Candida CD-1

I went solo cups > 1 gallon plastic > 3 gallon smart pots and the plants loved it, so that's my go to for now. I'm trying as well leaving a clone in rockwool for a little while to see how that goes.
My Hempy have been working great....switched em all now from soil, well I am doing starts in soil, they just perform better

Solo cup to either 2l or 2gal depends on how big I want em to be
Curious to see how all your plants turn out. I've been looking around for a potential CBD strain. Have any of you tried cloning them yet?
Wow they blew up quickly! Would be nice to have them photos on the Candida thread though for everyone else to see.
Here are my girls at day 30. Still not sure if Indica or Sativa. If you look at the top picture you can see the Candida beside he White Widow. Huge difference in the leaf structure!

Curious to see how all your plants turn out. I've been looking around for a potential CBD strain. Have any of you tried cloning them yet?
Hey Anduin1,
I always just grow from seed. This is my first time with this particular strain but I would give them a Siskel and Ebert two thumbs up for ease of growing. There are a few of us here that are at different stages of our grow so stick around... There will be a hand full of reviews in the next few months.

Nice! Thanks H420. After this Candida cycle, I'll start using the fabric. Or just MAYBE I'll transplant her a couple weeks before flower. Really done want to stress her out after all she's going through right now haha
Hey Sowperior,

If you don't have fibre pots, I would suggest getting them from Amazon. I got a 5 pack for the price I would pay for two SmartPots at the local hydro store! Fantastic quality! I have some SmartPots but the 5 pack is from Vivosun and they are excellent quality and a little thicker than the SmartPot brand. Not sure if I would say they are better but at least as good IMO.


P.S. I would get the black ones if for no other reason than they don't look as dirty. The light coloured ones get ugly when the nutrient filled water leaks through the sides during watering.
Alright so it's [Day 46] since seed. I went ahead and transplanted her into a 5 gallon SmartPot. The soil on top is dry but I'm not sure how moist the rest of her is. I pulled off a big chunk of algae off the soil yesterday so I'm thinking about giving her 2 more days until I give a nute feed. She doesn't look horrible but she's definitely light green/yellow...I just pulled her out the original pot, put a little bit of fresh soil on the base, then stuck her in the smart pot. It's difficult to put her in a good spot because all my other plants hah but she IS PRIORITY.

Currently the Humidity is at (68%) with a new High&Low temp of (74-84). Season change I guess.

Do y'all think I should give her a foliar nute spray since she hasn't had any nutes since last feeding?? I'm afraid to wet the soil... I had a plant look just like she is now that died and I tried everything to revive it but, didn't happen
Alright so it's [Day 46] since seed. I went ahead and transplanted her into a 5 gallon SmartPot. The soil on top is dry but I'm not sure how moist the rest of her is. I pulled off a big chunk of algae off the soil yesterday so I'm thinking about giving her 2 more days until I give a nute feed. She doesn't look horrible but she's definitely light green/yellow...I just pulled her out the original pot, put a little bit of fresh soil on the base, then stuck her in the smart pot. It's difficult to put her in a good spot because all my other plants hah but she IS PRIORITY.
Currently the Humidity is at (68%) with a new High&Low temp of (74-84). Season change I guess.

Do y'all think I should give her a foliar nute spray since she hasn't had any nutes since last feeding?? I'm afraid to wet the soil... I had a plant look just like she is now that died and I tried everything to revive it but, didn't happen

I only use organic fertilizer so this may or may not help. Because you are using a smart pot, the soil will dry out between 3 and 5 days under growing conditions. That said, I would flush and feed with a litte extra nitrogen. 3 to 5 days later, you should be rockin!

I only use organic fertilizer so this may or may not help. Because you are using a smart pot, the soil will dry out between 3 and 5 days under growing conditions. That said, I would flush and feed with a litte extra nitrogen. 3 to 5 days later, you should be rockin!


Yea I was thinking to flush her after she dries out more as well because of how long all that water has been sitting in there. I just don't know if I should pH the flush or not, I'm going to use FloraKleen to break up the buildup. Your suppose to give 2 back to back nute feeds after over watering a plant though, but in this case I Over watered her twice so I'm not sure which method she needs
Yea I was thinking to flush her after she dries out more as well because of how long all that water has been sitting in there. I just don't know if I should pH the flush or not, I'm going to use FloraKleen to break up the buildup. Your suppose to give 2 back to back nute feeds after over watering a plant though, but in this case I Over watered her twice so I'm not sure which method she needs

I'd let her dry out completely. And no foiler yet

I wouldn't flush her yet, yer just over watering her again and she needs to rest and recover

When dry, give her a half nute water, and light water,
Get a hang of her weight dry and watered.

Remember less is more. If ya water every 3 days, cool, my 5gal girls, when bigger, get water every 3-4 days. I'll use about 10cups each water

Hope it helps
Alright thanks, I will wait for her to dry out completely but poor thing hasn't had nutes since Sep 4th
But she has had lots of water, and the soil has nutes, she will be fine, just be patient
Checking on the girls this morning... they are roughly 22 days into veg. Had to LST the White Widow to keep the canopy at an even height. Although not as hardy, I like the way the Candida are growing... they are bushy but the thiner foliage allow the light to get to the lower nodes.

I'll get some pics of mine today for comparison

Soon you will know, my leaves started thinning as she grew. When she was younger I didn't realize there was two phenos. I should go and look at the older pics , see if I can tell when I figured she was sativa
Don't be shy, let others learn from your mistakes :)

Haha I've had quite a few grows, and only killed 1 plant in the very beginning... and this happens!! Haha I should have more experience than this mistake shows.

Note to self, never give 1 entire gallon of water to a baby marijuana plant, And if I do never do it again haha
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