Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Mo and this community and the world has lost a great man, Mo is in great pain right now, and she is thankfully surrounded by family & friends. We all love you very much Mo, God bless you. I have lost a true brother, a true friend and my mentor/guru. (hard to see the key board with these tears in my eyes).

I would like to tell the "oilheads" and the world how "TACKING" was born.........
Many years ago Tim & Mo started to study RSO (Rick Simpson Oil), at that time the way to take the oil was by putting a little dab between your cheek & gum and let it drain down to your liver. This will send you into orbit within a couple of hours, you would need to build up a tolerance in order to get enough oil in your system to heal/cure your aliments or cancer. One day Tim was standing in the mirror and getting ready to put the oil in between his cheek & gum, while standing there with his finger and oil in his mouth pushed against his gum he was thinking very deep about a friend who was having trouble dosing the oil (hands were to shaky). When he realized he had been standing there with his finger on his lower gum he removed his finger and noticed that the oil was gone, absorb into his gum. About 2 hours later when he felt no euphoria (light bulb moment) he knew he was on to something. For the next year or so Tim & Mo turned off the internet and started to learn this new method while helping themselves and some friends that needed help. Using this method to heal some friends of stage 4 cancer he felt compelled to get the word out. He started two journals (see my signature) that have grown to about 120 pages of his knowledge and compassion in helping the people most in need. This was how "Tacking" was born. Tim is the founder of the "Tacking protocol" and will always be known for saving countless lives without the unwanted euphoria, a feeling that stops most elderly from getting the oil they need.

Tim has helped me learn this method without any thoughts of his own time, I asked questions like a 2 year old hanging on to mommies dress. Tim, what is a good daytime strain? Tim, what is a good nighttime strain? Tim, is this the right strain? Tim, is this hybrid okay to use for daytime? Tim, I didn't see any small bubbles? Tim, what are the big bubbles doing? Tim, did I just mess this up?.................Tim, how's the family today? He always gave me a well thought out answer just like he did in his journals. Tim's the Warrior fighting the fight for the people that were sent home from the doctors to die, out of money and out of options. Tim would donate his medicine and knowledge to help save their lives, and he saved a lot of lives and he will continue to save lives through these journals & "Oilheads".

This thread is the tip of the spear and I will PICKUP MOTOCO'S FLAG AND HEAD STRAIGHT INTO THE FIGHT knowing that Motoco has giving me (us Oilheads) the knowledge to go forward and save lives, heal ailments and help people with their maintenance doses so the only time they will need a doctor is for a physical ailment.

GOD BLESS THE "OILHEADS (past, present & future)

Thank you, RSOiler
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

You da man Oiler. I love you.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Something light...


And I just heard this one:

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Tim and Mo laid the foundation. It's our charge to build the years of empirical data upon that foundation. This is a very serious charge, and it gives me confidence that he spent so much of his time sharing what he learned and encouraging others to take their health care at these critical turns in life back under their own control.

Let's work hard to build on that legacy. I think it's understood that we're only in the earliest stages here. It's going to take years of data collection and testimonials before the world will begin to take CCO as seriously as they should. I'm so proud to be a small part of this journey. I only hope I can live up to what you've already accomplished and contribute in some significant way to the body of work ahead.

I don't know Mo at all, but my recent loss of my own soulmate has my heart breaking for her. John, please pass that on to her for me. I can't think of her without crying. I have too much experience at typing through tears.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thank you Sue. Mo will read these posts, but I'll make sure.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I was going to PM you John, please give Mo a big hug from me and all of the "Oilheads"
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I too only knew Tim a little compared to some of you. I starting looking into CCO for my MS around the time the He and Mo were going out on sabbatical. He still took the time to exchange several emails with me and get me going in the right direction. I have been in tears on and off all day.

Mo, THANK YOU for sharing him with us and for sharing both of your experiences. It has been said, but I will repeat it. The two of you have changed medical cannabis. :thanks::Namaste: :peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

You da man Oiler. I love you.


I love you to John, my tears are flowing John.

The last words sent to me from Tim in a email made me very proud.

Wen, Dec 16 2015
: I love the laid back journal. It's fun! Not to mention oilheads will learn so much more as far as mentoring goes.

Chat soon!

Tim & Mo! [UNQOUTE]
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Tim made us proud. Proud of ourselves, yes, but proud of him and proud just to know him and get his attention. Such a soft voiced man!
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Teddy has changed the Title for us.

The cause of death was posted in Tim's two journals, I'm trying to get Teddy to re post that here. Where's Cannafan when I need her! At work I believe?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Cajun...I'm sorry I've been silent with you. I was hurt. Please accept my friendship once again.

:Namaste: A Peace offering:


No worries. I'm here with you bro. You ok?

(Great song)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I'm being such a cry baby, I know. I just thought he and I would have some time to get healthy together. Lonely, rainy day.

On a more positive you and I can get healthy together. Peace.

Gotta go fix my sig again...I'll get it, eventually!

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

RS... Do you just want what Tim's daughter wrote posted here... If so I can do that for you... If it's something else you need Canna to do... I'm sorry I stuck my nose in......:circle-of-love:

Yes Dennise, please put what Tim's daughter wrote on this journal, thank you.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

From Tim's daughter

My father had suffered a stroke on the morning of December 18th around 8 am. From that point he was rushed into ICU and because of the lack of oxygen, my father suffered cognitive brain damage and was only sustained by life support. My dad's wishes were not to be on life support, and he passed December 19th at 3:45 pm.
We'll be working on a Fallen Warrior's thread for our Brother Tim.

Copy and pasted....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thank you Dennise, I tried to copy & paste but I could not get past copy. My brain is a little numb right now. Or maybe a lot numb depending on who you ask....................John? ;)

Thanks for the PM John. I understand now............^^^^^^.........numb brother numb
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Numb is sometimes good, brother.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Numb is sometimes good, brother.

I saw your signature, cool, so I wanted to add the saying that Tim said a lot, the man knows how to speak the truth.
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