Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Crap Ganjazz! I just had my first experience with bud-rot. It's a thing that I always assumed I was immune to because I conduct myself like an indestructible teenager.

Cary on and put what you can in the jar.
The horror. :trance: :trance: :trance:


Doesn't look good, :cough:
Good morning all... I think I am going to spend my birthday chopping 2 of my outside girls... Oct. is nearly here and the folks that may be out looking for crops get busy around here... I think as many get stolen as busted in these here parts... Guess I would prefer it be stolen than getting popped but don't relish the idea of either so the 2 biggest, fattest ones shall be chopped this afternoon and if there is time I may just chop them all... that Haze most certainly could use some more time to fatten up on the colas but I don't think it is worth the angst anymore.... I am thrilled they were able to make it to this point and just don't think I am going to push it any further... As of today I am certainly tooo old to be talking to folks from behind bars...:thedoubletake:....:circle-of-love:
Happy birthday Dennise, many happy returns.
Happy birthday lady D. I don't envy you trimming on your bday but we gotta do what we gotta do and most of the work is done. now comes the the hard part. Hours spent trimming. Enjoy.
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