BT'z 2nd Grow: Super Lemon Haze & Golden Leaf

Tell ya what B.... Your ( I was gonna try to name one) is definately trained well... Man are you leaving those for Vt..??? They , and I mean all the girls are a prominent example of Attention, but def SKILL.... If I miss you it wont be for long... I would like to see/visit no matter where you are... I see that we are in the same ballpark.... Will look forward to your success, and I dont just say it , meeting... Geographic Location up to you ......
Tell ya what B.... Your ( I was gonna try to name one) is definately trained well... Man are you leaving those for Vt..??? They , and I mean all the girls are a prominent example of Attention, but def SKILL.... If I miss you it wont be for long... I would like to see/visit no matter where you are... I see that we are in the same ballpark.... Will look forward to your success, and I dont just say it , meeting... Geographic Location up to you ......

Opps I got confused as to who I was quoting. :laugh::rofl:

Shed, I plan on letting them veg only another 2-3 days. The SLH's and Gilda only had a short recovery before I put them in the flower tent.

MaddHacker, Thanks for the encouragement. This whole growing anything is really new to me. It is amazing the power of research and the internet. MaddHacker I'm not sure about your reference to "are you leaving those for Vt..???" Please explain.

I will say I love spending time and giving attention to my girls and working on crafting some skill at the same time. Seeing what works and taking advantage of the experience others have shared has always been one of my strong points.

On another note. As I live in San Diego and drive for Uber/Lyft, I sometimes get rides up to LA. I would also make a special trip up there to meet folks from here. If you ever head toward the Southwest please always let me know. I would make a special effort to meet up.

Thanks again, for you generous compliments. BT'z

BTW, if anyone ever finds themselves headed toward San Diego please allow the opportunity to meet. Some of us locals recently gathered when @SweetSue came to visit and had an awesome time sharing Cannabis, Growing Experiences, and Pizza at @DrDoob place. I'm sure we would gleefully do it again with other new friends from here. I also always enjoy sharing San Diego through my eyes and helping others explore all of it's wonderful places. As we say here in SD - Mi Casa Su Casa "literally my house is your house)
Shed, you are so kind. Thanks for the encouragement. This whole growing anything is really new to me. It is amazing the power of research and the internet. I'm not sure about your reference to "are you leaving those for Vt..???" Please explain.

I will say I love spending time and giving attention to my girls and working on crafting some skill at the same time. Seeing what works and taking advantage of the experience others have shared has always been one of my strong points.

On another note. As I live in San Diego and drive for Uber/Lyft, I sometimes get rides up to LA. We already have a PM going with regards to seeds we shared with each other and also with regards to Sue's visit. If you like I can send you an email there and we can more discretely exchange contact info.

If you ever head south please always let me know. I would make a special effort to meet up.

The next time I'm rolling in your direction, I could drop you a text and we might be able to meet for some snacks. I love visiting over in WLA, especially near Santa Monica/Venice area. I frequent the Great Western Steak and Hoagie on Lincoln and Superba as often as possible for the best Pizza Cheese Steaks on the west coast.

Thanks again, for you generous compliments. BT'z

BTW, if anyone ever finds themselves headed toward San Diego please allow the opportunity to meet. Some of us locals recently gathered when @SweetSue came to visit and had an awesome time sharing Cannabis, Growing Experiences, and Pizza at @DrDoob place. I'm sure we would gleefully do it again with other new friends from here. I also always enjoy sharing San Diego through my eyes and helping others explore all of it's wonderful places. As we say here in SD - Mi Casa Su Casa "literally my house is your house)
That was MaddHacker who mentioned Vt! But any time you're up in LA, PM me and we'll be sure to have lunch :). I won't be making it south any time soon unfortunately, all my trips are heading north this summer/fall. But anytime I'm headed down your way I will def let you know :thumb:.
That was MaddHacker who mentioned Vt! .
Yep, there was a major confusion on my part there. I think I fixed it somewhat. Regardless, in answer to your question, I'm planning on veg for Grape Ape and Goldie for only another 2-3 days. Planning on harvesting Rey and drying her in the Veg tent. Everyone needs to move on up the ladder.
I'd check with newty or Derby on the timing. With a defol that severe you may want to leave a little more recovery time.
Thanks, I will do so, but I also have the ability to wait longer if I choose as Rey isn't and hasn't been in a big rush to this point. There are still clear and milky trichcomes to age some more. Will be monitoring all very closely.
Just a note. I went back and looked at Day 43 when defoliated the first three. They were moved into the flower tent on Day 48 and might actually have been ready perhaps the day before. So 4-5 days seems likely at this point. The explosion of the first three over the last few days has been outrageous. The stretch is certainly on. I'm going to attribute that to Hempy and daily watering with minor flushing.
Day 51 - After lights @ 10pm I checked in with the ladies in the Flowering tent. The flip happened on Monday Morning just before lights out at 10am. The new girls are certainly screaming game on!
Compared to the photo from Tuesday Morning. -
I don't think they missed or skipped a beat in the last 4 12/12 sessions.

Some close ups of the individual girls and their growth. Starting with Stella -
Lots of growth over the last 4 days. The nodal spacing is impressing me. Not knowing how this works but guessing the growth primarily happens during the lights on period?

Sheila up next - Currently she and Stella are about the same height around 7-8" above the Perlite.
The inter-nodal spacing seems a bit closer on Sheila. My understanding is that means there will be more bud sites?
Finally Gilda - She is perhaps the slowest of the three but a totally different plant. Heavy Indica Dom she is still stretching strongly to keep her height in line with the others. She just isn't filling in quite a thick as the SLH's

Over all I'm very please with their response to moving into the flip 12/12 cycle only a few days after their major defoliation. @FelipeBlu sent me a refresher of the read on defoliation before flip from Bassman59. His recommendation was for a bit more time between defol and flip. It's all an experiment and each plant seems to move at their own pace. Perhaps my double Perfect Sun Mini's following the DIY HLG Board, that followed a really close exposure to the T5 Blue Bulb was a great combination. All that in just over 7 weeks. I'm Happy:p:yahoo:
Nice bounce back on those plants BT! I think I remember reading that stretch happens during lights off, when the plant is growing in search of light. No idea if that's true but it does jibe with the reason it looks like plants grow towards a light source. It turns out the growth is happening on the shaded side of the plant, making it tilt in the opposite direction.
Nice bounce back on those plants BT! I think I remember reading that stretch happens during lights off, when the plant is growing in search of light. No idea if that's true but it does jibe with the reason it looks like plants grow towards a light source. It turns out the growth is happening on the shaded side of the plant, making it tilt in the opposite direction.
Thanks Shed, I do feel they bounced back really strong. With regards to when grow happens, your explaination does make sense. So in my best Arte Johnson German accented voice - "Very Interesting!"
I moved 4 clones from the propagation tray into 32oz Hempy Stadium Cups. Then back into the Clone Tote Box for more of that wonderful T5 Blue veg light at 6500K.
It's getting crowded in there. Not that I'm complaining or anything like that.
These few are remaining. A single Goldie Clone on the left side. Four Gilda Clones on the right. And a single Grape Ape in the middle front. I may still take a couple of more GA's from the original donor. I have so few seeds and limited luck with the first germination. We shall see if that happens or not.
Looking like a production line in there! :goodjob:

I had something like this in mind, never imagined it would turn into such a process. Very pleased with the outcome.
Day 52 - Starting with the Veg Tent and looking at Grape Ape and Goldie after their major defoliation. Quite remarkable actually, they both really have continued to grow and have shown no negative effects from the Defoliation. :p;):cool:

Group photo inside the crowded flowering tent. Hang in their girls
First up Gilda with her measuring stick.
Stella is slamming it.
Look at the nodes.
More of Stella's nodes
Gilda's Nodes
Finally some very lovely glamor shots of Sheila
Sheila's nodes are rock steady and close.

The growth of all of these is fairly amazing after my initial experience with my first grow. So many differences have come into play. Nutrients from the very beginning. Appropriate lights for each cycle of the growth. Training begun very early.

Interesting that it appears that I'm giving double the amount of Nutrients initially calculated. I'm in the process of cutting back by half beginning with the feeding today.
Man Goldie can really do the splits...LOL... Good stuff up in here B.... As always... Green days and to all
It's best not to get me started on splits. It can make the mind go places that is NSFW. She has responded very well to the Manifold LST training. Thanks Green Days back to ya and to all also.
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