First Grow - White Widow Fem - Soil - LED

No ive never tried it. I watched one video on youtube but i got scared and had to turn it off. Seems unnecessary to me. What does it do, anyone?

Hey Muzzy; I've done it with a buddy and at first it was hard for me to do it. I honestly did not want to plunge these gorgeous, freshly clipped colas into a three part cleansing process. After thinking about what we were doing - washing a plant that was freshly harvested that consists of potential unwanted bug body, fecal and or dwelling remains/dirt/plant foliar spray - there really wasn't too much risk involved. Yea; I don't want to wash off the trichomes.... but trichomes have a very low solubility in water so that wouldn't affect it.

I went for it and realized I may have been missing out on something beneficial for the end result for a while. The buds are noticeably plump and seem to crisp up - like washing a fresh head of romaine lettuce. The smell of the bud is incredibly fresh afterwards and seems to be more pure smelling if that makes sense. All in All; if you have the time, energy and materials - I think it does create a better end result. I don't know about you but sometimes it is nice to smoke a little bug shit on some top shelf 30% THC platinum girl scout cookies your buddy just harvested to be reminded of why you're just a little different than others and there is hope. I'm grateful for the one who created this process and pay respect to DocBud. :Namaste:

Thanks Chakita for having us and hope this helps others as well! Glad to see you are going for it!!!

Any course why this leaf is purple and yellow?

I'd say if on bottom branches it's just age of it's only on a few towards the bottom it's normal they die off sometimes.
How many leafs ?

Also 7weeks seems like just aging monitor closet if worsens let us know
Going on a strong guess from research and hearing others. At that stage 7 wk flower it's its characteristics coming out before it's rip days
After doing some research I decided I'm definitely going to wash my buds! Only for the fact that i didn't have a carbon filter for this grow. I'm thinking just straight ro water, maybe lemon juice

That's my plan as well, to wash, I've seen my leaves up no way I wouldn't wash them (though I will pick a branch or two on each my babies to 'not-wash' just as test), hairs, random dolomite flakes, random d-earth flakes etc, no way I want to smoke that if I can avoid it. Only question is which version\ and # of buckets will I'll use.
I'm not sure about the peroxide, I've seen some bad reviews on using it and it just doesn't seem right to me. I'll have to pass on that

I just use it nothing wrong but very light h202 added but it's cool it kills bacteria not prevent

Hey Muzzy; I've done it with a buddy and at first it was hard for me to do it. I honestly did not want to plunge these gorgeous, freshly clipped colas into a three part cleansing process. After thinking about what we were doing - washing a plant that was freshly harvested that consists of potential unwanted bug body, fecal and or dwelling remains/dirt/plant foliar spray - there really wasn't too much risk involved. Yea; I don't want to wash off the trichomes.... but trichomes have a very low solubility in water so that wouldn't affect it.

I went for it and realized I may have been missing out on something beneficial for the end result for a while. The buds are noticeably plump and seem to crisp up - like washing a fresh head of romaine lettuce. The smell of the bud is incredibly fresh afterwards and seems to be more pure smelling if that makes sense. All in All; if you have the time, energy and materials - I think it does create a better end result. I don't know about you but sometimes it is nice to smoke a little bug shit on some top shelf 30% THC platinum girl scout cookies your buddy just harvested to be reminded of why you're just a little different than others and there is hope. I'm grateful for the one who created this process and pay respect to DocBud. :Namaste:

Thanks Chakita for having us and hope this helps others as well! Glad to see you are going for it!!!
Thank you OregonFarmer! It's nice to hear that it worked well for you and your buddy, everyone I've talked that has washed their buds said it was well worth it ☺ if I had a carbon filter/air tight grow tent I might not bother with it, who knows
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