Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Dennise, I couldn't be happier for you. Keep it up now and we'll be here cheering with each new positive medical review of your condition. This is obviously a valuable protocol for your many health challenges.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

what an outstanding array of symptoms that you don't have to live with anymore! This is just so great to hear. I know you've suffered.
Hopefully, given even more time, you will be at the point of cutting those big pharm meds entirely.

I am seriously overjoyed, I had no real idea what all you have been going through with your afflictions.

Can I say this? "Happy Happy Joy Joy!"

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Ooooo.... King Tut seeds. Wow Dennise! A sweet gift indeed. :circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I found this message from Tim in my inbox from over a year ago about using the oil as a topical

A reminder; when using the oil for topical try to use grapeseed oil to make the oil much more pliable. 1 drop of grapeseed oil to one gram of oil/or mix 1 drop of grapeseed oil until it goes on easy but not to much to wear its runny. Gently rub around the edge of the wound carefully but thoroughly rubbing in well. Then a light coat on the wound a couple of times gently. Then cover with a water proof band-aid (they make big ones) if not big enough gauze wrapped and taped around the edges. Leave on for 3-4 days. What to expect; it will look much worse because it will be pulling out the infection, this is how it works. After that it accelerates in healing. You will notice this being in health care for so long. Many people freak out because it looks worse and think its BS. I'm hear to tell you, nothing heals like the concentrate. Before you mix in your grape seed oil heat it up to 200 in the oven in a measuring cup (small), once the temp is achieved its sterilized as is the oil. Then blend.

I would add to this to be careful with the grapeseed oil when trying to get just a drop. Mine came out of the bottle too fast. I found that a small syringe worked really good for adding just one drop at a time. Also he has posted that when putting it on a scab you want it to be less tacky so as not to pull the scab off.

THANK YOU! This is exactly what Tim had told me when I was trying it on my Mom's arms. Now I remember why we didn't change the bandage or put more oil on more frequently.
Unfortunately Skype updated it's software this year, and all of my messages from him and to him from July 2015 backward are gone in cyberspace somewhere. I'm working on retrieving those with a downloaded program that I need to get going on.
I'm going to copy that to my laptop CCO Folder.

Can't thank you enough, because we are going to try it again on her arms.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Supergroomer, congrats on the beans! We're all going to be in fine shape for this upcoming grow. I'm still trying to choose a strain. Decisions....Decisions....

I hope everyone is thinking on that. And I will be posting to my own grow thread as soon as we set a date up to start it, so other members can join in on the grow. Hopefully some of you other journal owners can do the same. :)

I'm thinking January 19th, which will be a one month mark. Thoughts?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Ooohhhh...Blue Dream...I'm waiting on those. Doubt that I will see them though. LOL

I can't decide if I want to go with an auto or a photo. Auto would be easier, but I would love the bigger yield of the photo period and have fun with all of the training and such. Maybe a nice scrog.....
Been thinking about a special design using two plants. I might just do it.....shhhhh...:shhh:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I have to laugh every time I hear someone talk about bigger yields with photos. Atrain gets incredible yields with his autos every grow. He's pretty much proven that autos don't have to be limiting. The secret appears to be surrounding the plant with as much light as you can muster.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hi Sue, I never have seen Atrains grow, what is the average yield that Atrain gets? Some of the older growers I followed here on 420 Mag and then I followed them to You-Tube averaged 12 to 16 ounces per plant (photo) using a 600w mh & a 600w hps. His user name here was TheCapn. That's a lot of oil per plant with less cost, but not as easy as Auto's.

Remember that a lot of MMJ states have plant count restrictions, so having a lot of auto to get up to 12-16 ounces yield would be scary.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hello. SweetSue,

No, we don't have anything compiled that we can go to for a reference. Actually, I am trying to start a reference for myself by going back through the threads taking notes Tim's messages. I also starting blogging some of the posts so when this type of question comes up it will be easy to find. I really wish I had started that when the thread was much shorter. But I will get to it all eventually.

I'll be putting together the blog for testimonials and resources associated with CCO in January. I'd appreciate it if you could pass on any things you find in your journey through the threads that you believe are indispensable. You can PM me, if so. I have so many other things going on right now that I've not had time to get more than a few pages into Tim's threads yet.

Thank you for the condolences. :love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hi Sue, I never have seen Atrains grow, what is the average yield that Atrain gets? Some of the older growers I followed here on 420 Mag and then I followed them to You-Tube averaged 12 to 16 ounces per plant (photo) using a 600w mh & a 600w hps. His user name here was TheCapn. That's a lot of oil per plant with less cost, but not as easy as Auto's.

Remember that a lot of MMJ states have plant count restrictions, so having a lot of auto to get up to 12-16 ounces yield would be scary.

Atrain has an auto myth-busters thread up that you might want to check out. It's loaded with cultivator's of autos showing off their incredible plants.

Autoflower Myth Busting Thread

He mentions on page one that all the plants he showed in the opening post yielded between 3.5 to 6.75 ounces and went seed to harvest in 58-90 days. He recently harvested a pair that gave him over a pound between the two. When you take into consideration that everything can be grown in the same grow space under the same light schedule seed to harvest it becomes a very attractive option.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Nice that you got a laugh Sue.

Atrain has a nice myth busting thread there with some excellent information, I have discovered that I'm not Atrain... yet.....

I think I would prefer to not do an Auto on this particular grow. I want the plant or plants for this grow to flower when I choose the time. Autos flower when their schedule tells them to, regardless of your light schedule.

Another reason I'm going to stick with photo is that I want clones to carry on this special plant. Pointless to clone autos.

Member "thebeast27" had a nice thread where he showed that you can top autos with success:

Auto Topping LED Grow

Unfortunately my attempt failed because the plant had problems on the start and flowered before it was big enough to try the topping. Once they start their schedule, that's it. LOL


Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Autos. I have plans to grow lots of them, just not in this memorial grow.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Atrain has an auto myth-busters thread up that you might want to check out. It's loaded with cultivator's of autos showing off their incredible plants.

Autoflower Myth Busting Thread

He mentions on page one that all the plants he showed in the opening post yielded between 3.5 to 6.75 ounces and went seed to harvest in 58-90 days. He recently harvested a pair that gave him over a pound between the two. When you take into consideration that everything can be grown in the same grow space under the same light schedule seed to harvest it becomes a very attractive option.

That's a very nice yield for autos and not a bad idea for the new patient that need to grow their own meds for their oil but, I would prefer Photos, less plants more flower.

Thank you for the link to Atrains Auto journal, it's great to give good options to people, so they can grow their own meds.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

That's a very nice yield for autos and not a bad idea for the new patient that need to grow their own meds for their oil but, I would prefer Photos, less plants more flower.

Thank you for the link to Atrains Auto journal, it's great to give good options to people, so they can grow their own meds.

Another consideration is the limited grow spaces one might be up against. Not everyone needing to grow will have the luxury of a room or a tent. When I started I had a closet that measures 1' x 2', and that was all I had. I managed to squeeze two autos into that space and pull off 4.5 ounces within 85 days, seed to harvest. With better use of the vertical space in that closet I could have easily fit another trained plant into the equation. Using some common training techniques I could have also increased the yields by at least a third of my harvest.

I agree. It's important to offer options. When I get back to growing I hope to be able to find acceptable auto strains and run them. I document the hell out of my grows, so the learning curve will be on full display. I'm up against the challenge of trying to produce oil for two in a severely limited space and with a limited amount of financial resources. With Atrain's guidance I hope to be able to make that work. Thankfully, I already have more than enough lights and a marvelous filtration system on hand. The trick, I believe, will be in getting the perpetual machine up and running again. If I can pull down a respectable harvest every month that might do it.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Woo Hoo! I got mail!

I got this excellent condition used fondue pot for less than half of the new price at Bed, Bath and Beyond:


This is going to make my oil making life a whole lot easier.
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