way good hoz, if ya can get 5 hours a day below like 96.....LOL, I know sometimes that's alot ta ask for here!

Dont believe I had the pleasure of buying these beautiful women a compost drink! Looking good as always H. reps!!!
Thanks Wiz! The line I find successful with the ladies is, "Hi sailor, can I buy you a drink?" :rofl:

All that moisture bid...I hear ya.......I LOVE THAT CITY....I have deep connections with it!
Been there once...had a good time:cheesygrinsmiley:

good weed Hoz, the pics are stellar!
love that way the blue widow is looking:)
She is getting real sticky! :yahoo:

Well lookie here. Keepem Green
Thanks for dropping in Wood, I need to do the same.. Maybe tonight. :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Yeah...Summers here are BRUTAL!...I do like the Verde Valley for year round temps...not much snow, usually on the mountains but melts when it hits the ground in the valley. Gonna have a double crop this Summer and will probably give the tent a rest after the girls inside finish and just concentrate on clones and youngin's this Summer to keep the electric bill down...I am going to have more than enough from the outside girls to keep me in meds and need to reveg my MMMF outside...I am gonna keep Royal Purple around also...great flavor and effect..:cheesygrinsmiley: I transplanted the healthiest TT today in the corner where MMMF was born sharing space with a Blue Mystic :cheesygrinsmiley:

Just got home to see the new power bill, 309 bucks. thats not including the 175 for the seperate home bill. Cant imagine what it would be when the cabin and home bill are all in one, makes me afraid of turning on another 4000 watts lol. Not sure if you heard yet but were moving back to the 40 acres. Now all I need is two mules lol.
Hoz, your plants are looking really nice bro. I noticed the difference with you MMMF plant also, does she take longer to finish than the others or is just more of an outdoor plant?
Cant wait to see the Lead Sled
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Just got home to see the new power bill, 309 bucks. thats not including the 175 for the seperate home bill. Cant imagine what it would be when the cabin and home bill are all in one, makes me afraid of turning on another 4000 watts lol. Not sure if you heard yet but were moving back to the 40 acres. Now all I need is two mules lol.
Hoz, your plants are looking really nice bro. I noticed the difference with you MMMF plant also, does she take longer to finish than the others or is just more of an outdoor plant?
Cant wait to see the Lead Sled
The answers to both your questions is yes, she takes longer inside and yes I think she is definitely an outdoor strain...Her linage is from all outdoor plants. I sanded on the dash until my arm started hurting. Gave the paint a quick sample spray and am happy with the color match. The carpet I ordered didn't fit so I guess I'll free hand that in too. With everything out of the car it's a pretty simple process. Have to run wire first and am thinking it should have all new glass and channels and rubber...over a $1000,so THATS not happening. :cheesygrinsmiley: The Blue Cheese I have outside is a gooey mess! I reached down to remove a couple sickly leaves and wound up with a hand that was sticky and smelled awesome! :yahoo:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

great weed to you Hoz
in the corner of the garage
it was a 54 with a brand new floor
we used to jam in Hoz's garage
his mother would scream"turn it down!"
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Looking mighty nice, Hozona!! :thumb:

The Tent Day 54 since the flip


Blue Widow


Jorge's Diamond




Sour Diesel

All for now! :cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Looking mighty nice, Hozona!! :thumb:
Thanks X! Good to see you out there cruising journals! This is the best, most productive indoor grow ever for me... I still find the light green color of the Blue Widow puzzling, but she is looking like she will finish first. The Sour Diesel doesn't need the pruning like the other plants I have grown...The one I didn't prune looks MUCH better than the one I did. The Jorge's Diamond is looking like you would expect with his name attached. The buds are starting to swell and I have noticed some branches starting to sag, so tonight I will add some ties to keep them from breaking stems off. It's true...the strains that have been developed over the years are really as advertised in most cases...I am smiling! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Outdoor update later today...:Namaste:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

good weed to ya Hoz:)
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

brother with the new water system and that great big light...PFFF:bravo:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

brother with the new water system and that great big light...PFFF:bravo:
Growing outside is easy when you prepare it correctly...The soil has been sprouting mushrooms like crazy. They sprout, die, decompose...I'm lovin' it! My girls are sooo sticky! I will probably replace the smaller pants outside with my 2 Royal Purples and the other Blue Widow...I also have another Trailor Trash, but it is looking rather sickly still! I might try revegging the smaller plants inside after I harvest them...I am so glad I have more than one strain to choose from when I go to the cupboard:cheesygrinsmiley:
re: Boomer444's 2013 Indoor & Outdoor Grows

Loving the North wall Hozona.Your garden is beautiful. :)
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